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Topics - Margie

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Current News & Events / Be careful on rec path...
« on: April 20, 2014, 11:15:38 AM »
This morning at 10 am I was outside in my backyard with my little dog, Jose. While he was busy sniffing, I noticed what looked like a mound of debris down at the bottom of my lawn, as the sun was bright and I couldn't quite make it out. As Jose continued walking down the yard, I got closer and realized the mound was actually a cat-like animal. It was staring at Jose. I started yelling and hurried down toward Jose. The cat turned and just looked at me, and finally got up and took off, into the wetland area, along toward the football field.

It was a bobcat. At 10 am on a sunny warm Sunday morning. It was within about 35 yards of the rec path and there were people out walking at this time.

I know some people walk their dogs off leash down there, and want to warn everyone. I have no idea where it's living, but I now realize this is not the first time I was it in my yard. I saw it about a week ago around 6:15 in the morning, but thought it was a coon cat or something. It's more than a bit concerning. Poor Jose will now need to be on leash in his own yard even during the day...  :(

Current News & Events / Route 128
« on: September 08, 2013, 01:03:38 PM »
Does anyone know when Route 128 will be drivable again? 


Reprise! 20th Anniversary Gala
July 20-23
In the Middle School Gym at BFA-Fairfax
Curtain at 7:30 pm
Tickets are $10 adults/$8 children under 13 and senior citizens

2011 marks the 20th anniversary of the Fairfax Community Theatre Company. The 51st production is a look back on the history of the company, a chance to revisit some of the wonderful songs performed over the years:  The show will include songs from every musical produced by the FCTC, some performed by the original cast member. There will also be photo montages from past non-musical plays. There is a full chorus of FCTC members for some rip-roaring production numbers.
For more information, contact Margie Cain, director, at 849-6638 or email info@fctcvt.org
The cast includes: Alice Wright, Amanda Graves, Bob Martin, CJ Holcomb, Jerry Starks, Kim Ward, Lisa Steele, Margie Cain, Mary Taylor, Meg Willey Cossaboom, Nancy Benoit, Nikki Juvan, Paul Lavallee, Peggy Bonesteel, Peggy Bushey, Peter Harrington, Ron Caldwell, San Harrington, Terri Kneen, Tim Stetson, Rosie Newton, Jen Martin, Candice Bryan Broe, and Ian Ogelby.
Please join us as we celebrate 20 years of theater and community.
On April 15, 1991 a group of community members, some with theater experience and many with simply a desire to try, met to discuss the idea of starting a local theatre group. By the end of the meeting, a production crew had volunteered, a show picked, audition and show dates decided. In August of that year, “South Pacific” was presented…and The Fairfax Community Theatre Company (FCTC) was born. Since then, the company has presented up to 4 shows a year for a total of 50 productions – including such shows as “Annie,” “1776,” “The Importance of Being Earnest,” “Harvey,” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

Current News & Events / Roadside "trash" mixed with the foliage
« on: October 11, 2010, 10:05:15 AM »
This weekend I had friends come up from New York City.  On Saturday I took them for a drive on Route 15 from Winooski thru to Cambridge and then over to Jeffersonville.  As we were driving, I was noticing some very lovely colors, some not so good color, and...well, for want of a better word "trash".  All along any green space were HUGE political signs.  One of the worst offending spots was on Route 289...up against the ledges and mixed into the sumac was a giant Dubie for Governor sign.  Then in various spaces, every 20 to 30 feet were the regular sized lawn signs for both Dubie and Scott.  From what I could tell, these were not on anyone's actual lawn, but rights of way along the highway.  I'm sure Mr. Shumlin has plenty of signs out, but the worst offenders along this route were Mr. Dubie and Mr. Scott.

My friends were quite quick to notice all this stuff.  They found it so odd that a place with no billboards would allow such things. 

I understand that you want to get your name out.  I have no problem with people who want to cover their lawns with political signs.  That is their choice.  I do take issue with all these signs cluttering up our roadsides.  I went to look at the beauty our state has to offer, not trash.  Not to mention the amount of money that is spent on these things.  Why signs EVERY 30 feet? 

I just hope the tourists were able to get photos of the foliage without any of those signs ruining their shots.  AND...I hope all of them will be picked up the day after the election.  I'm pretty sure it will be a full time job for a few days to get all that trash picked up...

Current News & Events / FCTC's summer musical is this weekend
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:57:46 AM »
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to direct you to the Upcoming Events section - there are photos and all the info about Fairfax Community Theatre Co.' s summer production that is opening tonight in St. Albans.  We are presenting "Narnia, the Musical" - based on CS Lewis's "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe".  We had 4 shows last weekend in Burlington and now are doing 4 shows at the 1st Congregational Church in St. Albans.  I realize it seems strange that we are not performing in Fairfax this summer.  There were some issues with being able to be in the school so we are doing the best we can to find other space to perform.

There are lots of local people involved in the show:  I, Margie Cain, am playing the White Witch, Kathy and Harrison King of Fletcher are in the chorus, Sheilagh Smith of Fairfax is playing the White Stag, Alisa Smith of Fairfax is in the chorus, Brenda Smith is one of our costumers, and lots of other FCTC regulars in many of the lead roles.  We have 4 new young actors playing the roles of the Pevency children.

I hope you will be able to come out and support us this weekend.  We are in our 19th year, and this is our 50th production!!  We do theatre because we love it, but without an audience to enjoy it, there is no point.

Thanks for all the support over the past 19 years, and I hope to see lots of you there this weekend!

Current News & Events / Maple Street/Hunt Street intersection
« on: June 09, 2010, 08:02:19 AM »
I wanted to make a little plea to everyone using the detour from Main Street, down Maple Street, and connecting to Hunt Street:  There are lots of school kids still walking to school, and lots of neighbors out walking their dogs.   The streets are not as wide as Main Street and not intended for people to be driving 35-40 miles an hour on.  And the intersection of Maple & Hunt is rather blind with people turning in 4 directions.

This morning I was coming off my street - Cain Street - which is also right at the intersection.  I looked down the hill and saw a car just starting thru the covered bridge.  Since there was no other traffic coming, I started to pull out.  However, the car down the hill  was driving so fast, she almost hit the front end of my car.  Thankfully I realized how fast she was driving and stopped.  By the time she was at the intersection, there was a car coming down the hill from Hunt Street and taking the corner down Maple.  He took the corner so narrowly, and fast, he almost hit her car.

This is only day 3 of the detour.  Please be especially cautious at the intersection and watch your speed.  Thank you!

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Mike's on the Wii!
« on: February 25, 2009, 09:55:20 PM »
Well,this is different.
We can access the internet using the Wii. I logged thru Margie because I didn't get a new password yet from Henry.
Very strange. I can feel myself getting carpal tunnel because you have to use the controller and point to all the letters on the keyboard on the screen.
All I can say is "Life without a computer and the internet sucks!".
But at least I can check out a few of my favorite sites.


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