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Topics - Willinreach

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Kittens
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:00:25 PM »
My brother-in-law mentioned to my wife and I that he would like to get his mom a kitten for mothers day.  Does any one know of anyone with a barn with a cat with kittens or anyone with a cat who just had a litter who need a good home?


General Discussion / Corner of River Road and Fletcher Road
« on: May 02, 2014, 08:02:00 PM »
Just curious if anyone has ever been in an accident or close to being in an accident because someone ran the stop sign at the end of River Road?  A few weeks back, on my way home from work at roughly 7:30 AM, I was going up the small hill near the church and making the left hand turn onto Fletcher Road where I see a pickup truck flying down River Road, right through the stop sign.  I slammed on my breaks and he slammed on his breaks, missing my car by only a few feet.  The expression on his face and what he was doing with his hands and fingers made it seem like I was inconveniencing him...  I see this happen a lot, not only in the morning on my way home from work, but also in the evening on my way to work...  The Stop Sign is clearly noticeable, but  I rarely see anyone stopping at it.

General Discussion / Phone Outage?
« on: July 24, 2013, 09:19:02 PM »
Anyone around the Fairfax / Fletcher border on Fairfax Road without home phone service through Fairpoint?  I noticed Monday night that I had no dial tone on my phone, which I assume something happened to the lines during the storm we had Friday night.  I called Fairpoint on Tuesday asking what was going on and they said they would send someone out by Friday to take a look.....

Just wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same problem.


General Discussion / Accident in Fairfax this morning?
« on: December 04, 2012, 09:21:05 AM »
My wife was telling me that on her way home from work this morning around 2:15, there were several state troopers just past Steeple Market.  She couldn't really see what happened because of all the blue lights, but she said when the police finally let her through, there were car parts in the road.  Does anyone have any information about this?

General Discussion / Westford Milton Rd & 128
« on: October 12, 2012, 05:07:53 PM »
Anyone know what they are doing at the end of Westford Milton Rd where it meets Rt. 128?  It looks like they are making another road.... Just Curious.

General Discussion / Comcast
« on: September 20, 2012, 05:02:32 AM »
I know there are several threads on this forum about Comcast, but since they are a few years old, I figured I would start another thread.

Does anyone know if Comcast plans on expanding service down Fletcher Road (if they even have service on Fletcher Road)?  You would think with all the new houses going up, they would want to expand their services.

Does anyone know where service ends?

General Discussion / Plane flying low around Fletcher on Friday 08/17
« on: August 18, 2012, 04:55:52 AM »
Anyone else see the duel prop airplane flying around the Fletcher area on Friday afternoon?

I am right on the Fletcher / Fairfax boarder on Fairfax Rd and around 4:00 PM, this plane flew over my house (it wasn't too high either) and flew over again around 4:15.

Any ideas what this plane was doing?  Joy flying, looking for drugs, ect...

I've seen planes fly over before, but not this low to the ground before.

General Discussion / Looking for Snow tires
« on: October 28, 2011, 04:49:51 AM »
I am currently looking for (4) Studded Snowtires for my wifes vehicle.  The size is 215/70/R15.

Before I buy new, I figured I would post to see if anyone has any they want to sell or know of someone who has some for sale.  I've been searching Craigslist, but a lot of tires I have found have been either sold or not close by.


General Discussion / Damaged Mailbox
« on: October 25, 2011, 01:34:37 PM »
I was waiting for the bus this morning with my daughter and went over to check the mail and noticed that the side of my mailbox was dented.  Looks like someone was throwing good sized rocks from a moving vehicle.

I just got back from Fletcher General and noticed 2 other damaged mailboxes...

Curious if anyone has had their mailbox vandalized recently.

General Discussion / 3 People in Fletcher area looking for work
« on: August 30, 2011, 12:14:03 PM »
I was outside earlier mowing my lawn and this old rusty white Ford card pulled into my driveway with 3 people in the car (woman driving, 1 man in passenger seat and one man in the back seat.  One of the men got out of the car and asked me if he could take the scrap metal from my neighbors yard.  I told him that I didn't own the place and then he asked me if I had any work around the house or yard for them to do.  I told them that I was all set and then they took off.

Kind of sketchy if you ask me.  Anyone else see these people?

General Discussion / Roaming Cow in Fletcher
« on: June 17, 2011, 12:06:07 PM »
Last night (Thursday June 16th), around 7:00 PM, I looked out my back window and saw a Calf walk by the window.

I ran outside with my phone and got this picture.  Not sure who it belongs to, but hopefully it made it home safely.

General Discussion / Furnace Cleaning
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:06:09 AM »
My wife and I have been in our new house for a little over a year now and it's time for our furnace to be cleaned.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend someone in the area that does furnace cleaning...

Name and Phone Number would be appreciated.



General Discussion / Fairpoint on Fletcher / Fairfax Road
« on: February 05, 2011, 06:23:59 PM »
Hello Everyone.

I am new to the board...  1st post.  Glad to see that there is a forum for Fairfax residents, even though I live in Fletcher.

If any of you live or travel on Fletcher / Fairfax Road, you might have noticed a huge spool of cable on the side of the road that Fairpoint has been running.

Do any of you know if this cable is for High Speed Internet and how far they plan on going with it?

I am located right on the Fairfax / Fletcher boarder; a couple houses before Meadow Brook Lane.

A few weeks back, I noticed crews going through removing branches around the power lines, so I can only assume they are headed right up to school road.

I was in contact with a rep from Fairpoint and she told me that High Speed Internet would be available up this way by the end of June, but a rep last March told me that by the end of 3rd quarter of 2010, high speed would be available and that did not happen.

Just curious if any of you know if this cable is indeed for high speed internet and how far they plan on going with it and if anyone knows when they plan on finishing this project.

Thank you in advance.


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