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Messages - Shadylane08

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This is Ridiculous!  Shows the world we live in!  Before you know it we wont be able to hang signs that advertise sponsors at little league parks!! . . . Oh wait N/M

Yeah I've heard Alan Simoneau has a nice range, and hes a real nice guy, I'm sure if you went and talked with him he'd let you use his range.  Another place I use to shoot back in the day is the gravel pit at webbs farm on buck hollow road.  Haven't been there in years and I know there is a new subdivision going up not far from there so I don't know if thats impacting the gravel pit or not, but it'd be worth stopping in at the webb farm and asking one of the guys.

Boy if theives worked as hard at getting and keeping a job as they do breaking into places and robbing them, they'd probably make a decent honest living ;-)

It is a fun way to pass the winter by, in fact I'll be cutting a whole and dropping a line down in about an hour ;-)

Announcements / Re: Essex Condo for sale
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:12:48 AM »
Hey everyone, just re-posting this to say I have dropped the price of the condo, and its now listed with picket fence.  I'll attach the link below.  Its in great shape, we're just looking to take the next step.  Good opportunity for parents of soon to be college students.  Purchase this condo, stay in it for however long, sell after graduation for no less then the same price and you've just gotten free room and board for however many years.  Great starter home, young professionals, retirement . . .


Call or e-mail with any questions

Trussell, I don't know how this new facility works but I know when I got my passport a year or two ago at the colchester town clerk we filled out the paperwork before we went, walked in wrote the checks, they took our pictures, and we had our passports in the mail in like 10days or something like that.  It was a really easy process.

I've have to imagine that this place being an actual passport agency that they'll take your picture and everything there.

Current News & Events / Re: Sam Webb Road Burglar Caught
« on: March 03, 2011, 02:14:10 PM »
Too bad she didn't pull out a cute little 38 outta her purse, I bet the guy woulda changed his tune really quick and quite possibly woulda moved all her stuff back inside ;-)

But eitherway, way to be alert, calm, and take care of business!

I noticed last fall and into the winter traverse points all along the road from where they ended the work last year so I have to imagine they're planning something.  Surveying is the first step, and by now having a winter to design if something were to happen it would probably start in or around may and june.  We can only hope right?!

Current News & Events / Re: A Passer By Captures Somebody's Bad Morning
« on: February 23, 2011, 11:13:36 AM »
Must of been cruisin along to get that far off the road!

Must be buying sap ??

We were tapping thursday, friday, and saturday.  Sap was running a little bit thursday and friday, but then this cold weather put a halt to that quick!

Current News & Events / Re: BFA Fairfax Coach Resigns
« on: February 21, 2011, 09:23:02 AM »
I actually don't know many schools that pay assistant coaches, my father has been an assistant coach at one of the biggest schools in the state for almost 10 years and hasn't received a dime for what he's done.  Being a coach is a tough job and has a lot of sacrifice, and yes Extremely under paid, but most coaches also don't coach for the money they coach for the love of the game.  But remember its tough to get "New Blood" when your taking the same blood from the same body, and tough to know if your getting the best "bang for our buck" when you shop at the same store. 

I don't understand why if this was such a huge problem that meetings had to be called and a coach had to resign that no body is willing to discuss what the problem was.  Guess I'll just have to go to the next girls game to find out the gossip ;-)

Current News & Events / Re: BFA Fairfax Coach Resigns
« on: February 16, 2011, 04:22:19 PM »
Does anyone else have any information on this?  Like what the confrontation was at the end of this year, and what the "incident" was this year?

Another random question, how come fairfax always inquires for head coaches "internally"?  How come they can't advertise like everyother school and get good Qualified coaches?  A good coach, that is good at teaching the game, and help influence young athlete's doesn't necessarily need to be a licensed/certified teacher.

Current News & Events / Re: Eastman's Bakery Is Open - Been Down Yet?
« on: February 14, 2011, 08:27:03 AM »
We stopped in around 9am Saturday morning.  They were pretty busy, but still had a good selection.  We grabbed 3 donuts and a muffin, they were delicious!

Current News & Events / Re: Throwing in the Towel.....or Shovel (Pictures)
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:43:52 AM »
I'm a little late on this as I'm sure most of everyone is already shoveled out from this weekend, but I'm sure this wont be the last wet heavy snow we get this year.  Everyone be very very carefull with this stuff.  My fiance works on the cardio floor, and has spent time in the ER at Fletcher Allen, and they tend to get an influx of heart attack and heart attack scare patients after a heavy wet snow storm.

Sounds like we're getting another 3-6" between today and tomorrow ;-) fun fun

I'm saying turkeys.  The lighter brown areas look like wing feathers to me.  I've seen them roost anywhere from 10' to the very top of trees.  Glad to see some around, all this snow is going to be very tough for the turkey and deer herds this year.

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