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Topics - GamingWeasel

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / tankless water heater
« on: November 13, 2017, 05:03:53 PM »
Anyone have recommendations for a company for installation of a tankless water heater?

General Discussion / Covered bridge closed
« on: April 18, 2016, 04:39:10 PM »
Anyone know why the covered bridge is closed?

Current News & Events / Accident on 128
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:37:06 PM »
I was going down 128 about 4:30PM on Friday, and passed what looked to be a very serious accident. A few emergency personnel were on the scene, and more were arriving as I continued down the road. One car was completely off the road and looked severely damaged, as if it had pulled out in front of a fast-moving vehicle and was broad-sided, and knocked off the road. Anybody have more info on this?

Announcements / hay needed
« on: November 21, 2013, 10:02:45 AM »
I could use 2 or 3 bales of hay.  Preferably some that hasnt had pesticides, herbicides, etc, used on it.  Give me a call at 370-6696 if you have some available.


General Discussion / Marvin's Gardens
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:39:08 AM »
Does anyone know if it is going to be open this year?  The last couple years I've sold some of the surplus from my garden to them.

Lost & Found Animals / found cat
« on: June 19, 2012, 07:53:10 AM »
We have had a visitor at our house by the covered bridge the last couple days:

We have a cat door, so our cats come and go as they please, and sometimes other cats will come in too.  But this little guy seems like he has decided to stay.  He definitely is not a wild cat, as he's neutered, in excellent condition, has his claws clipped/filed, and is definitely used to people.  The first night he was in our house he even jumped into bed and was laying on top of us.  He is a very vocal and active cat, loves to be petted, and will sometimes come when called.  He is lanky, muscular, and lean, with a pointy face.

We thought he would leave on his own, if he belongs to someone, but he hasnt shown any sign of wanting to.

Does anyone know who he might belong to?

Announcements / missing cat
« on: April 23, 2012, 08:26:07 AM »
Our cat Supreme is missing.  If you have seen him, please reply here, or contact us ASAP at 849-2695 or mkbeyna@yahoo.com

He will not usually approach people he doesnt know.  We live on Maple Street.

General Discussion / contractor?
« on: September 28, 2011, 08:03:29 AM »
We are looking for a contractor to put some siding on one section of our house.  This is a smaller job, with about 170 square feet of coverage to be done.  Does anybody have any recommendations?

Reviews / movie: Drive
« on: September 20, 2011, 10:01:14 AM »
Very very boring.  I think they tried to make an artistic action film, but it just turned out being super-slow and dull.  With little to no character development, we didnt care about any of the characters.  Dialogue was so sparse that the main character played by Ryan Gosling only said more than a dozen words at a time twice (I started counting to amuse myself).  Not even a good movie for car-chases, surprisingly.

Announcements / primed spruce siding for sale
« on: September 20, 2011, 09:04:42 AM »
We have about 75 pieces of 16-foot long, 6-inch wide primed-spruce siding in our barn that was left behind by the previous owners.  There are a handful of shorter pieces as well.  They are covered with tarps so should be good as new.  We are getting fiber-cement siding, so we dont need it.  We're asking $525 (or best offer) for all of it which is about 75% of the going rate.  Buyer would need to transport the material.

Also willing to sell smaller portions if that's all someone wants.  Would like to get rid of this soon, as our fiber-cement siding should be arriving within a week.

Reply here, email me at mkbeyna@yahoo.com, or call us at 849-2695.

Announcements / Found: dead cat
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:13:35 PM »
I found a dead neutered male tiger-striped cat on the upper floor of our barn today at 22 Maple St.  It looks like he had been there for a while at least, but with the cold weather, it's hard to say how long.  Anyone missing their cat is welcome to send me a message.

Announcements / Poplar trees or cuttings wanted
« on: July 07, 2010, 08:09:01 AM »
We are looking for poplar trees, seedlings, cuttings, or shoots to root and/or transplant to our yard at 22 Maple St, so we can have a screen of trees between us and the Steeple Market.  Poplars seem ideal, but other fast-growing and large tree species would be good too.  Anyone have any un-wanted seedlings in their yard that they would like to get rid of?  The trees should be of a size that can be dug-up by hand, because I only have basic yard equipment, so probably no more than 3-5' tall.  Or cuttings of new growth would probably work too.


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