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« : February 14, 2006, 09:46:44 AM »


Residents of Fairfax:

My name is Charles Swanson and I am running for a two year term Selectboard seat.  I am a young, energetic, honest, hard-working father of three who would like to use my talents and experience to serve my fellow residents by taking an active role in governing the needs and concerns of the Town of Fairfax.   I  received great support from friends and acquaintances when I decided to run and am excited about the prospect of serving on  the Selectboard, but in order to have that privilege I need to tell those of you I don’t know more about myself.

I was born on September 29, 1966 in Cooperstown, NY to my parents Charles and Viola Swanson.  My father has worked at Remington Arms for the past 32 years meanwhile my mother has operated a home-based childcare business.  

In 1988 I completed my Bachelors of Science degree in Civil Engineering at Clarkson University fulfilling my childhood dream of becoming an engineer.   Upon graduating I chose to work for Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. in Albany NY designing bridges.  I obtained my professional engineers license in 1994.  Over the years I have designed award-winning bridges in New York and Massachusetts as well as having worked several years as a design team leader for the Central Artery Project in Boston.  After 13 years of working for Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. I accepted a position with Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. in 2001 where I am currently employed as an Associate and Senior Transportation Engineer in their Burlington (VT) office.  

My engineering experience has shown me first-hand what high- pressure heated meetings are.  I first learned during the Central Artery project that when disagreements became deadlocks I could rally the troops together to put their differences aside and find a solution that would work for everyone.  I have been told that I am a good listener and mediator and that I think outside the box.

While I was working in Boston, I met my wife Nicole.  Nicole’s mother, Joyce Martel Doucas, was born and raised in Richford, Vermont on land that is still owned and farmed by her relatives Lyle and Dora Hurtubise.  Nicole has several family members living in Vermont.  In fact, it was on a visit to her cousin, Michael Jacobs and his wife Patti of Underhill (former and long time owners of the Underhill Country Store), that my wife and I decided we had had enough of the big city rat race and were ready to return to a quieter country lifestyle.  As fate would have it that search ended in 2003 when we purchased the old Orton homestead here in Fairfax.  

In 2004 we started Swanson’s Farm & Nursery, Inc. on our property.  This has allowed us an opportunity to meet and serve the people of Fairfax.  We strive to hire local residents, donate to local charities, and support the local community where we can.  

As for politics, I have not lived here long enough to know all the ins and outs of Fairfax politics, but I do believe that a Selectboard member must represent the residents, have no personal agendas, be the voice for the residents, and make informed decisions for the betterment of the community. I would like to see the Town of Fairfax provide more opportunities for both the young and old to live, work and play here in Fairfax.  

So, who is this Swanson guy who is running for a Selectboard seat?  He is a dedicated father, a hardworking man, an honest businessman.  He is someone you can trust to be a caring friend and neighbor. If you or someone you know would like to know more about me, please do not hesitate to stop by the nursery or call me at 849-2633.  

I hope this letter helps you to make an informed decision on March 7th and remember the only vote that doesn’t count is the one on the ballot that isn’t cast.


Charles H. Swanson
1054 Main Street
Fairfax, Vermont

Henry Raymond
Hero Member
: 15235

« #1 : February 21, 2006, 03:39:04 PM »

Hi All,

Just wanted to know that I just added Charlie's photo to his bio -- Thanks for sending the photo Charlie

Henry Raymond
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