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: and we're off!  ( 8399 )
Jr. Member
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« : February 18, 2010, 03:33:47 PM »

Another election season begins. To ALL the candidates: Tell me why I should vote for you and not why I shouldn't vote for someone else. What are YOUR beliefs, experiences, goals etc. I don't want to hear how evil, ignorant or self serving your competitor is. I want to know how YOU can  and will represent me and the rest of my neighbors. A sure way to lose my vote is knock the other guy/gal. As I get older, I have started leaving many spots on my ballot empty simply because of the negativity that usually accompanies the campaigns. A person whose campaign is based on being negative certainly does not represent me. Good luck to all of you!
Sr. Member
: 457

« #1 : February 18, 2010, 03:43:22 PM »

I don't know that I have ever heard Chris say a negative word. I do agree though. It is in bad taste to try to look good at the expense of someone else. You either have it or you don't.
Sr. Member
: 310

« #2 : February 18, 2010, 03:46:45 PM »

You don't really see too many negative campaigns in this state. I have friends that visit from out of state and marvel at how positive the political ads up here are compared to some other states.
special ED

« #3 : February 18, 2010, 06:52:01 PM »

remember that one ad when douglas was running agianst the old mayor of burlington,,and they asked the question of how he planned on paying for his programs and he just studdered in front of people that was a classic
Chris Santee
Hero Member
: 2653

« #4 : February 20, 2010, 09:32:57 AM »

Thanks for the opportunity gpdvt,

I'll start with what's currently happening "under the dome".

I do not support this proposed exemption:

I want you to know who is donating to the institution your son or daughter attends.
I believe it is your right to know !

I also believe in announcing my intentions prior to a vote, so you can have time to share a different opinion.
I don't like secrecy, I want to truly represent YOU !

On this issue, Fairfax and Georgia would have until Tuesday to swing my vote.
Each of you will have my cell phone number and e-mail address.
No party or lobby would swing my vote.

Again, gpdvt, thanks.
« : February 20, 2010, 03:16:04 PM Chris Santee »

Take Care & God Bless,
(802) 849-2758
(802) 782-0406 cell
Chris Santee
Hero Member
: 2653

« #5 : March 11, 2010, 04:31:40 PM »

From my desk in Fairfax, I worked on killing this Bill
and I'm happy to report:

The Bill will die in the Senate

It was a learning experience.
I'm ready for more.

Take Care & God Bless,
(802) 849-2758
(802) 782-0406 cell
Jr. Member
: 80

« #6 : March 14, 2010, 11:54:11 AM »

It wasnt long ago that a mailing went out with Chris's name on it bashing Gary Gilbert and giving him an F on his work as a Legislator. I was disgusted to see it and actually could not believe what I was reading. Gary Gilbert was my teacher and Coach. He gave me detention more than any other teacher that I had and rightfully so. He also is a man that I surely have not heard  him  speak negatively about an opponent and surely not do it in writing. I hate negative politics, and it does make a differance to me how I vote. Speak your mind, Never compromise your principals.
Chris Santee
Hero Member
: 2653

« #7 : March 15, 2010, 06:37:17 AM »

Dear Roadkill,

Every election, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce (www.VTChamber.org) issues its Report Card grading our legislators on how they voted over the prior two years. They look at each vote and score it from a "business friendly" point of view. Carolyn Branagan scored an 86 and Gary Gilbert scored a 36, according to the Vermont Chamber of Commerce.
We discussed it here on this forum:

On their website, the Chamber states their mission is "to create an economic climate conducive to business growth and preservation of the Vermont quality of life". There are 1,500 members across the State of Vermont and you can read about their history here:
http://www.vtchamber.com/about/history/ .

There are several newspapers and media sources around the state that are members.
You can find them listed here:

You will notice The Fairfax News is not a member and I personally had nothing to do with the flyer or the Report Card.
Flyers were distributed across the state giving certain legislators an "F" for their grade of being "Business Friendly".
As a business I did not endorse the negative ad and as a candidate I did not endorse the negative ad.
We discussed that also on this forum:

When it appeared, I called my opponent and my friend, Gary Gilbert and he understood I had nothing to do with it.
While the flyer did suggest you vote for me by name, I cannot control that.

And while I am humbled and honored, I would like to end the debate of whether or not I have ever said a negative word.
I have.
And I apologize.

Take Care & God Bless,
(802) 849-2758
(802) 782-0406 cell
Sr. Member
: 457

« #8 : March 15, 2010, 07:38:59 AM »

Why apologize for being human. Even the judges are human We all are human at one time or another. Some more than others. I would be more afraid if you were perfect.
: 30

« #9 : March 22, 2010, 08:36:36 PM »

Chris, thank you for all the of the references you provide in your posts.   It would be helpful however if you could make the links "live".

Hero Member
: 15235

« #10 : March 22, 2010, 09:13:58 PM »

For those of you that want to make your links live, just highlight the link and click on the third icon which looks like a globe.  If you put your curser over it it says insert hyperlink.  when you click on it, it puts a at the beginning and a at the end and after it is posted you have the live link.

Henry Raymond
Chris Santee
Hero Member
: 2653

« #11 : March 23, 2010, 08:29:34 AM »

This old dog just learned a new trick !
Thanks YouAnnMos and Henry.

Take Care & God Bless,
(802) 849-2758
(802) 782-0406 cell
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