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Messages - Shadylane08

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
General Discussion / Re: break-ins at BFA Fairfax lockers
« on: May 08, 2012, 09:35:32 AM »
This kinda stuff has been happening for years. 

General Discussion / Re: Looking for a Tree Nursery.....
« on: May 01, 2012, 03:27:48 PM »
I heard there is a place up in Eden thats really good, and has decent prices too

I personally think its a little funny or maybe ironic that the medical field gives patients the choice of DNR / DNI (Do Not Resuscitate, Do Not Intubate, meaning in somecase choosing if you live or pass) but they wont give you this choice?  I fully believe that the only people that should have a say in the outcome of your own life is yourself and your maker whoever that is.

Chris I'm glad that the doctors in your and your mothers case were wrong and you were able to share years of pleasant memories with her before she graduated to the next step, but what would you have thought or what would your last 6 months of memories be if the doctors were right?

In the time leading up to my grandfathers passing (cancer), it was a little stomach turning when he didn't remember who his own family was, or always talked about his sister had been visiting him (His sister had been dead for probably 10 years)  I ask is this a good way to end your life?

I understand this is a very sensitive subject and people will be at opposite ends of the spectrum here but my stance is quality of life, not quantity, and personal Choice.  The only people that need to be involved in what I do with my life is me and my family.  I would never want my wife, or my future family to go through their husband or father not knowing who they were.

Current News & Events / Re: Good News From Mr. Groundhog
« on: February 02, 2012, 09:56:19 AM »
I agree I feel bad for the snowmobilers, but on the other hand I'd much rather walk lines, and tap in 6" of snow vs last year 2-3' of snow!  Bring on the end of winter and the start of Sugaring!! . . .  spring can hold off till mid april so we can get a good batch of the sweet stuff ;-)

General Discussion / Re: Banning the use of Galvanized sap Buckets?
« on: February 02, 2012, 09:53:01 AM »
I've heard the samething.  I actually first heard of this a year or two ago, and the deadline was suppose to be jan. 1 2012 but I think they've pushed the date back a year or two.  I think they realize how hard of a switch this is going to be for a lot of people

I think its silly they are banning galv. buckets, like you said alot of people still mainly use buckets and it'll be a huge expense purchasing either new aluminum or plastic buckets!

Truth be told, before the year 2000, Patriot fans were kinda sparce in this area. They weren't really that good a team. Three Super Bowl wins later with a pin-up poster boy quarterback, and even women are Patriot fans.

Mike I'll finish this statement for you . . . . So now the area is full of bandwagon pats fans ;-)

G G G GMen!!  Giants are on Cruz Control! 

Giants 27 Pats 17

Wow a lot of para ed huh? Almost a 1:2 of para ed to actual teachers.  Must be we have a lot of bad kids or something! 

Current News & Events / Re: VSP Mobile Command Unit In Town
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:28:23 PM »
I also saw the VSP Mobile Command Unit today but it drove by our work site in Richmond around 1:30-2 or so.  We were kind of curious what was going on.

Current News & Events / Re: BFA Fairfax goes global
« on: June 17, 2011, 02:47:28 PM »
Thanks mkcarr, that website is a lot easier to use then the one I was looking at.  I really hoped fairfax could do a bit better then that older site!

General Discussion / Re: Roaming Cow in Fletcher
« on: June 17, 2011, 02:44:10 PM »
Oh boy better call the future in-laws to make sure they still have their cows.  We have had some wild adventures in the past with their cows haha, first day they got them a couple years ago they escaped and we lost them for 3 weeks, that was fun ;-)

Current News & Events / Re: BFA Fairfax goes global
« on: June 17, 2011, 08:19:20 AM »
I'm going to ask a simple question and I might some flack about it but w/e.

How come BFA is to the point where they can be tech savvy enough that they can stream live video of an event at the highschool, but they can't put together a useable website?  There isn't even a link to athletics on there website.  We're in the day and age of .com's and they can't have a half way decent website?

example of a good school website http://www.ccsuvt.org/ehs/

Find anything you would ever need on there, even a sports schedule!

Whats too bad is back in the day you thought about your actions before you did it so it wouldn't lead to a fight.  Now a days kids don't think about there actions, a fight starts and how is their leason taught? by a lawsuit! or threat of a lawsuit!

It wasn't that long ago when I was in school that you did something wrong, or said something you shouldn't have and it was taken care of between the two people and nothing was said about it after.  Or the faculty at the school had a little more control over students.  I remember in elementary school getting caught throwing peas in the cafeteria and the principal at the time putting me up against the wall by my collar!  Leason learned!  I never threw peas again!  I actually like them now ;-)  But you imagine that happening now-a-days?  Its too bad how the way things have changed.

All depending on when "the magic happened" fawns are usually birthed in the months of April, May, and June.  So we should start seeing some little ones around here pretty quick.  I actually saw a doe giving birth last weekend on 128, first time I had ever seen that!

the emerald ash borer is an invasive spieces that targets ash trees, and eventually kills them.  Heres the wikipedia on them


BFA Sports Events / Re: BFA Replaces Second Coach This Year
« on: May 19, 2011, 09:43:53 AM »
"the incident that led to McQuade to resign last week did not involve players on the softball team."  Instead I heard it involved one coach Browns very own baseball players hmmmm.

Quiny is a great guy, will be a good coach, and will help those girls a lot!  I just hope he has a teachers certificate to stay coaching there (another unique to say it nicely BFA fairfax rule)

Good luck girls, continue to work hard, and Good luck Quiny with the politics . . . . I think your going to need it!

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