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Topics - Fairfax Librarian

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Current News & Events / Library Trustee Board Meeting
« on: November 23, 2010, 02:29:25 PM »
The next Library Board of Trustees meeting will be held in the Fairfax Room at the library on Tuesday, November 30th at 6:00 p.m.
This is a "special" meeting to prepare the 2011 library budget.  Other agenda items include annual policy review, VT Open Meeting Law review, and other business.  The public is welcome.

The board's next quarterly meeting is set for Tuesday, Jan. 18th at 6:30 pm at the library.

Current News & Events / New titles at the library and Holiday hours
« on: November 20, 2010, 04:58:04 PM »
If you haven't been in to the library lately, stop by and take a look at all our new titles.  Bestsellers, Indie picks,
adventure non-fiction, cookbooks, mysteries, and more.  We also have about a half dozen new audio books on CD - great for those long
car, plane or train trips!  Several new titles for adults are in on Playaway too.  (Playaways are small, self contained audio players with one complete book that run on the included batteries and come with a set of ear buds.)
For a complete list of the titles you can also check our webpage - http://www.bfafairfax.com/pages/communitylibrarynews.htm
Click on "New Books Coming in November" - most have arrived.

For the week of Thanksgiving we will be open our usual hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.  Closed Thursday and Friday.

So, open hours for the week of Nov. 22-27 are:
Monday 8:00 - 3:15
Tuesday 8:00 - 8:00
Wednesday 8:00 - 3:15
Saturday 9:00 - 12:00 noon

Happy Holiday everyone!

Debbie Landauer, Town Librarian

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