Would you like to own your own home?
Can Franklin/Grand Isle Habitat For Humanity Help You?
Basic Requirements for a family to qualify for a Habitat Home:
1. Family needs to be in a financial position where it does not qualify for buying a home through any bank or housing agency.
2. Family must have a stable income to afford a Habitat Home. This includes employment, Social Security, child support that will continue for at least three years, etc.
3. Family’s debt cannot be beyond what it can manage and still afford a Habitat Home.
4. Family must be current on normal payments such as rent, utilities, car payment, etc. for a least a year.
5. Family’s current housing needs are inadequate: a) substandard housing; b) not enough room for size of family; and/or c) rent is significantly high for family’s income.
6. Family will become a Habitat Partner by helping to build its home with our Habitat Volunteers through 500 hours of sweat-equity. They will be required to attend classes, meetings and other Habitat programs.
Habitat for Humanity does not give free homes.
Habitat homeowners pay a mortgage with 0% interest.
Our next two homes will be built in Alburgh. If you’re interested in becoming
a partner family, you must attend one of the following meetings:
Sunday, April 27th at 4 pm at St. Amadeus Parish Center in Alburgh
Monday, April 28th at 7 pm at the First Congregational Church in St. Albans
For More Information:
fgihabitat@gmail.com OR Call 868-2551