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Messages - JoeT

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General Discussion / Paper Plates on 128?
« on: July 19, 2010, 07:51:44 AM »
Does anyone know why there are paper plates on posts, both sides of the road on RT 128 between Fairfax and Westford?
They have numbers written on them like -20, 00, etc.

Something to do with the re-paving project?

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Re: Computer Update- New Computer?
« on: June 10, 2010, 11:49:36 AM »
If you are running Windows with *any* brand of anti-virus software with less than 1GB of memory, your PC will be slow.
When you loaded the McAffe update, it is consuming more of your machine than before (bloatware).

Microsoft may say the minimum requirements for a machine is (so-and-so)...in reality, 1GB of memory (double what you have now) should be the minimum.


Current News & Events / Re: Backlash Over Border Closure
« on: June 07, 2010, 11:34:29 AM »
Don't fire departments still perform cross-border mutual aid?  Just sayin'.... something to consider in the event of, oh, a barn fire!

Current News & Events / Re: Power Outage For Fairfax For CVPS & VEC
« on: April 29, 2010, 01:06:12 PM »
Co-Op power just came back on here in the Buck Hollow area (130 Thursday afternoon).  Power originally went out Tuesday evening at 830.
BTW, there was a chopper that landed at VBC for lunch today...part of the power crew I'm assuming.  I'll try to wrestle the picture off my cell phone and get it posted.


Where was the old fire station located?


Current News & Events / Re: Power Outages In The Area
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:31:45 PM »
Power back on in Buck Hollow area at about 1030 this morning.  This snow is HEAVY...with all of the rain coming, time to rake the roof.

Current News & Events / Re: Power Outages In The Area
« on: February 24, 2010, 08:52:35 AM »
No power in Buck Hollow area.... and we are on "the co-op" went out at about 0430.  Battery powered laptop and dial up mode today.... : )

Current News & Events / Re: Dinner At The Vermont Breakfast Company
« on: February 19, 2010, 09:02:48 AM »
totally honest... I guess all reviews can't be raving.

We went to VBC for dinner last Friday, and it wasn't bad, but was just OK...frankly, we both thought for the cost, it should have been a little better than just OK.
It was their first week, so we'll cut them some slack and definitely give them another shot at some point.


Current News & Events / Re: Walmart Wins Case - Can Build In St. Albans
« on: January 26, 2010, 02:57:15 PM »
nor has anyone said anything about the fact that WM insists on building new huge stores and refuses to work within existing spaces (meaning, downsize some)

Not often, but it does happen, several times in Vermont, including Rutland.

Just taking a guess... (looking at where the wire comes from)

The box on the pole with the ladder may be for a telephone?  Perhaps an emergency phone?

A similar thing was jokingly depicted in the show Green Acres - at the top of the pole,  but I've heard tales of phones actually being mounted outdoors...back in the day.


Current News & Events / Vote for your top Vermont stories of ‘09.
« on: December 11, 2009, 11:45:25 AM »
(yes, this is a shameless plug for VPT) 

Vote for your top Vermont stories of ‘09.  Another year filled with historic news is winding down, and Vermont This Week wants to hear your choice for Vermont’s top story of the year.  Voting closes at midnight on December 17th.



I second Terri's thoughts....thank you for posting!

that was great.. thanks!  Good to see Pepe the Prawn making an appearance (he's always the "crude" muppet).

Happy Thanksgiving,

General Discussion / Re: Big Decision - Need To Get A New Camera
« on: November 09, 2009, 09:17:10 AM »
There were a couple of Cannon cameras advertised in Sunday's circulars that still had optical viewfinders....approx 130 bucks.

General Discussion / Re: Big Decision - Need To Get A New Camera
« on: November 04, 2009, 04:04:19 PM »
We had a 3600, nice camera, but it started acting weird several years ago.  Replaced it with another Kodak, takes great pictures but after 4 years, it now is also starting to act strange.  By strange I mean re-booting or turning off at random times.  I do not beat up my cameras, treat them pretty well, actually.

The biggest disadvantage to most Kodak cameras is the, of all things, the video format is Apple's Quicktime, which can be difficult to view on PC's (The Apple Quicktime software for Windows is dreadful).

I'll probably be shopping for another camera soon and it probably will not be a Kodak, sad to say.

One feature that is hard to find these days is an optical viewfinder.  Most cameras just have a video viewfinder on the rear of the camera but that screen can be difficult to see in full sunlight.

Happy Hunting,

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