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: News from Montpelier 2020 COVID-19 recess week 1  ( 1561 )
Sr. Member
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« : March 20, 2020, 12:10:21 PM »

The Joint Rules committee has held daily phone conferences at 4 PM. The public as well as any member of the General Assembly is welcome to listen in by using the number and instructions provided on the Vermont Legislator’s webpage. The link to this and other legislative announcements is: https://legislature.vermont.gov/home/noteworthy/announcements/#a220
There has also been two teleconferences for the whole House that were at 1 PM on Tuesday and Thursday. House members used their Party Leadership and an Independent representative as  contact points for getting questions in to be answered. The Senate has operated in a similar manner and will be testing the ability to hold select Committee meetings next week. The Senate is also making arrangements to bring a quorum together to take action on the bills that were voted out by the House at the end of last week to provide aid for combating the COVID-19 pandemic.
For current information on  COVID-19 updates use:  https://www.healthvermont.gov 
Other state agencies have information specific to them on their official websites and are accessible at: https://www.vermont.gov
 Governor Scott and the General Assembly are working together to take any actions necessary to remove obstacles that prevent support for vital aspects of our society during this state of emergency. Vermont and our small corner of it here in Fairfax is well populated by everyday heroes. I offer my deep gratitude to each and every one of you who are being cautious in contact but taking care of and serving our community.
I can be contacted at bmurphy@leg.state.vt.us or 802-849-6545
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