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Messages - mmatthews

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Wednesday,  February 17th
BFA Fairfax - High School Main Lobby

Please come register your child/ren for the 2016 little league season.  We have been working hard on planning 2016 for FFWLL and we are looking forward to a great season!

Registrations can also be sent in by mail to:
PO Box 51
Fairfax, VT 05454

Extra registration forms can be downloaded from our website, just click on the registration link on the home page. 
Any questions, please contact Amy at 802-324-2998 or

Current News & Events / Re: parade,etc.
« on: July 08, 2015, 03:31:48 PM »
@FletcherGram please cite the statute that pertains to candy throwing during parades to support your claim.  I have done a google search and come up with nothing and I also searched on http://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/search and have again come up with nothing.  I also know that there was a VT state trooper in the parade (on duty) as well as a Franklin County Sherriff at the end of the parade that would have cited the parks and rec department for throwing candy if it were illegal.  I am not arguing that throwing candy can create a safety concern especially with small children, but that is why the parade travels at very low speeds and the parents need to closely monitor their children so as to prevent a tragedy.

General Discussion / Re: fav.green mnt.coffee flavor?
« on: April 01, 2014, 09:36:25 AM »
mmm blueberry, pumpkin spice or hazelnut

« on: March 19, 2014, 09:47:52 AM »
I am a federal employee and we just got our first pay increase in two years and it was only 1% to make up for cost of living after a two year freeze.  I am a big believer in making cuts and freezes from the top down, not in programs for the students... meaning we should start with leadership like the principals and work down.  This could very well mean re-negotiating with the union.   When reading the remarks on the other thread by Rachael Levau it did feel like they (the school board) is almost threatening us (the voters) that if this budget doesnt pass the kids will pay... this may not be how she meant it but i find this unacceptable.  I also found it funny where she said often these teachers are your neigbors and refusing them a raise is like telling your neighbor sorry you cant have more money....well i wouldnt mind going to said neighbor and saying I'm sorry, I just recieved the first pay increase in three years and it was only 1%, do you think you can lay off a little so we can afford to pay you?  I admire and cherish our teachers but I think in some instances we need to take in account the economic situation of the community and be reasonable.  That said, I'm hoping I can make it to the next meeting before the vote and hope a lot of the townspeople can go so the school board can hear from the voters the reasons they voted no.  Hopefully they can take the feedback into account and fix the issues so the budget can pass.   

Announcements / Welcome Jacob Marshall Russell
« on: March 18, 2014, 09:43:31 AM »
Congrats to Trevor Russell and Michelle Dubuque of Fairfax on the recent arrival of their healthy and handsome baby boy Jacob born Sunday at 1:52am at FAHC.

I wish there was a like button on here.  Get well soon Steve!

It shouldnt matter how many miles the road crew has to take care of.  i'm not knocking anyone here but road clearing is a safety issue.  If we are unable to keep up with the demands with one truck than we need to ok a second truck or third or so on to make sure roads are safe.  I personally havent had much of an issue but i live right in town.  I feel for the folks outside of town and also our emergency responders such as yourself who when called have to go no matter what the conditions are...

Current News & Events / Re: Trash Savings Estimate 2014
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:55:59 PM »
I'm glad you are thankful for them coming to get our trash on cold days.  A little gratitude will go a long way in any situation, however I think you are missing Nick's point.  I'm sure in your sisters case there is a clause in their contract that says if the temperatures fall below a certain level they will not pick up the trash so that is acceptable.  In our case it appears as though that was not a part of the contract.  The point that Nick was trying to make is that with any company that you sign a contract with, you expect them to fullfill the terms of the contract just as they expect to recieve payment for services.  No one said they had to work from 6am to 6pm.  I am wondering why this is occuring when Cassella's was able to complete their obligations quickly with minimal error.  I know that they are new to this contract, and errors will be made.  I am grateful that this transition is occuring during the cold months so that hopefully they can get all the issues worked out before warmer temperatures come bringing hungry critters looking for snacks.  While I enjoy saving money just as much as the next person, rest assured that the first time my trash is torn apart on my front lawn I will be sitting in on the next selectboard meeting as well as calling Duffy's to voice my displeasure.  I am hoping that the selectboard and Duffy's will work together and troubleshoot issues so that this can all be taken care of before that happens. 

