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: Uh Oh Battle of the EX GOVs may me ON!!  ( 9871 )
Mike Raburn
Hero Member
: 2565

« : August 10, 2009, 03:23:03 PM »

« : August 10, 2009, 04:21:45 PM Henry »
Hero Member
: 785

« #1 : October 31, 2009, 03:47:08 AM »

It's scary that people believed her when she said that crap. Seriously, death panels? Even on this forum, some folks were losing it over rhose comments. Dean is right when he says it incites a small minority of people, but they end up having a big lobbying voice for some reason and have the ability to make everything a damn mess.

I have not ever spoken to one single person who has said, "I really love my health ins coverage and I am paying the amount I should for what I get!"  It's usually more like the premiums are some ridiculous amount of someone's salary and they go up yearly and the coverage gets worse. Many plans have changed from an affordable co-pay per visit to a several thousand dollar  yearly deductible that must be met BEFORE the ins will pay anything. Since the average person doesn't go to the doc more than once a year, maybe twice if  sick, the ins companies have effectively found a way to only pay for major medical catastrophies!

More power to all those people out there who can afford the insurance premiums and the cost of a doc and meds without a problem, however many cannot myself included. I don't know why this is such a difficult problem for the feds to deal with that they haven't been able to touch it in over 40 years! This goes back to JFK!

If the world gives you melons, you might be dyslexic
Mike Raburn
Hero Member
: 2565

« #2 : October 31, 2009, 03:57:48 AM »

Since my 1st post on this topic back in AUGUST we have some stuff happen in my family.

I have always said Palin is full of the CRAZY.
Howard Dean,,, well.... ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can attest to the fact that there is NOTHING, I REPEAT NOTHING, wrong with out current health care system.

And that is ALL I have to say about that.

Case closed.

Hero Member
: 785

« #3 : November 01, 2009, 11:09:01 PM »

As with everything in life, there are two sides to every story. You my friend are one of the lucky (as I have been), however I know first hand some who are not and its for that I can't agree that there is "nothing wrong" with our health care system. How people see it depends on which side they happen to be sitting on. The side where the getting is  good or the other side where it's not.

Nothing is ever so simple that it's good for everyone. It might seem ok to say "well it's only this % of people that have an issue..." and that might not seem like a big deal unless you're in that percent, then it's a different story altogether. 

Statistics never matter as long as they aren't relevent to our lives. We're all the same in that way, so I don't  fault your point of view here, I'm just saying there is a whole other side that isn't as fortunate with health care as you apparently have been and I will admit that I have also been.

If the world gives you melons, you might be dyslexic
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