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Topics - Stand Alone Defense

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Current News & Events / Trash pick up????
« on: February 06, 2014, 08:35:58 AM »
Anyone else not get their trash picked up yesterday?  Had a lovely morning of picking up soiled diapers that were spread all over my road by a dog!! Just what I wanted to do this morning at 6 o'clock with -5 degrees!!

Been trying to give Duffy's the benefit of the doubt but we are 6 weeks in with a different road missed every week.  I am starting to feel that Mr. Shea and Duffy's sold the Fairfax tax payers a crap deal.  Does anyone know what we would have to do to get the old trash removal team back?  is that even posible or are we gonna be stuck with this for 2 or 3 years?

General Discussion / Country Pantry....
« on: December 20, 2013, 09:41:53 AM »
I heard that they are delivering Pizza now?  Heard from my brother that it is really good too..

General Discussion / Firearms Training
« on: December 16, 2013, 12:09:48 PM »

I have received some messages on here from people interested in firearms safety training so I thought I figured I would post this.  John Jacob is a NRA certified firearms instructor and teaches classes here in the St Albans area. Here is his website for any of you that might be interested.


General Discussion / House or 2 or 3 Bedroom Apt for rent????
« on: August 12, 2013, 10:09:28 AM »
Does anyone know of any places for rent in the Fairfax area?  I have a co worker that is looking to rent in our area.  She is looking for a 2 or 3 bedroom place.

General Discussion / Special Thanks Duane Leach
« on: September 13, 2012, 08:56:52 AM »
The night of September 11th I noticed Duane was out collecting all the flags on Main street by himself.  It made me think of how lucky we all are to live in such an amazing town,  a town full of people just like Duane that are so selfless with the time they volunteer to our community.  Thanks for collecting our colors Duane

Current News & Events / Storm Damage?
« on: July 24, 2012, 05:41:49 AM »
Anyone else have any damage from last nights storm?  we lost 3 trees up off Sandhill Rd, 1 of them actually fell onto our house.

Current News & Events / Veterans in the parade today.
« on: July 04, 2012, 05:24:42 AM »
All local Veterans,

If anyone wants to walk in the parade today please meet at St Luke's today around noon.  A uniform is not required but I know all of the guard guys are gonna wear ACU's and soft covers, so no need to dig out the dress uniform.  Happy 4TH to all of you and thank you all for your sacrifice and service!!

Current News & Events / Another Shooting.
« on: June 13, 2012, 05:27:02 AM »
Kind of scary that this kind of stuff is on the rise!! I'm starting to feel like I live back in Southern California again


WINOOSKI, Vt. - "I know they don't leave their door open like that late at night," Christine Cusson.
Cusson watched as police swarmed her neighbors' home early Tuesday morning. She lives on River Street in Winooski with her young son. But a violent home invasion has her second guessing their safety.

"It's pretty hard," she said. "It's scary."

Police say at 1 a.m. Tuesday the tenants in an apartment heard a banging at the door. The male resident told police the woman standing outside was a stranger. She was looking for another man who occasionally stayed with the Winooski couple. Police say when the tenant tried to turn her away; two other men appeared in the doorway.

"One kind of pushed the door open, punched the male resident in the face, knocking him back and then tried to make their way in. And at that point the male resident who was armed with a .38 revolver fired one shot at the intruder," Winooski Police Chief Steve McQueen said.

Police say that was Trinelle Cox, 25. He was with Angel Concepcion, 24. Both men are from New York City.

Police say the tenant then shot Concepcion as he tried to kick down the door.

"It sounded like someone lit off those little firecrackers in a metal garbage can. And there was like four to six of them. It was pow-pow, pow-pow," Cusson said.

Both men are in intensive care but are expected to survive. Police say they'll likely face charges when they're released from the hospital. Detectives executed a search warrant on the property, treating a child's play yard as a crime scene. They're hoping evidence here may help solve another crime.

"I do know that one of the individuals that I've identified was also identified in the South Burlington incident," McQueen said.

Last week, someone fired a dozen shots at a car fleeing from an apartment complex in South Burlington. Police say the shooting was drug-related. Now detectives in both cases are hearing the same suspect street name pop up, leading them to look at the possibility that Concepcion was at the South Burlington shooting. It's not clear if he could have been the shooter or one of the three people in the car.

Police are still looking for the female accomplice who knocked on the door. She's described as a black woman in her 20s. Police say another black man may also be involved. If you have any information call Winooski police at 802-655-0221.

Police are not releasing the name of the resident who shot at the alleged intruders. They say until they have these drug connections figured out, they're withholding it for his own safety. He has not been arrested or charged with any crime. Ultimately it will be up the state's attorney to decide if the shooting was justified.

General Discussion / Lawn Mower Repair?
« on: May 09, 2012, 07:57:14 AM »
Does anyone know someone local that works on Lawn Mowers?  I know there use to be someone on Swamp Rd but I haven't seen the sign in a while.

Current News & Events / Constable Resignation.
« on: September 27, 2011, 05:51:15 AM »
Dear Citizens of Fairfax:
I regret to inform you that I am resigning from my position as First Constable for the town of Fairfax. Due to the new training guidelines set by the state of Vermont I no longer feel that I can safely execute my duties as First Constable.  My last day of employment will be October 1st 2011.

It has been an amazing experience working in the Fairfax community and interacting with the amazing people that live here.  I am so grateful to have grown up and currently live in such a wonderful town with and awesome sense of community spirit.  I will miss being involved as the Constable within our community but as I stated before new state regulations have put me in a position where I no longer feel comfortable performing my duties.

Thank you for the support and the opportunities that you have provided me during the last four years. I have enjoyed my tenure with the town of Fairfax.


Joshua J Langelier

Current News & Events / Missing Dog.
« on: September 07, 2011, 07:16:31 AM »
Hey Everyone,

Please keep your eyes and ears open for a all Black German Shepard wearing a red collar that went missing last night in Fairfax.  If you have seen or heard anything please let me know.

Thanks Josh

General Discussion / FYI-Coyote around Sandhill RD
« on: July 25, 2011, 11:55:46 AM »
Hey Everyone,

There has been 2 sightings of a mangy looking Coyote both on Sandhill Rd and on Crystal Rd in Fairfax.  If you live in the area and have indoor/outdoor cats you might want to restrict them to just indoors for a couple days.  It appears in both cases that the Coyote was picking through open Compost bins for food so please if you have one close the lid also put your trash in a covered bin.  Both Sightings were in the Morning part of the day and the animal appears to have mange as it is missing a lot of its fur.  The Coyote does not appear to be aggressive but if you see the animal in your yard please do not try to approach it and feel free to contact me at 802-752-0908 if I am at work you can call the State Game Warden at 802-524-5993.

Thank you,


General Discussion / Missing Bike?
« on: May 24, 2011, 09:05:12 AM »
If you have had a Mountain Bike stolen from you in the last few weeks feel free to contact me.  I recovered a very nice Bike last night that was thrown in the ditch appears to be a pricey one so I'm sure someone is missing it.  Thanks


Hmmmmm am I understanding this correctly?  We are going to give our taxes dollars to pay for health care for people that shouldn't even be in first place? I guess we have money to give away here in Vermont.  Some of our politicans should check and see how California is doing with all the entitlements to Illegals there.

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