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Messages - slpott

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 31
Upcoming Events / Re: New AA Meeting In Fairfax
« on: July 11, 2017, 04:13:28 PM »
I went to this when I was up there and it is a wonderful resource for anyone who is struggling or knows someone struggling. So glad it was there for me and looking forward to being a huge participant and member when I move home. Thank you Fairfax for providing resources to our community. Sometimes it takes a village to make a difference. Forever grateful.

General Discussion / In search of beds
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:41:25 AM »
Anyone looking to get rid of a gently used queen or king beds?

Call Sam Gillilan 849-6514. She knows a lot of people and she has a daycare. Not sure what ages but worth a shot. If I was there I would watch that baby in a minute. Good luck.

General Discussion / Re: Help needed to weed gardens
« on: September 10, 2013, 07:10:26 PM »
Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

General Discussion / Help needed to weed gardens
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:08:02 AM »
I am looing for someone to help me weed my flower gardens. I am willing to pay but I need dependability. Please let me know. 802-362-0502. Thank you Shelly

General Discussion / Re: Beaver Pond
« on: September 05, 2013, 05:44:07 AM »
A couple of years ago they were active right across from Fletcher School towards the store.

« on: September 02, 2013, 07:25:35 AM »
I bet if you picked them for them they would come get them. Wish I was there to get some. What a nice gesture Judi

Announcements / For Rent
« on: June 01, 2013, 10:00:49 AM »
Does anyone know of a house, apartment or condo for rent. Looking for a 2 or 3 bedroom at least. Please let me know. Needed as soon as possible. Thank you 849-2570

General Discussion / Re: Water for Swimming Pool
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:31:05 PM »
I will be emptying my water to sell the poo as soon as possible.  It has already been opened up for the year. No chlorine. 849-2570. Shelly They may want to move it this week-end so the sooner the better,

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Message From John Mitchell
« on: May 10, 2013, 04:12:30 PM »
No misunderstanding on this end. Just saying.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Message From John Mitchell
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:09:29 AM »
I think people have a right to do things the way they do things without being judged. If you want it done a certain way than I recommend you do it yourself. I am sure John would love a secretary that would do this all for him. hee hee

General Discussion / Huge moving sale
« on: April 20, 2013, 07:02:05 AM »
We are in full swing of yet another sale with different things. It is never ending over here. Just sold all our fire wood really cheap.
Come see me
9 Tracy Road
Fletcher Road, Vt. 05444

Just past Shep Hollow

General Discussion / Having a garage sale/moving sale today
« on: April 17, 2013, 08:41:31 AM »
Lots of great stuff. Lamps, tires, office desk, greenhouse, chickencoop with chandelier and much much more. My favorite is the Cub Cadet. Come and see me.
9 Tracy Road off of Fletcher. 849-2570

General Discussion / Looking for Neckties
« on: March 21, 2013, 01:27:35 PM »
I just got a message from a couple of people in town that want to make a tie quilt to raffle off at Art in Bloom this year. We are wondering if any of you have any old ties that you would be willing to donate. We need about 100 or so of them to make the quilts. They can be given to Carol Stanley at BFA or Shelly Pottala. I can make arrangements to pick up or you can drop them off with me. I am on Fletcher Road. Art in Bloom is July 27th at 10:00 a.m. It is a fund raiser for BFA Nordic Ski team. If you would like to donate time, money or become a vendor, please let me know. Shelly Pottala, 849-2570. Thak you all for your help. It is because of people like you that make this possible. Have a beautiful day.

We are also always in need of old ski's to build the ski chairs and tables. It was a ton of fun last year. Hope to see you there.

General Discussion / Re: to whom it may concern
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:18:04 PM »
I can not believe that she did not pay her bill and now you are letting her rent space in your head for free. You silly boy. We love you Ed and that is all that matters.

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