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: A Comment About Meals On Wheels  ( 7489 )
Hero Member
: 15235

« : August 30, 2009, 08:14:21 AM »

Several months ago we started to get Meals On Wheels and for the first month the meals were really good.  Apparently something happened at the place that prepares the Meals On Wheels and there is a new cook - Bottom line, the meals took a turn for the worse.

Now they do give you a menu of what you are going to have each day, however one month the menu did not come until the middle of the month.  I had called the place that fixes the meals as I wanted to know what we were going to have for meals.  This upset them down at Champlain Valley Agency Of Aging and they called us and told us not to call the place that prepares the meals, to call them.  Apparently the lady that called us was the one responsible for setting up the menus and had failed to do so, and was a bit upset that I had complained.

We have been calling them and letting them know on which days we did not want meals on wheels and since the new month is just around the corner and we had not yet received a menu for next month we called last Friday to ask where the menu was.  We were called back by an upset Champlain Valley Agency of Aging representative.  I believe she is probably the one responsible for getting the menus out, who did not approve of us not taking Meals On Wheels, irregardless of whether we can tolerate the menu on certain days.  We do not like to throw food out, but like everyone else there are certain foods we don't care for and it did state on the menu that you need to call 24 hours ahead if you cancel.  We were doing that, even further ahead than that.

Now we do pay for the meal, but it ended up that they apparently do not want any cancellations, so we no longer get meals on wheels.  I was quite disenchanted with the response we got from The Champlain Valley Agency of Aging who portray themselves as helping the elderly - This woman certainly was not very understanding of the fact that we only wanted the meals on the days the menu was something we would eat - Just because you are helping people, doesn't mean to say that they have no say in the help they want.  It was take what you get, pay for the meal and shut up.

On the other hand, our volunteers that delivered the Meals On Wheels were fantastic and my hat is off to them for the wonderful job they do.  Too bad the people down at the office aren't the same and they don't have one of the meals brought to them which is the same as the elderly are getting.  They could then be just a bit more understanding.

Henry Raymond
Sr. Member
: 457

« #1 : August 30, 2009, 08:39:29 AM »

Not only do older people benefit from prepared meals but so do the professionals that do not get home until late but don't want to waste time or money in a restaurant nor do they feel like spending their time cooking after a long day. I love to cook so I offered to help a couple of families out when I was at the beach. I would plan the meals on Sunday for the week, ask them if there was any special requests and do my shopping. Sunday was a good day because the newspaper had the new recipes for the week in it. It helped the people that did not have time to cook and it helped us in that we shared the expense of all the ingredients. It cost $10.00 a meal for each person and they could pick the days that they wanted. All they had to do was supply the dishes for me and pick the meals up on their way home. I know you can not do this as a business without a license but there is nothing to say a friend or someone could not help out. If I was not so busy with sports and such I would do it again. It was a lot of fun and we got to taste something new every week. It was a win win for all of us. Just an idea. There are also people that will come into your house and cook your meals for a week and freeze them. Not sure about up here but worth a google. Good luck.
« : August 30, 2009, 08:50:05 AM Henry »
Hero Member
: 15235

« #2 : August 30, 2009, 08:56:40 AM »

My main concern here is that I had recommended the Meals On Wheels to several people after the first month before they went down hill.  Representatives from Champlain Valley Agency Of Aging that were so helpful when we signed up turned into different people.  Just want to make sure that some poor old person doesn't sign up who doesn't speak up for themselves.

I remember going down to Albert Rich's one time and he took me to the kitchen, opened his refrigerator and showed me 3 unopened Meals On Wheels there that he told me he just couldn't eat.

Meals on wheels is designed for older people who can't afford a lot and you have to meet certain conditions to qualify.  They cost $3 per person and are supplemented by the Gov.  Even though not costly, what you get should still be tasty.

Henry Raymond
Full Member
: 233

« #3 : August 30, 2009, 08:28:35 PM »

It's a shame that the elderly have to go through so much abuse, yes abuse.....  The people at the agency should not be so abrasive, whether or not it's a state agency, it's still a service.  They are put there to help out people not belittle them or push them around.  The cost of the service is irrelevant it is still a service you are paying for and you should be getting what you want and expect.  I think this type of behavior should be reported to their superiors, if it has happened to one person it's obviously happening to everyone.
: 38

« #4 : August 30, 2009, 08:53:40 PM »


I work at Champlain Valley Agency on Aging. I will talk to the head of the Nutrition department and find out what has changed at the place providing meals and make sure someone calls you tomorrow.

