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: parade,etc.  ( 9618 )
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« : July 05, 2015, 06:53:42 AM »

Congrats to Colin and Mary Kay for a great job of organizing yesterday's events.  Great turnout and fun was had by all.  GOOD JOB..
Hero Member
: 1744

« #1 : July 05, 2015, 05:38:55 PM »

We both thank you very much!  Without the volunteers and all those who participated in the parade and vending in the park it would never happen! Happy 4th of July!!  ~Mary Kay

"Life is too short, so love the one you got!"
Hero Member
: 785

« #2 : July 07, 2015, 08:39:51 PM »

Now if  only Fairfax had its fireworks back....what a great topper to a perfect day.

Ducky Race results? A longtime Fairfax summer tradition that is still going!

If the world gives you melons, you might be dyslexic
Hero Member
: 1744

« #3 : July 08, 2015, 05:21:41 AM »

Ducky Race Results:
Mira Rainville 1st
Paige Beyor 2nd
John Mitchell 3rd

Horse Paddy Bingo:
Henry Raymond with Lucky #33

It is a lot of money to have fireworks and unfortunately the rec park cannot afford to do it at this time.

"Life is too short, so love the one you got!"
Full Member
: 103

« #4 : July 08, 2015, 02:12:30 PM »

I agree the parade was very nice. We would also love to see the fireworks come back but understand the expense. Would a separate fundraiser work?
There was only one part that I was disappointed with and had hoped would change this year. That is in regards to throwing candy from moving
vehicles, whether it was a car, truck, tailer, float, etc.  If one reads the state guidelines & permitting for a parade-throwing candy (or whatever)
is illegal. Many people did hand out the treats while walking along. Please keep this in mind for next years parade.
: 15

« #5 : July 08, 2015, 03:31:48 PM »

@FletcherGram please cite the statute that pertains to candy throwing during parades to support your claim.  I have done a google search and come up with nothing and I also searched on http://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/search and have again come up with nothing.  I also know that there was a VT state trooper in the parade (on duty) as well as a Franklin County Sherriff at the end of the parade that would have cited the parks and rec department for throwing candy if it were illegal.  I am not arguing that throwing candy can create a safety concern especially with small children, but that is why the parade travels at very low speeds and the parents need to closely monitor their children so as to prevent a tragedy.

« #6 : July 08, 2015, 04:15:20 PM »

Tossing candy was and always should be a tradition that should remain, I was ultimately impressed with the t-shirt tossing and books!! Very cool!! I was able to meet Mr. Santee at the select board meeting the other night as well. Great motivated young man we in town are blessed to have him!! No Joke He has a degree in this filed and works very hard, if you happen to run into him shake his hand and thank him.   
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: 1744

« #7 : July 09, 2015, 07:05:16 AM »

 I am not aware of any law prohibiting throwing candy.

We go extremely slow and those throwing candy are very cautious of the children. And they are not chucking at kids but throwing it in front of them.....

If you noticed I would stop completely if there was any candy left in the road at the end of the parade to allow the children and parents to go get it.

It is a tradition I do not want to see end and the t-shirts and books, bookmarks were also a nice add to the parade. The children have a great time and it reminds me of how this parade was run when I was a child which is why I put the time and energy into it every year.

Colin Santee is a joy to work with and full of energy and excitement to continue to grow our rec department! Very glad to have him aboard!

~Mary Kay Raymond
Chair of the Fairfax Parade
« : July 13, 2015, 06:21:03 AM mkr »

"Life is too short, so love the one you got!"
Hero Member
: 1744

« #8 : July 09, 2015, 07:12:26 AM »

In regards to Fireworks, to have a descent little show, would be about $10,000.

"Life is too short, so love the one you got!"
: 37

« #9 : July 09, 2015, 08:01:07 AM »

I feel that the parade was perfect!! Candy included!!  The Parks and Rec did a wonderful job of the whole day..  Knowing what has to go into this day and that most people that worked on it work a FULL time job sometimes even 2 Jobs as well as volunteer work  ..

I feel the expectations of trying to fund raise for fireworks would be wonderful if someone else were to take the time - set up a fund raiser - collect the money - spread the word and then run to purchase these fireworks - get the permits needed and the volunteers to set them off.. get the place to set them off... by all means please do!! 

I dont however feel at this point the Parks and Rec (being a SMALL group) can accomplish this at this point -- maybe in a few years or maybe if someone wants to Head a committee on that part that would be wonderful...

Colin and Mary Kay  as well as all the volunteers and board members!!!-- AWESOME JOB!!  AWESOME DAY!!
« : July 09, 2015, 08:03:23 AM mkr »
Full Member
: 103

« #10 : July 09, 2015, 10:41:13 AM »

Yup, I knew the subject would cause a stir. MMathews when I have a minute I will look it up. Not sure where I orginally found it. It was during a time
that I was helping organize another parade that I found the info. I'm not in anyway demeaning the parade, it was great! Yes, the books were a VERY nice touch.
On a side note, I was in the Enosburgh parade & then watched the end of it, nobody threw candy. Oh, there was a lot of it given out. Stay Tuned :)
Hero Member
: 1994

« #11 : July 09, 2015, 02:24:47 PM »

It has gotten to the point where Fairfax already has fireworks on the 4th of July. It just that they are not organized. If you were to come to the Village and drove around for an hour, you would see quite a show. They come from all directions as everyone is setting off their own fireworks show. Lately, I have been referring to it as the Fairfax Blitz, because it sounds like we are being bombed by someone.
Not sure if an organized fireworks display would stop individuals from doing their own, or make the evening last that much longer, as people would wait until the Big Show was done, then progress with theirs. I was thankful there was rain earlier in the evening, so the fire department wasn't scurrying all over putting out firework-started grass fires.

"If women don't find you handsome, at least let them find you handy."-Red Green
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