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Messages - MikeF9

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Current News & Events / Fairfax Historical Society Village Holiday Walk
« on: December 08, 2017, 12:54:42 PM »
Tomorrow is the big day! We invite you to join the Fairfax Village Holiday Walk from 2-4PM. Come to the Fairfax Historical Society Museum, located at 1181 Main Street, Fairfax, VT for tickets and a map of the 7 locations around the Fairfax Village. At each location you will get a tour of the historic house or building and learn about the fascinating history of each. Tickets for this event are $10/person (children under 12 are free). Proceeds benefit the renovations at the museum. Cookies and cocoa will be available along the way. We hope to see you tomorrow. For questions please email fairfaxvthistoricalsociety@gmail.com
Then head over to the Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Fairfax Community Center from 4-6pm!

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / New House
« on: April 25, 2017, 08:56:02 PM »


After a lot of discussion and much research on my sister, Margie's part, 2014 saw us take a major undertaking-the construction of a new house.
Margie found a design we both liked, we met with Skada Builders out of Westford, they scaled down the design to give us what we wanted and to make it fit our budget. Late August 2014 saw the construction begin. A joy to be a part of, we watched the process take place, working with Kari and Kaija in discussing possible changes as it was going up. Even before it was finished, it had the feel of home when you walked in. The feeling of ease and a sense of welcome that always existed in our old house made it's way to the new house. It was as if the spirits from the old house were moving in ahead of us.
January 31. 2015 saw family and friends come and help us move in. A warm home, I don't have to worry about pipes freezing in the old cellar.
Over two years later, I find myself looking around the place and I will find myself saying aloud, "I love this house."

Uncle Mike's Thoughts Of The Day / Greetings Old Friends
« on: April 19, 2017, 11:16:51 PM »
It has been a while, but I am back.
My computer had aged quite a bit and I found myself posting more to social media than here. I wanted to, but getting the computer up and running took longer than to just use my smart phone.
After dealing with a slow computer, a trip to Best Buy resulted in this new fancy HP with a lot of bells and whistles.
The advances in technology has grown to the point where it can overwhelm me.
Bear with me, I'll get back into the swing of things.
Stay tuned.

Current News & Events / Re: Car Crashes into Foothills Bakery
« on: December 29, 2016, 06:29:10 PM »
Fairfax Fire and Fairfax Rescue responded to Foothills Bakery for a car that hit the front step and railing. Driver was unconscious and was transported to the hospital.

Announcements / Fairfax T-Shirts Make Great Christmas Gifts!
« on: November 28, 2016, 11:36:39 AM »
The Christmas season is here! Fairfax t-shirts make great Christmas gifts for family members who live out of town, or college students who can show off where they are from! They are great for everyone!
The Fairfax shirts come many colors and in all sizes: child-infant onesie, S, M, L; adult-S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL. The Fairfax Postage Stamp shirts are in Adult S, M, L and XL sizes. There are a very few child sizes available. All shirts are $12 each.
All shirts are available at the Fairfax Town Office located at 12 Buck Hollow Road in Fairfax.

Tales Of Our Community / Re: Looking For Information On This House
« on: July 17, 2016, 09:42:32 PM »
Very interesting picture. At first glance, I thought it was the old BFA in the background. It's not. It is a house. That has to be on Main Hill, though. Clarice Shepardson's old house with the Gates' place in the background?

Current News & Events / 29th Annual Pie and Ice Cream Social TONIGHT!
« on: June 26, 2016, 01:19:10 PM »
The Fairfax Historical Society is holding their annual fundraiser tonight!
The 29th Annual Pie and Ice Cream Social and Band Concert is tonight at 7pm on the front lawn of the Baptist Building on Main Street.
Come enjoy a gathering of friends and family while the Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band plays your favorites. There is also a Silent Auction for three different quilts made by Toni Stone. Plus a Jelly-Jar Auction on around 20 items ranging from a family day pass to the Champlain Valley Fair, passes to Montshire Museum, Spirit of Ethan Allen, gift cards and certificates to Fairfax Pharmacy, Meadow Brook Grill, and much more!
Hope to see you there!!!

General Discussion / Re: Covered bridge closed
« on: April 18, 2016, 06:39:03 PM »
They received grant money to do some repairs and upkeep on the bridge. No school this week, that's why it is being done. Strange that there was no warning.

I made a mistake on the date of the Remembrance. It is the 17th, not the 27th.

It was a bitter cold Friday evening, January 17, 1941. People were gathered at the Town Hall, also called the Amuse-U Theater, and eventually referred to as The Old Grange Hall, for a pair of BFA-Fairfax High School basketball games. The girls team was playing Highgate with the Boys team to play Milton afterwards.
Partway through the 3rd quarter of the girls game, the building shook. People thought they heard an explosion. Suddenly someone came running in from outside, hollering, "The school's on fire!"
The game was halted and people gathered at the school to witness the unthinkable. Bellows Free Academy was being gutted by fire.
On Sunday January 17, 2016 at 7pm, the Fairfax Historical Society will mark the 75th anniversary of that night by gathering in the Old Gym, aka the Middle School Gym, to remember that night. If you have any stories of the fire or remembrances of that night, we invite you to come and share. If you are new to Fairfax and want to learn about an historical moment in the town's history, please attend!

Current News & Events / Re: parade,etc.
« on: July 09, 2015, 02:24:47 PM »
It has gotten to the point where Fairfax already has fireworks on the 4th of July. It just that they are not organized. If you were to come to the Village and drove around for an hour, you would see quite a show. They come from all directions as everyone is setting off their own fireworks show. Lately, I have been referring to it as the Fairfax Blitz, because it sounds like we are being bombed by someone.
Not sure if an organized fireworks display would stop individuals from doing their own, or make the evening last that much longer, as people would wait until the Big Show was done, then progress with theirs. I was thankful there was rain earlier in the evening, so the fire department wasn't scurrying all over putting out firework-started grass fires.

Current News & Events / 28th Pie and Ice Cream Social Still Happening
« on: June 27, 2015, 06:33:18 AM »
Just letting everyone know that the 28th Annual Pie and Ice Cream Social will still be happening Sunday night at the Baptist Building. Looks like we will be inside, unless the weather does a complete 180 degrees from what is forecast. We will be serving pie and ice cream downstairs with the band concert upstairs. We have a lot of great items to bid on in the Jelly-Jar style auction. Toni Stone has made us three lovely lap quilts, 4 tickets to the Montshire Museum, and a lot more. So come enjoy some homemade pie and ice cream and listen to the Fairfax-Fletcher-Westford Band! 7pm, Sunday night. We are still going to have a great time!

There was a gentleman with a small drone up at the mini-mall today. He was talking about how he flew it around Georgia Mountain getting views of the wind turbines.
I was noticing how small the drone was and the controls he was using. You need to have great coordination to fly that. I had a radio controlled car and I had trouble steering that. I don't want to try flying a drone. It would definitely crash.
I didn't see the plane either, by the way.

Current News & Events / Re: Real Heavy Winds Causing White-outs
« on: March 18, 2015, 08:01:09 AM »
Trust me, we are. You really do not realize how hard the wind blows, or how cold it is outside. Sitting here on the couch right now, I can see the trees waving and the wind sounds muffled. You do not hear the wind whistling through the windows.

Current News & Events / Re: 20.4 below zero here on the Fletcher Road
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:30:35 AM »
Margie said we had -27 this morning as well.

Current News & Events / Re: Art Webb Turns 95!
« on: January 02, 2015, 09:09:17 PM »
Happy Birthday Uncle Art!!!

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