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Messages - woodstoves2

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From my wife's address book:  Stacy Phibault   of Milton    893-6225

My wife recently hooked up with one.  I'll pass the information along to you if I remember to ask her tomorrow after she gets up and at 'em (my wife, not the Avon Lady) --   

SP Live from Lincoln Center was on PBS last night.  I called my daughter, Liz, (in Brooklyn) to tell her it was on.
She was not quite eleven when she finished shooting 10 free throws in a row in the BFA parking lot and then  asked me if she could go to the FCTC auditions.  With the cast short of males, she wound up wearing a moustache and a sailor suit singing "There Ain't Nothing Like A Dame". Many years and shows later, I watched her play Lady MacBeth ("Out Damn Spot!") in Seattle's Shakespeare In The Park.
No more theater for her now. Instead she raises my first grandson and works as a school administrator. But I learned something with that phone call. It turns out my tough, Brooklyn-born, former long-shoreman son-in-law played Luther Billis in his high school production of South Pacific.  He also played in Oklahoma, as Liz did with the FCTC.  ....something in common. Sweet.

General Discussion / traffic counter on Maple St
« on: June 27, 2010, 09:02:07 PM »
When I first noticed the traffic counter set up by the power station near the covered bridge, it raised my curiosity.  I wondered how many vehicles do pass through there.  But, today I noticed a section of the cable had been shorn off. It might not be getting an accurate count now. Who should we notify?

General Discussion / Re: Town Meeting Day Proposal
« on: April 17, 2010, 09:43:45 PM »
The trend is away from physically meeting one another to virtual meetings on the web. There'd be an automatic and sizeable increase in participation by "younger" townspeople if they could "attend" town meeting on whichever communications device they happen to be plugged into. Town meeting could be conducted on-line at the town's website.   While it is sad to see fine old familiar social institutions fade (we'll miss the food), eventually they are replaced with new ones. No hurry, of course. It will come in its own time.  'Just sayin'...

I live across the street from where the old fire station stood. One below-zero January day (one of several in a row) I discovered about 2-feet of water in my 150 year old basement. Given that everything else in the state was frozen solid, I couldn't imagine how any liquid could get down there. Then I saw the source: an old open sewer pipe sticking through my foundation from the street. Still, I couldn't figure out how the water could be flowing so generously given the general deep freeze. It was too long ago for me to remember how I came to realize that the water was coming from across the street where the fire trucks were being washed. Some ice somewhere in the old sewer system was diverting the drainage into an old forgotten connection to my house. Steve and company were quick to come to my aid, setting up a pumping operation to get the water out while helping to seal the pipe closed with water-hardening cement. The oil-burning furnace survived (mostly), and while water still flows regularly into my basement, it never again arrived through that old drain pipe.
   I thought it unusual to have firemen sucking water out of a building rather than pouring it on, but Steve informed me that they had pumped out other basements before... but under quite different circumstances.     

General Discussion / Bridge by Foothills Bakery
« on: January 31, 2010, 01:54:50 PM »
What is the status of the new construction?

General Discussion / Re: Anyone know a good chimney sweep/repair person?
« on: January 27, 2010, 11:40:04 AM »
I second MR32's recommendation...ABC Chimney Sweep.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: The Fairfax Problem
« on: December 22, 2009, 12:07:46 PM »
It's old news. There are written accounts in the St Albans Messenger and Fairfax News, but I can't remember the dates. Maybe more than a year ago. I'm sure Chris Santee can fill you in.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: ACORN
« on: October 25, 2009, 08:08:20 PM »
While untold Billlions of taxpayer dollars go to Halliburton and other such "contractors" who leave a bloody trail of destruction, theft, rape, and waste in their wake...Senators look the other way. Ah, but if a handful minimum-wage minorities get out of line by offering bad advice or going overboard on voter "registration" (not "voting")...CUT 'EM OFF!       I swear most humans got their binoculars turned around backwards.

General Discussion / Re: Hiking Trails?
« on: October 25, 2009, 07:52:20 PM »
EAGLE MTN. - Milton, VT

Turn west on Lake Road from the Dam Store on Arrowhead Lake...continue on over the interstate overpass…pass Sanderson (on left), turn left onto Everest which makes a sharp right about ¼ mile, then go on to a 4-way intersection  and turn right on to Bedee Hill Rd. Then the first road on the left is Cold Spring (pvt). A quarter mile down that on the right is the parking area. This is a Land Trust conservation
area with marked trails and a nice lookout over Lake Champlain.
Another nearby easy hike is Niquette State Park off Route 2 on the way to the Sandbar.

Not everybody is a hunter, but we all eat.

Current News & Events / Street sign missing
« on: September 20, 2009, 04:38:48 PM »
The street sign at the corner of River Road and Shepherdson Hollow Road is missing from its pole.
Visitors looking for Shepherdson Hollow Road (without a gps unit) are bound to miss it.

General Discussion / Re: A Topic For Discussion
« on: August 31, 2009, 04:18:27 PM »
If there was a reliable, updated web spot people could check  periodically, I think over time people would respond. Lotsa retirees lookin' for somethin' meaningful to do. But, in addition to limited skill sets,
a big problem these days is "liability". When I was a boy, every swimming pool, pond and lake had a diving board. Lawyers put an end that.

Current News & Events / Re: Fairfax fireworks location?
« on: July 04, 2009, 10:57:39 PM »
I delayed my evening stroll around the village until 9:30. Sure enough, there were fireworks going off all around me. It was a different experience with sporadic booms and blooms both near and far...
from the cute pop and spray off a driveway to a roiling, generous storm of noise and light down by the river to the pulsing silent flashes on the horizon from Westford and Milton. At one point, eight to twelve nearby sites were going off all at once all around me. I walked up Huntsville Road in time to see a rich display coming off Smuggler's Notch. In between bursts, fireflies kept the fields sparkling. That's the best spot because it's high and offers a 240-degree view of the valley.
'Probably looks good from the homes way up on Buck Hollow Road, too.

Legal-shmegal, in 25 years I've never seen so many fireworks set off in Fairfax. Well, after all, it is about celebrating "Liberty"!  Thanks to all those scofflaws out there who put on such a great show. If anyone does get fined, shouldn't the money go to next year's town fireworks?( Not that we really need them.)

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