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Messages - Stand Alone Defense

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Current News & Events / Re: Your deer died
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:22:14 PM »
Well said! wasn't behind MKRs house in the back of those cornfields was it?  I had a momma with 2 babies coming through everyday.... no more mom..

I think I might put my name in the hat. I ran before and I think it would be interesting. I believe putting yourself in the shoes of the folks on the board would give a great perspective and maybe I can help. I might be able to fill a couple different roles. . .  more to follow lets see how much support I receive I'm not really a "people person" ha. 

You have my support Keith!! We are pretty like minded on a lot of things and I think having someone like you on the board would be a good thing!!!

You too would be a good candidate for the position as well.  You've always had an opinion about how the town should conduct business, now's your chance to show us what you can offer.

I'm engulfed every day in political posturing and political correctness with my full time job.  If my people and I get to go a week without having to gather info for some congressional inquiry, or gather info for some pet project thought up by the people at 1600 PA Ave, we consider ourselves lucky.  I have no desire to inject my home life with more political nonsense.

It is no secret I don’t care for politicians… Most of them are in my opinion the scum of the earth.  That being said it is a necessary job and someone has to do it.  I hope we can fill the position with an actual “work doer” instead of a “work talker” which is often the type to fill them.

MKR this is screaming your name!!

Current News & Events / Re: Released Rapist Arrested In Shelden
« on: April 14, 2015, 08:57:53 AM »
This whole convo just leaves me in awe....... I will out of fear of offending someone bite my tongue.  I'm sure Kpplus2 knows exactly what I'm thinking though...

Sorry if I came off as being negative towards Gabe, that was not my intention at all.  I agree Maple street looks 100 times better than it used too!! I actually give Mr. Handy props for sticking to his guns and not being bullied by the former select board.  No ill will on my part at all!!

General Discussion / Re: 2015 Safest State to live in #1 Vermont
« on: April 03, 2015, 12:33:35 PM »
Well of course we're safe. No one lives here. That's like saying a house with one person is safer than two. All things being equal you'd be safer if someone else isn't there. There are the situations that the other person could save you but I'm pretty sure you won't usually rob or assault yourself.

Why isn't Wyoming number 1 than? :)

Fun Fact, there are 19 states that less densely populated than VT too.  They may have more people with the exception of Wyoming but the number of people per square mile is less.  Some are way less, like Alaska with 1 person per square mile.... I think I want to move there... :)      Mike here I come!!

Current News & Events / Re: Changes in Trash coming
« on: April 03, 2015, 12:26:52 PM »
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I don't really understand how the "there's going to be an increase in littering" argument.  Very few municipalities in Vermont coordinate trash pickup and I don't see the state littered with bags of trash along the roads.  Granted there's always litter, but does our town really have such a high number of residents that would resort to illegal dumping?  Are we really stuck in that mindset?

Trevor you would be surprised how big of an issue illegal dumping is.... Our town has the fortunate scenario where our trash is in our taxes so people can't skirt paying for trash removal.  Justin's scenario happens ALL the time in Fairfax... his road, Wheezy way, Rounds Rd are a few others that have this problem.  You think those people that drop off their trash are going to go back and pick it up if it isn't taken?  I agree with Justin, once again our elected officials show their intelligence with passing this law.   

It is true........ He fought the town and he won lol.  he will own the town in another 10 years at this rate.

Current News & Events / Re: Fairfax Man Accused In Assault
« on: April 02, 2015, 08:17:45 AM »
And that is why I carry.....

Current News & Events / Re: Suspicious Vehicle
« on: March 28, 2015, 11:25:03 AM »

I sent you an Email today.  I crossed paths with the car this morning and got a Plate Number for you.

General Discussion / Re: Sheriffs Using the town office after hours...
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:36:55 PM »
Does anyone know why there was so much discussion at Town Meeting about the sheriffs using the toilets in the town offices after hours?  I guess I didn't really see an issue with this arrangement but maybe I am missing something???

