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: The Garden Angel Just Swooped By  ( 1989 )
Hero Member
: 15235

« : June 26, 2009, 06:56:28 AM »

I have a number of friends who still do gardens, but as of late many are finding it very difficult.  Some have planted a number of things, but now are wondering how they will take care of them.  I stopped planting a garden a number of years ago, when Marvin & Cathy Thayer started selling fresh vegetables and both sets of our parents had passed on.  I used to drop stuff off at the Rec Room of the Elderly Housing Community near BFA and those folks used to go in and pick it up and were very appreciative of it.

This morning The Garden Angel swooped in here and left me some fresh asparagus and spinach.  I saw the car in the driveway and went to the door, but The Garden Angel had come and gone.  Also hanging on the door along with the asparagus and spinach was my newspaper that The Garden Angel had seen that I hadn't picked up yet.

Bright Sunshine, Temperature 77 degrees outside, Air Conditioners keeping me at 70 degrees inside, Good Health, Good Friends and I could go on and on.  How fortunate I am with so many things to be thankful for.

Henry Raymond

« #1 : June 26, 2009, 07:34:26 AM »

I think it would be a good idea for everyone to give a little of their extra crops to people who need it. During the summer time a lot of families with children 'go without' at
least one meal a day because they can't afford it. School provides food during while in session, easing the burden for many families, but during the summer many families have no where to turn. Perhaps some one out there can suggest a drop point so people can take what they need? Then we all can become Garden Fairies!
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Follow The White Rabbit

« #2 : June 26, 2009, 08:27:58 AM »

Some local towns and cities are doing the Pledge-a-row program where they grow an extrz row of veggies to donate to local food shelfs. 

I know i always have tomatoes and cucumbers to spare - the food shelf in fairfax is open 2 a month i guess.

"Conservatives see any progress outside of what they approve of as the 'liberal agenda'.  Apparently no one told them they and what they think aren't any better than the rest of us"

"A closed mind is more dangerous than an ignorant one"
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