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: News from Montpelier 2019 week 11  ( 2139 )
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« : March 29, 2019, 01:45:58 PM »

Little time was spent in Committee this week   Friday morning continued the pace of what has been a jam-packed week of Floor debate. Prior to the Orders of the day, the devotion was delivered by a few of the students whose group filled the gallery, included in the large group were a handful from B.F.A. Fairfax. The students were in the State House with Outright Vermont and witnessed the reading of H.C.R. 98, House concurrent resolution congratulating Outright Vermont on its 30th anniversary. During announcements the House members stood in recognition of March 29th as National Vietnam War Veteran’s day and gave an ovation for all that served.
The first of three Roll Call votes for the day was requested for H. 524, an act relating to health insurance and the individual mandate. An amendment to grandfather businesses who were providing health insurance through Associate plans failed when presented Thursday but the bill does remove the penalty to the uninsured and maintains pre-existing condition protection as well as coverage for dependents to the age of 26 and passed on a vote of 92 to 44. H. 541, an act relating to changes that affect the revenue of the State and H. 542, an act relating to making appropriations for the support of government were the topics of the second and third Roll Call votes. These are the Budget Bill and it’s accompanying Revenue Bill. The House voted 116 to 22 to pass the Revenue Bill and 137 to 1 to pass the Budget. The Appropriations committee was praised for presenting a bill that balances needs and reflects priorities and the Ways and Means committee for simplifying sections of tax law and supporting Downtown tax credits.
H. 543, an act relating to capital construction and State bonding was the last fiscal bill presented to the House on Friday. This legislation provides for $123 million in bonding authority for Vermont to move ahead on projects for water quality, building maintenance for correctional and mental health needs as well as general state properties. One allocation is directed at the Salisbury Fish Hatchery which was identified to be closed and is an investment that allows for it to continue operation.
S. 169, an act relating to firearms procedures has generated a lot of messages and is currently in the House Judiciary committee. A public hearing has been scheduled to allow for people who wish to testify in favor or opposition of this bill. The hearing has been scheduled for April 2 from 5 to 7 p.m. by the House Committee on Judiciary and will be held in the House Chamber. Witnesses may start signing up to speak at 4 p.m. and testimonies are limited to two minutes. For information or to submit written testimony, contact the House Committee on Judiciary by e-mail  testimony@leg.state.vt.us or 802-828-2257.
Please continue to contact me at bmurphy@leg.state.vt.us or 802-849-6545 or through the Sergeant at Arms office.
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