I think the person took issue with it because they might accidently leave the door unlocked and the fire station with a key pad entry was already made available.  I was there, that's just what I heard 

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:07:55 AM »
Ok, you're trying to justify a racial slur where it has no place. The circumstances you describe are a battle with a subset, a radical fundamentalist faction of a larger group of people. you have no patience with those of us who have no military experience, well sir, I have no patience with soldiers who have served with honor and then believe they have a sanctioned right to be racist haters, because they've been in a combat zone. I believe, it is you guys, who should know more than the rest of us that the goons you're fighting, who are truly evil, do not represent all Muslims--they clearly terrorize their own people as much as others. There are many Muslims in this state who do not deserve the kind of attitude portrayed here, as it's not their way. They are peace loving family types, such as yourself, who are as devout to their religion as you likely are, but not in a crazy Kill the infidels way.

I'm done here. I know how I feel and it doesn't change. It's my opinion, it's neither right nor wrong, it just is. Same as everyone else.

I did not generalize or bash Muslims anywhere in my post.... So I'm not sure why you are attacking me and calling me a racist?  I for one doubt you know the real meaning of Haji as you did not get the joke I made in the first line of my response...  After that I simply spoke of how I get annoyed at people with no down range experience (Yes I have 3 combat tours) speaking about what the Military does or does not want to do.  A true warrior, which most of our great military members are, thrive on defending the weak and fighting evil.  What do you think these ISIS guys are?  As I said before they are our generations version of the Nazis, they murder and torture innocent defenseless people that can not fight for themselves.  How can any human being say that we should not do what we can to help these poor people?  People that mind you helped our Military troops greatly during the Iraq war.

"you have no patience with those of us who have no military experience"

I NEVER said that!!!!!!! I have no patience for people that speak of what the Military should or shouldn't do without any experience.  I share the same views on people who try to tell police what to do when they have never done the job!!

"well sir, I have no patience with soldiers who have served with honor and then believe they have a sanctioned right to be racist haters, because they've been in a combat zone."

Again I don't know where you got the racist vibe from my post!! I have served with a lot of great brave men in my 7 years.  I can think of maybe 2 that I would call racist and they were racist well before they joined the Military.  Also please don't mistake racism with a reaction to a life experience that you could not imagine in your worse nightmare.  Watching a person that you love more than a brother scream and cry while they bleed out and die in front of you can leave an everlasting effect on you.  I wouldn't call those men that have given everything for their country including their Mental health "racist".  They may not feel comfortable around a certain set of people but it is hardly racism in my opinion.  You can not even imagine some of the things our men and women in uniform have endured.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Community Organizer/Golfer in Chief
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:39:54 PM »
You find something wrong with the Marine urinating on a couple of dead rags; I would bet that dead haji rolled down the hill right into the path of the Marine.

Not exactly using Haji by its dictionary definition.

How do you know MIRJO?  You know what level of Islam the person mentioned above has achieved? :)

In all honesty though, I have no patience for people that speak of Military action or inaction without actual Military service or combat experience.  I will tell you this though, if you don't fight them there they will grow until you are fighting them here.  They are 100% the Nazis of our generation.  These people hate everything we (every country of western influence) stand for and make no mistake MIRJO they wouldn't think twice about cutting mine or your head off or burning us alive.  I have some friends that have been on the ground there in the last 6 months, we don't know half of what is going on there based on our news.  One of my best friends said the mass graves are some of the worse things you can imagine!! Some are filled with children that look as though they were not old enough to even walk yet.  These people deserve to be wiped from the earth and I have not heard a single one of my ACTIVE DUTY friends say they are not up to the task. 

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Obama Architect calls Americans Stupid
« on: November 17, 2014, 11:26:02 AM »

And Obama and Pelosi don't know who this Gruber is.... even though Gruber had at least 8 meetings with Obama and his crew in the White House, and Pelosi mentions him in her sales pitches on Obamacare. Now they don't know who he is. Hilarious.

That's the best part of the whole thing!! They flat out lie and say they don't know him and no one even calls them on it.

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