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: Annual PHPG Silent Auction and Brunch 2/18!  ( 6440 )
Rev. Elizabeth
Hero Member
: 1286

« : February 03, 2018, 06:43:58 AM »

It’s  that time of year! With February comes the annual PHPG  Valentine’s Day Silent Auction and Brunch with music by The Smokey Newfield Project .

 The brunch is scrumptious; the music, engaging; the Silent Auction items phenomonal!

Sponsored by People Helping People Global,  ( begun by a BFA Alumna and her spouse) the monies raised support the zero interest microloans that PHPG provides for those who have received training and acquired the skills to use the funds to create or support small businesses.  And those small businesses change lives. They help children attend school; help moms provide more nourishing food; help families become stronger, more resilient. 
Join us! Enjoy the food, listen to the music, bid on the silent auction. And know, that your efforts are helping change lives.
At the Comfort Inn 1712 Shelburne Rd.Take Collins Blvd; bldg is back right.  February 18 from 12-2.
$25; $15 students; children 3-12 $12. under 3, free!
Visit our website phpgmicrolending.org to learn more about the work we do.
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