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Messages - Chris Santee

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 154
Political Issues/Comments / Re: General Election Dates
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:40:37 AM »
Polls Open at 7:00am at the NEW Town Office
at 12 Buck Hollow Road

Polls will close at 7:00pm

Best of luck to all candidates and folks, please remember to vote.
Fairfax has already had three votes this year tied, or within one vote cast.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Chris Santee
« on: November 04, 2014, 05:38:17 AM »
Thanks to all !

I am well aware about the program and made a presentation for its adoption many years ago with Armando and Scott..
It is not being utilized to its fullest potential in my view.

You may also remember me boring you right here years back with Electronic Medical Records,
now called Electronic Health Records and now in our hospitals and doctor's offices.

I ask for your vote and a chance to help.

I'll be back here tomorrow, call me on my cell, as always, if you need me.......

Political Issues/Comments / Chris Santee for Justice of the Peace
« on: November 03, 2014, 07:42:30 AM »
On the backs of your ballots, you will find more voting !
It's for Fairfax's Justices of the Peace.

For the past six or eight years, I have had the pleasure of being one of Fairfax's JP's
and I have performed many, many marriages in and around our community.

Justices also make up the Board of Civil Authority, and a couple years back,
I was elected Vice-Chair, by some of Fairfax's most respected people,
both Republicans and Democrats. I am truly honored.

It is one of the many positions I have held in Fairfax and I treat it very seriously.
The Selectboard and the Fairfax Town Clerk complete the "BCA"
Peter Fitzgerald is our Chairperson.

On November 4th, I hope you will fill in Chris Santee for Justice of the Peace.
Thank you.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Thank You Voters
« on: November 03, 2014, 07:22:11 AM »
to follow the final 36 hours.......

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Thank You Voters
« on: November 03, 2014, 07:06:24 AM »
Thanks to all who have supported me over the campaign trail, it nears completion.
Please remember to get out and vote tomorrow !!!

If any still want to help the cause, please call me at 782-0406.
I could use more hands.

Traffic could be heavy at times tomorrow at the new Fairfax Town Office,
please be patient and drive safely as we vote in a higher turnout situation.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: General Election Dates
« on: November 03, 2014, 07:00:44 AM »

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Chris Santee
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:59:47 AM »
from the article above:
The way the school is funded, however, needs to change according to Santee. "I think that needs to be re-visited," he said.
One way to save money, said Santee, was to follow a Minnesota based model called virtual high school, where, for classes that are unusual or have few students, instead of having additional teachers at every school, one teacher could use online technology to teach across the state.
"They could all log on to the same computer technology ," so that each student can take the class and so you can keep the costs down." He was quick to say that technological method of teaching would not replace classroom teachers by any means, but simply offer a more cost effective alternative for those students taking non-traditional, less popular classes.
In addition to finding alternative learning methods, Santee said he was also in favor of consolidating school districts.
"The population of Vermont - 600,000 - is approxiamately the same as the population of some mega metropolis that has one school district," said Santee. He added that local school boards are no longer retaining local controldue to state and federal mandates, and combining school districts could allow more sway.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Chris Santee
« on: October 31, 2014, 06:36:09 AM »
As predicted:

DATE/TIME: 10/29/14 / 1240 hours
LOCATION: Long Trail head / VT RT 125 East Town of Ripton
VIOLATION: Possession of Marijuana

ACCUSED: Elyssa Osborne
AGE: 25
CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: East Middlebury / Vermont

SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: State Police were patrolling VT RT 125 East in the Town of Ripton checking the Long Trail parking area for suspicious activity. As the State Police pulled into the parking area, the accused was observed in the driver seat of a compact SUV lighting a joint (marijuana cigarette). State Police investigation revealed that the accused had stopped to smoke a joint before she returned to her residence. State Police received consent from the accused and a search of the accused vehicle was conducted. The search recovered  more marijuana and drug paraphernalia. The marijuana and drug paraphernalia were seized as evidence and the accused was issued a Vermont civil violation complaint and released.

If you want someone focused on the economy, I'm your candidate !

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Chris Santee
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:44:02 AM »
Pot is the social distraction issue of the year.
If we all talk about it, we take our eyes of the financial hardships many Vermonters are facing.
I will continue to focus on your pocketbooks and remind everyone of this everyday in Montpelier if elected.

Our laws don't need tweaking here now
but we need to keep an eye on Colorado and learn.

If you're in favor of the tax revenue,
we could make more with hemp products.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Chris Santee
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:37:54 AM »
Hey Norton, thanks for staying on me, it's a busy time.
The following is from a St. Albans Messenger article:

