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Messages - cedarman

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 25
Political Issues/Comments / Re: money money
« on: December 04, 2012, 08:49:35 AM »
a lot of renters are long term residents in the towns in which they live.  Their rent pays for the property in which they live.  For MOST, an increase in taxes and other legislative expenses result in increases in the rent they pay.

Ed, I don't understand your rationale for saying they shouldn't be able to vote on local matters.  MAYBE if you lived in a college town were there are a lot of temporary renters, I could understand y u would feel that way, but for more rural areas away from colleges, there are far more long term renters than short term ones who move town to town frequently

General Discussion / Re: Pre-K Education
« on: November 15, 2012, 12:22:36 PM »
i've heard good things about Going Places, but I think I need to look more in St. Albans.  I work in Rouses Point, NY, so with travel time, almost any delay on my trip home would make me late for pick-up  :(  I appreciate the suggestions.

Has anyone had experience with Blooming Minds or Little Einsteins in St. Albans?

I wonder how many school officials across northern VT and NY felt foolish for canceling school before any bad weather even showed up!!  It seems to me, it would have made a lot more sense to cancel the morning of the 30th IF the storm showed.    Same with the schools that closed early on the 29th with partially cloudy skies and a slight breeze.

Why has our society become SO afraid of a little risk.  Maybe that is part of the reason we are falling behind other countries in the education (and other) realms.

Current News & Events / Re: Join This Group Tonight Or Halloween Night
« on: October 29, 2012, 02:04:41 PM »
For participants or people who have gone through it, How scary was this haunted house?  Too scary for kids?

General Discussion / Pre-K Education
« on: October 22, 2012, 01:31:13 PM »
I am looking at what Pre-K education options are available in the Fairfax, Georgia, St. Albans area for 4 yr olds (Private school options, peoples recommendations??)

Political Issues/Comments / Garden Waste Disposal
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:50:03 AM »
As a result of Vermont's new mandatory recycling/composting rules, Garden waste that could once be bagged and landfilled for PROPER disposal (as recommended for COMMON plant problems like Tomato plants with Blight, or squash plants with Powdery Mildew Disease), can no longer be landfilled (or, can't be landfilled in future years when the policy is fully enforced.

Can our local representatives provide some information on the proper disposal of garden plants impacted with a variety of natural pathogens?   I don't use ANY chemicals in my garden (which is kind of the point of growing my own).  Composting these impacted plants aids in the spread of the diseases in future years.  Most horticultural recommendations advise against burning of impacted plants because many of the spores are not killed, but are merely pushed into the atmospere and spread by the wind when burned.

Are there any resources in the state agriculture department that can provide some solid evidence based recommendations for proper disposal. 

Political Issues/Comments / Re: CVPS?Green Mountain Power (Not American)
« on: September 10, 2012, 03:07:15 PM »
I heard from a friend who works in information security for DHS that all of our computer systems services for border and immigration work i now provided by a British based company (mostly American workers - but still a foreign owned company - just like ALL major formerly "American" beers)

Current News & Events / Re: Vermont Strawberry Season 2012 Is Here
« on: June 04, 2012, 02:39:10 PM »
my daughter was VERY happy to find the first red strawberry in our little patch yesterday.

General Discussion / Wanted: Harrowing
« on: April 19, 2012, 09:30:17 AM »
I am looking for someone with time to disc harrow an acre or two.  The area is fairly dry, but there are a couple rough spots from tire ruts, so the first pass would be a bit slow.  I know it's a busy time of the year for those with the equipment to do this.  I would like to get it done by mid to late May, and I WILL PAY FOR YOUR TIME/EQUIPMENT. I am considering planting some sweet corn, so someone with a corn planter to do both would be great.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: the reaper is back
« on: April 13, 2012, 01:51:05 PM »
"That's the problem with lawmakers, they suddenly feel empowered to delve into issues they should not be involved in"

At all levels,   Like the US Congress investigating breeding or drug use in horse racing, or steroid use in baseball, or any number of other trivial issues (with respect to what they SHOULD be addressing).  What a ridiculous waste of OUR time and money.

Current News & Events / Re: VT Increase in Traffic Fatalities
« on: April 13, 2012, 01:36:48 PM »
interesting how the enhanced enforcement activities concentrated on 89 and 91 but there have not been any fatalities on interstate highways from the information previously provided.
I also wonder what the rationale is behind concentrating on "border areas in Franklin, Grand Isle and Orleans counties."  and on international traffic since two of those 3  counties don't have any reports of traffic fatalities in this set of statistics.   Is there a large presence of "international" individuals in the 22 deaths reported?

Something does not add up in this story, or I am missing something.

The Conspiracy Theorist in me thinks there is some other reason behind the increased police patrols in border areas and corridors with high volume and concentrations of "international traffic."

Political Issues/Comments / Re: hearing on Death with Dignity, S.103
« on: March 20, 2012, 08:40:01 AM »
Yes Mirjo, we are not all of the same mindset which is why these discussions take place.  I haven't gone to an organized religious service in a long time, but I do believe in a benevolent God.   I just see a sense of hypocrisy in many of the stances Christian based religious organizations/individuals support, especially with respect to taking away an individuals choice.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: hearing on Death with Dignity, S.103
« on: March 19, 2012, 02:02:51 PM »
I find it interesting how God gives us the freedom to choose our own paths (even if they might not be the "right" thing) but religious organizations always seem to support movements to REMOVE choice.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: hearing on Death with Dignity, S.103
« on: March 19, 2012, 01:59:32 PM »
"we know what's best for you"  -  arrogance at it's finest.

"Do No Harm"?   Really?   What "Harm" are doctors commiting to NOT do?  Physical harm, Psychological harm?  What about the doctors who DO harm in the name of science and advancing medical treatments, or situations where the treatment sometimes causes more pain and harm then the condition?  Yes, that is a slightly cynical (but also real) point of view.  It happens daily. 

How about Financial Harm?  Some people who have worked hard and saved for a life time to have something to leave behind for their children see that life time of work evaporate in escalating medical bills.  In some cases, from treatments they wouldn't pursue IF they had the ability to "Die with Dignity".

Yes, people have the choice to end their own lives. Some decide to do so while they are still capable of doing it alone.  Some may reach that point only after they cannot do anything for themselves and need assisstance.  By leaving things as they currently are, you are turning loving, caring family members who choose to help a diing family member leave on their own terms into a murderer.

Sometimes, those who decide to do it alone end up doing it in a way that is tramatizing to their entire family (I used to work with a guy who's father shot himself because his Parkinson's was advancing and he has first hand experience with that long term result and the cost).  THAT method of ending his life was far more tramatic to my former co-worker then IF his father could have had an open and honest discussion with his family about the choice he had made and was able to do it in a “cleaner” way that he felt comfortable with.

We are not talking about allowing doctors to kill people. We are talking about giving people an option to exit this world in a way that can be less painful and planned (and therefore easier on their families in MANY ways).  Is allowing doctors to drug people into a commatose state hooked up to machines for the sake of saying we are keeping them alive really a better option?  Does that really embody the principle of “Do No Harm”?

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