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: News from Montpelier 2019 week 3  ( 2070 )
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« : January 25, 2019, 01:54:40 PM »

The House Transportation committee opened the week with an update from the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, Wanda Minoli on the changes being made to the Automated Vehicle Inspection Program. When Vermont’s vehicle inspection program was automated the mechanic’s flexibility in determining the condition of the required components was removed. The result was that following the strict determination of the existing requirements was deemed unreasonable by the Legislature, unless the requirement was for safety or the ozone compact. Last year’s legislation mandated the rework of the Inspection system to address this and to also provide a waiver system for oxygen sensor repairs.
Wednesday and Thursday the Committee delved deeper into aspects of and programs in both the Department of Motor vehicles and the Agency of Transportation. The presentations laid ground work for addressing the points highlighted in the Governor’s budget. “The Book”, as the Transportation portion of the budget is affectionately labeled was placed on our desks during the Governor’s presentation on Thursday afternoon. In his address, electric vehicles received a mention as a tool to save fuel dollars as well as to reduce emissions and the Governor also identified the exemption from some Act 250 regulations for transportation projects that have environmental protections built in.
Governor Scott spoke to the challenges ahead in his budget address but that we can choose to engage each other in our shared values of “Freedom and Unity”. The Governor was very clear that he does not support a Carbon Tax but did soften his opposition to expanding the tax on tobacco products to include e-cigarette and vape items as a tool to discourage use of these products. With the budget address done the work of the committees now continues as the details are delved into and testimony considered. Many of the goals are held in common but differences will come in how they are prioritized within the reality of available funds.
Contact: bmurphy@leg.state.vt.us or 802-849-6545 home/ 802-828-2228 Vermont State House
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