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: News from Montpelier 2019 week 13  ( 2073 )
Sr. Member
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« : April 12, 2019, 02:54:24 PM »

News that a fellow member Representative Robert Forguites of North Springfield died unexpectedly was shared with House members at the closing of Floor on Tuesday. A white rose in a simple vase sat on his desk number 22 throughout the week and the members stood for a moment of silence Friday in recognition of his service in sessions 2015-2016, 2017-2018 and 2019.
The B.F.A. Fairfax Senior Social studies annual class visit on Tuesday and Wednesday was a highlight of the week. The students were lauded by several legislators for their thoughtful questions. The opportunity to share the visit with exchange students from China and a group from France made it extra special this year. Fairfax and other Franklin county farmers were at the State House on Wednesday with the Vermont Dairy Alliance to give testimony in the House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. The Alliance sponsored coffee earlier in the day which provided an opportunity to meet and speak with legislators at large.
House Transportation spent most of the committee time addressing concerns with sections of S. 149, an act relating to miscellaneous changes to laws related to vehicles and the Department of Motor Vehicles. The specific sections addressed referenced autonomous vehicles, primary enforcement of seat belts, emissions inspections and the translation of DMV operator licensing forms, applications and tests. The committee took testimony and debated the concerns and merits of the statute changes that would accompany any of these sections. There is still work to be done to have a final draft ready for the committee vote but the goal is to take that vote Tuesday.
The exemption for the Fairfax Fire Department’s Calcutta from Rooms and Meals tax is not across the finish line yet. The Senate Finance committee has concerns and may remove the language from H. 514, an act relating to miscellaneous tax provisions. The language is very specific as to the exemption, “the organization or association is a fire department, as defined in 24 V.S.A. sec. 1951” but the concern is that other service organizations will petition for the same consideration and create a revenue loss to the State. The Bill will return with any changes made by the Senate for the House’s concurrence or further amendments.
Please continue to contact me at bmurphy@leg.state.vt.us or 802-849-6545 or through the Sergeant at Arms office.
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