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Messages - Margie

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Current News & Events / Re: VTGrandpa may be a bit busy today :-)
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:32:54 AM »
When Maryanne was our Girl Scout leader, I remember seeing that large patch of garden.  It was about the same size as the garden my parents used to have at my house.  It was about half the backyard - looking at the space now, no wonder I hate weeding still to this day....  ;)

This is so sad.  She was such a lovely lady. 

That's awesome! 

Current News & Events / Re: Howard Morse Dies At Age 88
« on: July 09, 2014, 02:18:50 PM »
Howard's mother, Winnie, was my grandmother's sister.  My grandmother, Mae Cain, was my father's mother - and the mother of Margaret Webb. 

Current News & Events / Re: Resturant
« on: June 27, 2014, 09:13:11 AM »
Mirjo, there was a pizza place in Fairfax.  It was in the strip mall when the mall first opened.  They did a thriving business for a number of years. I don't think it closed due to bad business, rather that the owners moved out of town.

I have to say, the last couple of times I was at the new Pantry, I was happily surprised at the number of customers - and that I had to wait to be seated.  It had been a very long time since that had happened there.  With all the different things they did to bring people in, including karaoke, quiz night, and live music, I am really sad they have closed.  There has to more to the issues of the building.  And now with all the rumors of the building being torn down....

Current News & Events / Re: Ringing Bells
« on: May 05, 2014, 01:51:57 PM »
Are the churches in town going to ring bells at 4?  That would be awesome if they did!

Current News & Events / Be careful on rec path...
« on: April 20, 2014, 11:15:38 AM »
This morning at 10 am I was outside in my backyard with my little dog, Jose. While he was busy sniffing, I noticed what looked like a mound of debris down at the bottom of my lawn, as the sun was bright and I couldn't quite make it out. As Jose continued walking down the yard, I got closer and realized the mound was actually a cat-like animal. It was staring at Jose. I started yelling and hurried down toward Jose. The cat turned and just looked at me, and finally got up and took off, into the wetland area, along toward the football field.

It was a bobcat. At 10 am on a sunny warm Sunday morning. It was within about 35 yards of the rec path and there were people out walking at this time.

I know some people walk their dogs off leash down there, and want to warn everyone. I have no idea where it's living, but I now realize this is not the first time I was it in my yard. I saw it about a week ago around 6:15 in the morning, but thought it was a coon cat or something. It's more than a bit concerning. Poor Jose will now need to be on leash in his own yard even during the day...  :(

Current News & Events / Re: School Budget Voted Down By 1 Vote
« on: April 17, 2014, 09:17:59 AM »
Quick comment on the custodian statement earlier:  the custodial staff is very short-staffed.  Not only are they cleaning the school, but they are also setting up and tearing down for all school events.  Sometimes the "dirt pile" is there because they've been called away in the middle of one job to set up for some unannounced meeting in another part of the building.  They work extremely hard and have been underpaid compared to other schools. 

Please don't attack these people.  They genuinely care about the school and their jobs.  They get little credit for all they do.

Current News & Events / Re: The Lamoille River is rising
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:37:49 AM »
Henry, see Mike's photos on Facebook with Lamoille River flooding.  The rec path is underwater down below my house, as well.

« on: April 01, 2014, 11:53:12 AM »
May I just comment on the "three month vacation" comments?  If you have ever been a teacher, you would know that just because school ends at 2:45, that does not mean your work day has ended.  You have after school duties, chaperoning games and dances, and then correcting papers, tests, etc.  Summer "vacation" is usually spent in other classrooms, as teachers must maintain their certification which requires taking classes the rest of their careers.  Do they get more time off than many people?  Perhaps.  I cannot speak on the actual days.  But these people are not sitting back, eating bon bons for weeks on end.  They are working very hard to remain current and relevant in their area of teaching so they can teach your children.  Many schools are now requiring all new teachers to have a plan in place to acquire their Masters Degree in a set period of time.  If you aren't clear on what the life of a teach is like, I'm sure any one of them would be happy to talk to you about it. 

Teaching is not an easy job.  And it certainly doesn't help to be undermined by comments and beliefs that you don't work very hard. 

End of rant.

« on: March 30, 2014, 09:08:10 PM »
As a music and drama kid, and a former music teacher, I can tell you that cuts were ALWAYS made in the arts in the past.  And the issue is the kids who are in music and art are generally not in other things.  When cuts happen, those kids are punished far more than the kids who might be slightly inconvenienced by Freshman basketball being cut back.  There seems to be every sport for each and every grade now.  If cuts need to be in what is offered to students, it makes sense to me to find certain areas of the very large sports program to consolidate.  

That being said - I'd prefer there to be no cuts in what we offer our students. I realize people want cuts, and everyone would prefer something different.  I just hope everyone can work together to do what is best for the students and still keep our school as productive and high quality as possible.

My father worked for the town for almost 20 years and was road foreman for quite a few before he died.  He plowed Wagner Road/ Wagner Hill and it was one of the few roads that made him nervous.  He always knew that one slight oversteer and he would be off the road.  I remember hearing him on the scanner...he would always open his mike to the other guys just in case he had an accident. 

I'm so glad the driver wasn't injured.  As Dave said, these things happen.  Sounds like the truck will be okay, too. 

Current News & Events / Re: The White House & Habitat for Humanity
« on: March 08, 2014, 08:16:00 PM »
It's no closer to the school than the Victorian on the other side.  I think there should be a way for that to become a residence without it being an issue to the school. 

I spent a great deal of time in the house over the years that different principals lived there - and memories of the local ladies cleaning and painting each time a new principal moved it.  I hate to imagine this house being torn down because it is "inconvenient".  We've become such a throw away society....

Current News & Events / Re: Steve Bessette's Temporary Address
« on: March 02, 2014, 08:08:44 PM »
Thank you for the address, Henry.  Hopefully he will get lots of cards!

Current News & Events / Re: Art Webb 70yr member of Lamoille Lodge #6 F&AM
« on: December 12, 2013, 09:59:20 PM »
This is awesome!  Congratulations Uncle Art!

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