I apologize for the way this was handled.

Hero Member
: 15235

« #5 : August 31, 2009, 10:48:05 AM »

Hi Joel,

Forgot you worked there - Apparently the lady did not cancel todays as when the volunteer delivered it I told her I had cancelled.  She told me they had a new cook that started today and I should have asked to speak with Zoe at Champlain Valley Of Aging.  The volunteer was surprised that we were not supposed to speak with them or the people that prepare the meals as was the coordinator for the area when I told her several weeks ago.

I guess one more disturbing bit of info was that that cook said she was going to go to work for Steeple Market - Whew!!!

Your volunteers are absolutely super - I do remember speaking with you one time and got nothing bad from you when I cancelled.  Unfortunately without being able to choose which meals we want, I'm afraid it won't work.

I certainly don't need to be harrassed by somebody from The Champlain of Aging.

Henry Raymond
Sr. Member
: 469

« #6 : August 31, 2009, 12:42:40 PM »

Hi Henry, I had given you a very good reference about M-O-W quite awhile ago, based on our experience with receiving them for my dad.  Since he lived in Burl., we dealt with a man named Peter, always very pleasant, kind & helpful to speak with. Too bad he wasn't your contact as he was wonderful! My dad always wasn't the easiest critic of the meals, my mom was a pretty good cook, but we knew he ate most of what was given & it was much better than what he could have done on his own @ 86yrs of age & always having mom take care of him.  I'd bring many meals I'd make here to him for dinner, frozen, microwave ready, & he came to eat with us when family could bring him; the distance & all of us "kids" working full time made it not always possible to give the best & that's why, for us, M-O-W was absolutely the best security we had knowing he had a hot meal @ lunch & the volunteer checking on him to make sure he was fine, so he could live out his time @ home. When dad died, we chose to have donations made to the program rather than flowers to help keep it going.  Guess it's lots like other instances, not always is food appealing; just ask some/LOTS of kids/adults about the meals served @ our school since we changed from our own cooks to the service that has the monopolies on school lunch programs!  Best of all, good you aren't ordering from an expensive restaurant that sometimes don't measure up to what we expect & pay for!!
Sue W.
Full Member
: 167

« #7 : August 31, 2009, 01:30:23 PM »

I am so sorry your experience with MOW was so unfortunate.  I used to deliver the meals and really enjoyed it, thought they smelled quite tasty at times!  It does seem that they would make some allowances for dietary needs and preferences etc.  I hope it gets straightened out, and that the people you spoke with on the phone will remember their manners! 
Carolyn Branagan
Sr. Member
: 365

« #8 : August 31, 2009, 01:47:13 PM »

Joel.....Can you please let us all know what the response is after you speak with the nutrition   department at your office?  This is the first complaint I have heard about MOW but it is certainly  troubling.

from,  Carolyn Branagan

Carolyn Branagan
Hero Member
: 15235

« #9 : September 02, 2009, 08:12:39 AM »

We have received many comments regarding what happened with Meals On Wheels.  The local volunteer coordinator Sharon Randall even offered to get the information from us on a monthly basis and let the people who prepare the meals know which days we wanted meals.  The Champlain Valley Agency on Aging individual by the name of Zoe would not agree to that.  Zoe also talked with Maryann and they will not allow you to cancel your Meals On Wheels for the days you do not like that particular menu.  Very inflexible.

I am sure there are Old People out there who are receiving these meals and throwing them out because they do not like the food on certain days.

I still go back to Albert Rich and will always remember him bringing me to the refrigerator that day.  One thing that I didn't mention before is that some lady in town had brought him one of his favorite pies and he pulled that out of his refrigerator and showed it to me.  He was eating the pie right out of the pie plate and said, "Now that is real food."  When he was able to, he used to go up to The Country Pantry every day and the waitresses catered to him and his like's and dislikes.

We are not asking anyone to cater to us, just let us see the menu, and we will tell you which days we want it and which days we don't, but apparently that is too big a deal for The Champlain Valley Agency on Aging, although volunteers and others involved have no problem with it.

Both of us have had it with them and don't wish to speak with them anymore.

Henry Raymond
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