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Messages - slpott

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 31
General Discussion / Re: Take Out
« on: October 07, 2012, 06:47:43 AM »
I have not had dinner there yet but we have gone for luch 3 times and it was wonderful. They are trying very hard and as customers we need to try real hard too. I ighly recommend it and I am a good cook myself so a little opinionated. It was a real treat.

My girldfriend and I had lunch there yesterday. The food was good. I had a huicy burger and she had a huge salad. I will definitly go back. Maybe today on this rainy day. Glad it is back.

My Mom went for breakfast today and said it is the best she has had from there under any other management. I hope we have a keeper this time. I hope to go soon.

They also had a high schooler pulled around 7:50.

Current News & Events / Re: Pizza input needed!
« on: August 30, 2012, 06:41:29 AM »
Sliced apples garlic, sausage and goat cheese. Nit a veggie but wonderful.

General Discussion / Re: Fresh Eggs?
« on: August 25, 2012, 07:09:40 AM »
I usually have some. Fletcher Road 849-2570. I sell them and all donations go to the kids on the running/ski team. Great cause. Run a tab and pay whenever.

General Discussion / Re: Fletcher Road Speed Limits
« on: August 11, 2012, 05:26:57 AM »
Someday Ed people will learn to love you just as I did. Until then I can hear your laughter.

Henry: Could I look at yours?

General Discussion / Re: Dogs Roaming River Road-Are they yours?
« on: July 29, 2012, 04:05:45 AM »
Zinnia, on your behalf, the dogs being talked about are not your dogs to begin with. The occassional dog getting loose is wonderful. It is the neglect of letting your dogs run wild that is disturbing. These people in question obviously do not get it that they are their dogs and not everyone elses.

Gail and Dave Derner - Windy Hollow Studio & Gift Shop. Their shop is in Milton. Call me at 849-2570 and I can give you their number. Shelly

We are looking for another band to join us. If you are interested in playing, please let me know.

Please join us for a day of good food, "new" live music and beautiful things. It should be a wonderful day. Lots of raffle items, face painting, maple cotton candy, free ice cream and a petting zoo for the kiddos. Hope to see you there in downtown Fairfax at Swanson's Farm. Shelly

General Discussion / Re: Dogs Roaming River Road-Are they yours?
« on: July 15, 2012, 07:11:12 AM »
I was coming home the other afternoon and saw a car almost hit 2 dogs in the middle of the road. I turned around and got them in my car and their names were Sabastian and Pork Chop. I called the owners and delivered them but apparently they are free to roam as they wish. Everyone on that road know who they are and apparently it is a real problem. I have heard many stories about those dogs since and it is a real shame. They are cute little guys but unfortunately it is only a matter of time. Isn't there a leash law in Fairfax?

I tend to think very basic but here it goes. If you come into MY home to steal or whatever your intention is you should be shot. If I come into your home without being invited, I should be shot. If people knew that they could be shot and killed for enterring someone else's property maybe this nonsense would stop. What is yours is yours. It is not for the taking. We can not allow people to be violated in this way anymore. It is ruining us. Not only that but people are living in fear. I am very frustrated and know that if someone came into my home they would be shot. No questions asked. We would not take the time to figure out if they were a good candidate for rehabilitation. I would also sign that petition and help circulate it.

Current News & Events / Re: Check Out The Art in Bloom Raffle Chairs
« on: June 04, 2012, 08:48:12 PM »
They are on facebook (shelly Pottala) and they are working on the BFA website today. The more they get out there the better. I will also have them at Community Day. Thank you for your support.

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