General Discussion / Volunteers wanted at new VA Clinic
« on: October 25, 2013, 11:03:25 AM »
Just wanted to put a note out there that the local Veterans Clinic that was in Colchester has now moved to 128 Lakeside Ave in Burlington in the old GE building and we are currently looking for volunteers in short shifts to come down and help escort patients from their cars to the new clinic on the second floor.  There is an elevator but due to the large size of the building it can be a bit of a hike and with the newness of it, we have a lot of people getting lost so volunteers are needed.  We are looking for people in good enough physical shape to do a lot of walking and pushing, but nothing too strenous.  This would be a great opportunaty to help your local vets!  If you are interested please direct message me and I can forward your name and phone number to our volunteer coordinator. 

is there someone I can contact for the U8 group?

Is registration still open?  What age groups are included in this league?

Fairfax parks and rec is set up down at steeple market selling tickets for the circus that is coming to town this Monday July 22nd.  There are two shows one at 530 and the second at 730.  Tickets are $ 12 in advance for adults age 14 and up and you get 2 free kids tickets with each adult ticket.  Come on down, we will be here until 7 tonight. 

If this is as big of a deal to the parents, students, and tax payers of Fairfax as it sounds according to the posts on here and the news article, I sincerely hope that people use this forum as a way to gather and organize instead of complain but take no action.  If people are sincerely upset and feel wronged I know it takes courage and daring to stick your neck out but maybe banding together and presenting a united front at the next school board meeting, or coming up with another tactic to incite change or at least garner an explanation.  Don't let the administration make all of you feel powerless. 

General Discussion / loam, compost, mulch
« on: April 22, 2013, 10:17:30 AM »
Hello, so we are relatively new to town and i'm looking to get a load of loam, compost and mulch delivered to my house.  Any leads on places that are local or would have the best price when including delivery fees?

Political Issues/Comments / I endorse Nick Hibbard
« on: February 22, 2013, 07:25:40 AM »
I know I'm slightly biased (since I'm engaged to him) but I feel like I should throw in my two cents.  I think Nick would be great in this position for many reasons.  First, he has a sound education graduating from Champlain College with a BA in accounting.  After college he went to work for the Burlington Housing Authority where he has quietly worked up the ranks.  He is currently responsible for his duties as a staff accountant and also handles all of the computers, software, website, printers, faxes, and phones and their maintenance.  He has an interest in town management and even watches the public access channel when they show other municipal meetings for fun ( I know, boring right?).  Since we have moved here from Essex in May he has religiously gone to almost every town meeting in Fairfax.

 If he were elected he would bring to the table many things. Since he has been going to the town meetings, the other selectman have gotten to know him and he has even started working with Dave Shea on special projects like the town website.  Also, due to his presence at town meetings he already has a very sound grasp on the current issues and lots of ideas on ways to combat these issues.  He would bring his strong knowledge of accounting which, according to last years town audit, is sorely needed.  He would also bring his sound grasp of technology and how that can help propel Fairfax into the 21st century.  Lastly, with his knowledge of how other towns deal with issues, he is not afraid to think outside the box and make some of those ideas work for us.

In closing this is not some sort of popularity contest, and Nick is not some out of towner that doesn't have a clue about the issues.  He is someone who is genuinely interested in this Town and its future and has already set up a solid track record of this with his attendance and willingness to get involved.  We own a home here, our child goes to school here (and the other one will too in a couple years- she's three) so we have a vested interest in this Town and its future.

Thanks for reading :)

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