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Topics - cedarman

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Pre-K Education
« on: October 22, 2012, 01:31:13 PM »
I am looking at what Pre-K education options are available in the Fairfax, Georgia, St. Albans area for 4 yr olds (Private school options, peoples recommendations??)

Political Issues/Comments / Garden Waste Disposal
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:50:03 AM »
As a result of Vermont's new mandatory recycling/composting rules, Garden waste that could once be bagged and landfilled for PROPER disposal (as recommended for COMMON plant problems like Tomato plants with Blight, or squash plants with Powdery Mildew Disease), can no longer be landfilled (or, can't be landfilled in future years when the policy is fully enforced.

Can our local representatives provide some information on the proper disposal of garden plants impacted with a variety of natural pathogens?   I don't use ANY chemicals in my garden (which is kind of the point of growing my own).  Composting these impacted plants aids in the spread of the diseases in future years.  Most horticultural recommendations advise against burning of impacted plants because many of the spores are not killed, but are merely pushed into the atmospere and spread by the wind when burned.

Are there any resources in the state agriculture department that can provide some solid evidence based recommendations for proper disposal. 

General Discussion / Wanted: Harrowing
« on: April 19, 2012, 09:30:17 AM »
I am looking for someone with time to disc harrow an acre or two.  The area is fairly dry, but there are a couple rough spots from tire ruts, so the first pass would be a bit slow.  I know it's a busy time of the year for those with the equipment to do this.  I would like to get it done by mid to late May, and I WILL PAY FOR YOUR TIME/EQUIPMENT. I am considering planting some sweet corn, so someone with a corn planter to do both would be great.

I heard about two new bills being considered in the VT state legislature:

One, was to require foods containing ingredients using "genetically modified" ingredients to have a label on the package.  The labeling would be the responsibility of the manufacturer.  The sponsor of this bill fully expects the bill will be challenged in court.

I have no problem with out legislature passing controversial bills that "might" be challenged in court, as long as the bill is not in violation of the US Constitution.   By mandating the manufacturer/grower of the food is responsible for the labeling (even if the manufacturer is out of state) appears to put this bill in direct conflict with the US Constitution Interstate Commerce clause.  The federal government is given the authority to regulate interstate commerce under the Constitution, that is clear.  By passing a bill/law in VT that appears to be against the US Constitution, and knowing it WILL be challenged in court, the legislators who support this bill are wasting OUR resources now in debating the bill, and IF it passes, more of OUR resources will be wasted, both in terms of $$ to defend the law, and in court room time that could be used to settle other matters.  I am not a legal expert, and I have no vested interest in the outcome of this bill (I do not work in an industry that would be impacted), but it just sounds like a waste of time and resources.  Maybe our state legislators should be pushing our US Congressional Representatives to address this issue at the Federal level where it is supposed to be handled.

The second bill was mandatory recycling, including recycling of food waste.  Hopefully the sanitation businesses have a plan in place for this, or the state has a plan in place for HOW people in dense population areas can compost food waste.  I am also interested in Why the state didn't implement a container redemption policy similar to NY's where water bottles and other containers would be subject to a deposit to encourage more recylcing?

Announcements / Quality Angus Beef for Sale
« on: November 04, 2011, 07:25:45 AM »
I have a Red Angus steer for sale. Approx. 17 mo. old.  Pasture raised here in Fairfax.  Has not been treated with drugs, hormones, or antibiotics. $1000 for entire animal, or $2.50/lb hanging weight if interested in 1/2.  I expect this beefer will be well over 400 lbs hanging.   

Message me here, or call 518-420-7413.

General Discussion / Seeking contact information for Marcel
« on: October 14, 2011, 12:11:26 PM »
I am looking for a mailing address or a phone number where I can reach Marcel Charbonneau.  If anyone knows some contact information for him, please send me a message.   I'm trying to reach him about his house on 104.  The phone number which is commonly found online when searching his name doesn't work.

A neighbor

Current News & Events / How to handle and observed situation?
« on: June 07, 2011, 01:19:18 PM »
I'm interested in how people (especially law enforcement experienced people) think the following situation would best be handled?

I stopped to a  store (here in Fairfax) last night about 9:30.  When I came out, there was a car parked between me and the south end of the store with 2 individuals inside. A third, maybe in his early 20's, had just gotten out and was walking toward the entrance.  He walked past the entrance around the north end of the store.  As my brother-in-law and I were slowly (very slowly) driving north in the parking lot, we observed the "passenger" approach a two door red car (with at least a driver and 1 passenger), stand there for about 5 seconds and then turned and walked away.

I considered pulling up behind the car, record a plate # and then drive off, but gave consideration to the near fatal (potentially drug related) beating in fairfax last year, and decided I was better off just going home.

Should I have stopped in the parking lot and immediately called 911?  Would it have made a difference?

I plan to visit the store owner tonight to inform him of what I saw and recommend he might want to install some extra lighting  and maybe camera's in his parking lot.

Just wondering what other people think should have / could have been done?

General Discussion / Food Venture Building Future
« on: April 20, 2011, 11:47:50 AM »
I heard the old Food Venture Building recently sold.

Has anyone heard what Mr. Handy plans on doing with the place?

General Discussion / Seeking Work site background information
« on: April 01, 2011, 12:20:40 PM »
Does anyone on here know someone who works at Autumn Harp in Essex Junction?  I'm interested in a job they have there and would like to know more about the work environment/attitudes, etc.

Announcements / Seeking Local Tax Preparer
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:47:33 AM »
I'm looking for a local tax preparer.  Does anyone have suggestions?

Political Issues/Comments / Maple sap Pails Being Outlawed??
« on: March 01, 2011, 10:15:52 PM »
I recently heard our legislators are considering a law that would ban the use of metal collection pails for anyone making maple syrup for sale.

Does anyone know if this is true?

If it is true, is this legislation based on data of pails causing a problem?

General Discussion / DRB Meeting
« on: January 06, 2011, 10:25:13 AM »
Is there a set schedule for the Development Review Board meetings?  I've looked at the dates for previous meetings, and they are on Wednesdays, but there doesn't seem to be an kind of set schedule.

Can someone tell me when the next meeting is?  The December Select board minutes indicate there has been no interest in the open DRB position. I am interested in applying, but would like to sit in on a meeting or two first.

Current News & Events / Local Gift Tree??
« on: November 30, 2010, 02:05:49 PM »
Is there a local gift tree, or organization distributing gifts to children of financially strained families here in Fairfax?

I thought before I commit to another ornament from the tree here where I work, it would be nice to help make Christmas a little happier for a child or two in need where I live.

Announcements / For Sale: Grand Marquis - $1800 obo
« on: November 07, 2010, 08:14:02 PM »
Purchased in Tennessee in 2007.  Only used for 2 winters here in VT.  No body rust and interior is in very good condition.
Has high mileage, but runs good and motor is very clean for year and mileage.

Battery was new before it was parked in Dec. 2009.
New starter just installed.

Cell (518) 420-7413.   Will be across from camp ground on 104 the week of 08 Nov.

Current News & Events / Home for Christmas
« on: November 04, 2010, 08:05:06 AM »
Haven't seen it on Burlington Free Press, but NPR reported this morning that MOST VT National Guard soldiers are expected to be home in time for Christmas!!!!!

It will be a truely wonderful Christmas this year for most guard families.

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