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: News from Montpelier 2018 week 14  ( 2133 )
Sr. Member
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« : April 13, 2018, 12:55:55 PM »

The season of Conference Committees has begun. H. 562, an act relating to parentage proceedings was recommended to be moved to committee of conference rather than accept the Senate proposal of amendment. One of the Senate proposals of amendment echoed one that failed in the House on a roll call vote of 70 to 74. The language would guarantee that any genetic sample taken pursuant to this section of law would be destroyed after final determination of the case.

 S.29, an act relating to decedents’ estates was presented with amendments by House Judiciary. The bill updates probate law from outdated language regarding gender but also makes some substantive changes including reducing from three to one year the time frame for filing creditor’s claims against the estate.  S. 101, an act relating to the conduct of forestry operation passed on a roll call vote of 127 to 4. The bill is similar to “right to farm” language in statute and protects forestry operations from nuisance lawsuits.

The Transportation committee has spent the week working on amending S. 272, an act relating to miscellaneous changes to laws related to motor vehicles or in brief the DMV bill. Substantial testimony and debate surrounded the language that supported the changes being made to the Vehicle Inspection Manual. DMV has spent the last six months compiling a major overhaul with the input of many stakeholders and has now begun the process to formally change the rules. The check engine light is a component that is required for air quality and is under EPA oversight. Staff from the Department of Environmental Conservation presented concerns for the conditional passes that are being granted and shared information on assistance that can be granted for the required repairs as well as Federal conditional pass opportunities.

HR 23 a resolution that addresses video game violence was passed on a vote of 107 to 12.
It makes a request to the Executive Branch to examine the connection between the exposure to excessive media and video game violence and the propensity to engage in gun violence and to consider submitting a legislative proposal on restricting the sale of violent video games to persons below a designated age. This request ties in with the Violence Protection Task Force the Governor spoke to creating by Executive Order in his speech at the signing of the three gun bills Wednesday.

People continue to contact me with thoughts and concerns regarding bills and resolutions they have seen introduced. I appreciate the information on what concerns fellow Fairfax residents.  Please contact me at bmurphy@leg.state.vt.us, 802-849-6545, or by mail at 7 Lily Rd. The Sergeant at Arms office in the State House, (802) 828-2228, will see messages reach me as well.
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