FAIRFAX - With a self-described knack for fugality, compassion for others and responsiveness to calls for help, Republican candidate Chris Santee said he hopes to be elected in November as State Representative for Fairfax in the Franklin-2 district.
Santee, 57, ran for the legislative office four years ago as well. This time around he faces Independent candidates Bob Shea and Barbara Murphy - incumbent Republican John Mitchell has chosen not to run again.
As vice chair of the Fairfax Selectboard, a caregiver for those with special needs, and the editorof the Fairfax News, Santee said in a recent interview that he feels he has hands-on knowledge of Fairfax. Santee added that he's always happy to take calls or e-mails from others looking for aid, and in general wants a chance to do what he can for his community.
"I like to help others the best I can," said Santee, "I'm a compassionate conservative. If elected, I will strive to do the best possible job in Montpelier to represent the people of Fairfax."
If or when Santee arrives in Montpelier, he said he has ideas for what to do about some of the current issues facing Vermonters. On water quality in Lake Champlain, for instance, where toxic algal blooms appeared over the summer due to phosphorus carried by runoff, Santee called the current situation "horrendous".
"We used to drink that water and now my dog can't swim in it," he said.
Santee added that he was concerned about how the water quality was affecting tourism and overall natural health in the area. "Our lake is a huge resource for us," he said.
When asked about a solution, Santee said there are plenty of options already out there. "I found the same problem throughout North America," he said. "We need to take a look at what is working."
Santee said the state has done a lot of studies up to this point. "After the studies are done, it's time to take some action," he said.
Santee added this issue shouldn't be treated as partisan at any time - it bears importance for the whole state, and especially for those like himself who live in Franklin County.
"This is not a Republican-Democrat issue, this is an issue for all Vermont," he said. "I've spent a great deal of time on the lake - it means a lot to me."
Something that is of equal importance, said Santee, was Bellows Free Academy Fairfax school. "I'm very happy with our school," he said. He added that as the largest kindergarten through 12th grade building in the state, the school takes pride in integrating students of all ages in one place.
"We're very proud of that," Santee said. "It's really nice,"
The way the school is funded, however, needs to change according to Santee. "I think that needs to be re-visited," he said.
One way to save money, said Santee, was to follow a Minnesota based model called virtual high school, where, for classes that are unusual or have few students, instead of having additional teachers at every school, one teacher could use online technology to teach across the state.
"They could all log on to the same computer technology ," so that each student can take the class and so you can keep the costs down." He was quick to say that technological method of teaching would not replace classroom teachers by any means, but simply offer a more cost effective alternative for those students taking non-traditional, less popular classes.
In addition to finding alternative learning methods, Santee said he was also in favor of consolidating school districts.
"The population of Vermont - 600,000 - is approxiamately the same as the population of some mega metropolis that has one school district," said Santee. He added that local school boards are no longer retaining local controldue to state and federal mandates, and combining school districts could allow more sway.
On the topic of health-care, Santee said he was disappointed in Vermont Health Connect and the Shumlin Administration's handling of the coming single-payer system.
On the health exchange website, which is currently down for maintenance, Santee said, "There's a working model right next door in New Hampshire. I would certainly like to open that discussion," he added. "Their system works for $8 million, and you've reallygot to explain to me why you've got to spend more than $70 million for something that doesn't work."
Santee said that in addition to being frustrated about the governor's lack of communication on the funding mechanism for single-payer healthcare he doesn't feel it's the best way to go about providing insurance for Vermonters.
"I believe in free enterprise and competition to knock prices down," Santee said. "The people get value through competition."
He added of the mandated nature of the single-payer system, "We lose the efficiency - the efficiency, the thriftiness, the frugality."
Frugality and thriftiness, said Santee, as well as new enterprises, are what he'd like to see come into Vermont's economy.
Santee first mentioned the opportunity for technology companies to come into the state. "I would like to create some incentives for some tech companies to move here," he said, addinf that he'd like to see the state known as the "Silicon Green Mountains."
Santee said tech jobs are high paying, and play into the great work force the state already has. The industry could strengthen Vermont's economy as a whole, said Santee, though it would require some preperation work.
"We'd need to do a lot of investment into our infrastructure," he said.
As for the businesses that are here, Santee said state government needs to relieve some of the tax burdens currently placed on Vermont business owners.
"It's very hard to operate a small business in the State of Vermont," he said.
In addition, Santee said the state's budget needs to be balanced.

Local Business Announcements / Spoiled Rotten Dog
« on: October 29, 2014, 02:58:11 PM »
Spoiled Rotten Dog has opened on Huntville Road in Fairfax.

Located at 199 Huntville Road, the Dog Daycare
is owned and operated by Tina Audette.

Stop in at the Open House on November 1st.

Call 825-6331 for more info !

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Chris Santee
« on: October 27, 2014, 06:12:21 AM »
from the St. Albans Messenger October 21st, 2014

Santee would serve Fairfax well
Throughout my time as Governor, I always enjoyed visiting with Chris Santee at his home in Fairfax, across from the school on Hunt Street.
I have watched his sons Colin and Cale, grow up and it has been a pleasure to get to know Chris well.
I was honored to be invited to deliver a commencement address at Bellows Free Academy Fairfax and, through the years, I have participated in several other events at the school.
Fairfax is a great town and deserves strong & experienced representation in Montpelier. Chris has devoted tremendous energy to serving his community, informing residents through the Fairfax News & serving in town government. The people of Fairfax can count on Chris to fight for lower taxes, just as he's done as a selectman; he'll fight for more, better paying jobs, which is critical as we still struggle to recover from the worst economic downturn in generations; and he'll fight for safer communities so we can maintain our treasured quality of life.
I hope you'll support Chris Santee for State Representative. I know he'll work hard for Fairfax and for Vermont.
Jim Douglas

Current News & Events / Bob's Gun Shop
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:50:28 PM »
The St. Albans Messenger is reporting Bob is closing the doors at Bob's Gun Shop in Georgia.
Details to follow.......

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Chris Santee
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:11:33 PM »
Town of Fairfax General Ledger 09/02/14
Landfill Expenses
Line Item: 100-7-64-33.000   Trucking      $395,000.00 Budgeted           $207,221.14 Spent         52.46% of budget
Total Landfill Expenses                            $408,000.00 Budgeted           $217,992.42 Spent         53.43% of budget

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Chris Santee
« on: October 23, 2014, 09:58:25 AM »
Dave Shea wrote:
I don't ever remember seeing Brian at any of our selectboard meetings.  A review of the minutes will confirm this.

You call him by first name and question his integrity ?
Fairfax Selectboard meetings are available online for the world to see at www.Fairfax-VT.gov

I am truly honored to have the endorsement of our former Lt. Governor.

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