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Messages - Shadylane08

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9]
Current News & Events / Re: Drug Round-Up In Milton Nets 12 Arrests
« on: January 08, 2010, 01:00:31 PM »
Henry do you have anymore information on this, or where you saw this?  I can't find it anywhere.  I've known for quite a while that there was a lot of trouble in milton, I'm glad its finally coming to light.

Current News & Events / Re: Vermont News
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:27:09 PM »
The event with the elderly woman is an awful thing, they've been searching for her for 2+ years.  I remember not long after she first became missing I went to my parents house on a side road off rte 15 and there were state police, search & rescue, and game warden trucks everywhere.  Turned out they were looking for her over there too.  Sad situation

Sounds like kinda a small track to be a bear track.  Do you remember if all the tracks were the same size and shape?  A bears front paw will be rounded like the ones in the pictures, but their rear paws will be more oblong shaped.  As for being nervous about them being around, bears are more scared of you then we are of them if you can believe that ;)  They'd be gone as soon as you open your door.

I went to the June 6th game this year against the Rangers.  Saw Lester take a perfect game into the 7th, and witnessed one of the few Papi homers this year.  It was also my girlfriends first game.  Going to fenway is an experience one will never forget, unless your a yankees fan ;)

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