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June 16, 2024, 05:17:27 PM

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Topics - Ann

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Announcements / Moving Sale Sept 24 & 25 at 17 Dustetrail Road
« on: September 23, 2016, 09:40:28 AM »
Furniture, household items, baby/toddler items

Current News & Events / Copper Thieves hit Fairfax
« on: March 15, 2014, 08:02:03 PM »
If anyone saw activity at 1415 Main Street within the last 5 days but mostly likely Thursday or Friday night that did not look quite right, please let me know.  The thieves took all the copper in the house which was going to be having new owners in 10 days!  I personally saw someone taking photos on Friday 10:00am and would have stopped to question them if I wasn't running late again.  Thought it was someone for the bank.  It was a man who had on a bright safety vest with a dark blue smaller car parked on the road.  One witness thinks it was a VW Jetta.

Dear Editor,
My name is Leebeth Ann Lemieux, I am seeking election to the Fairfax Selectboard where I believe I will make an active and productive contribution.  Fairfax has some projects and agendas, new, old and future that are finally coming to light.  I want to see that they do not have any more stumbling blocks.  The best way I know to insure that is to be involved.

I am the oldest of six children in a 6th generation Vermont family.  My father was an officer in the US Air Force and, as with most military families, my childhood was spent moving frequently.  However, upon my father being killed on active duty, my mother moved us home to Vermont.  In 1984 my husband, Mark and I chose to live in Fairfax on land passed down from my great grandfather.  We have recently begun a sugaring operation on our 25 acres of land. 

Our community involvement began with the activities of our two sons, Nicholas and Jack, such as little league and BFA Fairfax athletics.  I coached cheerleading at BFA Fairfax for seven years.  I began my own cake decorating business, The Cake Solution, out of my home and in 1987 established my drafting service business.  I established Realtor/Owner Dusty Trail Realty, LLC in 2001.

I was a member of the Fairfax Planning Commission for eight years from 2003 – 2011. And I served as President on the Fairfax Business Professional Association.  I have taken on a variety of roles in moving Fairfax forward, while maintaining our rural agricultural foundation.  I was involved with the revisions to the Fairfax Town Plan and the Development Regulations while on the planning commission.  I was an integral part of the development and continued growth of the Annual Tree Lighting.  This year I also took the lead in the Citizens of Fairfax Community and Fairfax Parks and Recreation Department’s development of the Haunted House.  Both events have had over 250 participants in attendance and are great community building events.  The haunted house was a fundraiser for the CFC which has a goal of creating a community center in Fairfax.

I believe it is important to promote conveniences and activities right here in our town so people can remain in town for their daily needs and services.  As a business owner, I also understand the financial constraints and fiscal responsibility in our town.  I am advocating for a clear direction and understanding in these areas.   I would like to see our communication methods and research of town recordings modernized.  I want to see the new voter approved town hall project to be developed within a responsible budget, cutting down on the time and money it will cost the taxpayers while coming to completion in a timely manner.  Through my business experience and working with a variety of government entities here in Fairfax, I have developed skills that will be essential in my role on the Selectboard. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.  I would appreciate your vote on March 5, 2013.


Leebeth Ann Lemieux

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