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June 16, 2024, 04:06:39 PM

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Topics - AlexT

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Hi everyone,

Good Shepherd Church in Jericho will be hosting the 23rd Annual Medieval Fair this year. I hope you can all make it. Below is the press release with all of the info.


Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church's 23rd Annual Medieval Fair is Saturday, May 18th from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.  All are welcome! 
Step into the 1500s era with a Bratwurst Lunch ($8), Tea Room Desserts, Soft Pretzels ($1.50), Rootbeer Floats ($3), Madrigal Singing, Costumed Nobles, Stilt Walking & Games, Crafts, Vendors, Tag Sale, Fun! New this year: Pony Rides Medieval Style, Stick Juggling, The MMU Saxophone Quartet (outdoors during lunch hour), You-dance with Two Bit Band and Friends (2:30 pm) and The Luther Room Museum inhabited by a monk translating the Bible into German and a hand printing press you can operate. Demos of weaving, basketry and beer brewing. Lots to do, see, and eat!
Parking on site and admission are free. The grounds and building are handicap accessible. More info at 802-899-3932 or www.goodshepherdjericho.org.
Good Shepherd cordially invites the community to join in a celebration of the Lutheran Church's history and heritage by reliving the medieval days and the dawn of the Reformation. . . times to rejoice with feasting and frolicking.
Don't forget to stop at the Drawbridge Welcome Booth for a music schedule and list of all the activities plus a discount coupon for yummy desserts at The Tea Room!
Come to the Fair!

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