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: News from Montpelier 2020 week 8  ( 1710 )
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« : February 28, 2020, 03:04:58 PM »

The week was marked by extended floor debate and roll call votes on high profile bills. Tuesday the vote on the Governor’s veto of S. 23, an act relating to increasing the minimum wage was held. The bill was voted to pass “the failure of the Governor to approve notwithstanding’ on a roll call vote of Yeas 100 to Nays 49. 
Wednesday H. 557, an act relating to municipal regulation of livestock running at large and S. 240, an act relating to recruiting new remote workers and new relocating workers were both read the third time and passed. Also, S.54, an act relating to the regulation of cannabis was brought to the floor for second read. After much debate a roll call of Yeas 90 to Nays 54 ordered it to third read.
Thursday brought H. 926,an act relating to changes to Act 250 to the floor for second read as well as the third read on S.54, H. 254, an act relating to adequate shelter for livestock and H.555, an act relating to rulemaking on food concessions, buildings within the jurisdiction of the Department of Buildings and General Services. The third reading of S.54 was punctuated by numerous amendments some agreed to and some not with a roll call vote taken on the inclusion of preliminary roadside testing of saliva failing on a vote of 27 Yeas and 117 Nays. H. 926 had several amendments that were debated, and some agreed to on voice votes. A motion was made to recommit the bill to the committee on Natural Resources Fish and Wildlife which was disagreed to on roll call vote of yeas 43 to nays 93.
The calendar for Friday included the third reading of H.580, establishing a classification system for criminal offenses; H.740, changes to the Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel; H.933, technical correction to municipal charters and H.934 renters rebate reform, which were all passed. H.926, Changes to Act 250 was also brought to the floor for third read and after amendments being voted before and on, procedural action, after, had a request to postpone denied on roll call yeas 45 to nays 96. The bill passed out of the House on roll call vote of yeas 88 to nays 52.
With so much time dedicated to Floor activity this week House Transportation had limited time to attend to testimony. Moving the T-Bill out of committee will be the focus when the session picks back up after Town Meeting break.
A bright spot to end the week was created by the inclusion of HCR 279 in the week’s Consent Calendar. HCR 279 is a resolution congratulating Ian Carpenter of Fairfax on being named the Special Olympics Vermont Unified Athlete of the Year (2019).

For more information or to contact me please email me at bmurphy@leg.state.vt.us or call 802-849-6545 or mail to 7 Lily Rd Fairfax VT 05454. The Sergeant at Arms at the State House will also relay messages.
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