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: News from Montpelier 2020 week 5  ( 1495 )
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« : February 07, 2020, 03:16:16 PM »

A House Concurrent Resolution, HCR 247 honoring James Pelkey for his public and community service in Franklin County, sponsored by all eleven of the County’s Representatives was on the Consent Calendar this week. This instance of unity was welcome in a week that also held issues which carried strongly divided support.
Wednesday’s vote on whether H107, an act relating to paid family and medical leave would pass “the failure of the Governor to approve notwithstanding?”, generated tension in the State House. Medical and family emergencies were set aside by several members and all 150 Representatives were present for the vote which was decided in the negative 99 to 51. The Governor’s veto was sustained. Thursday’s Floor session provided a chance for any member who had voted no, to request reconsideration but the moment passed without anyone making that motion.
The vote on H619, An act relating to permitting candidate expenditures for child care costs was also decided by a Roll Call vote. It passed with 124 yes and 21 no votes and after passage the title of the bill will be An act related to permitted expenditures. One dissenting vote was explained by the Member to be based on the changes that the bill underwent from its original form which was clear in what was being permitted to one less specific.
The Transportation committee took testimony from several witnesses on a Personal Electric Vehicle pilot program design for contributions to the Transportation Fund from this sector. The Agency of Transportation is working across agencies with Departments of Conservation and Public Service as well as the State’s electric utilities to design a pilot program to collect a per-kilowatt fee determined at the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment from the operators of electric vehicles.
Witnesses also presented to the Committee testimony on the Elderly and Disabled program which provides transit for eligible individuals to appointments and errands. Transportation Demand Management was introduced to the committee by the director of the UVM Center for Research on Vermont. The committee was interested to hear the impact being made on public transit users number’s by employers incentives.
The House Action calendar was blank Friday which provided many members the opportunity to get safely home and have a remote worker experience. The Speaker called the House to order at 9:30 and with less than a quorum present offered a poem titled “Snow Day”as the Devotional, called for announcements and a motion to adjourn. The State House closed for all business at 1:45 PM, after several legislative service departments were closed at noon.
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