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: Town Meeting Questions  ( 4224 )
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: 56

« : February 21, 2006, 10:19:37 AM »

I made a few notes on the Town Budget and thought to pass them along.

1.  Why the increase in Town Salaries, see  page 27 Town Report?

2.  Why the increase in Other Town Expense, page 27?
  I believe the answer is $29,798 for Recreation Park and $3450 for Emergency Management,  detailed on page 24 and page 61.

3.   Increases in Community Library, page 28.  
Budget has doubled from $30,000 to almost $60,000 from 2004.

4.   Impact fees, page 48.   It states $15,615 is available to the Recreation Dept.   Can we use this money to offset the cost of the proposed basketball court on the Park?

     Impact Fees, page 48, states $11,934 for sidewalks, road resurfacing.  Will the Town be tapping into this money this year?

5.  Rescue Squad financial needs to seem fluctuate signifcantly.   Page 26.  
In 2004 the Town spent $70,000, 2005 $7,786 for 2006 $19,928 is requested?  
Can this need be more stabilized and consistent from year to year?

6.  Page 26, Attorney Fees have jumped significantly in the last 2 years.

7.  Reappraisal.   A number of homes have been sold in recent months for significantly more than the recent appraised value.   Will the Town need to reappraise in a few years?      
The District Representatives should also address this.

8.  Article 8:   Locally Elected Town Auditors Office.   What would happen if the local office is eliminated and a CPA can not finish the audit in time for the annual town report?


« #1 : February 25, 2006, 08:12:19 PM »

In reference to the Jackie's question about the library budget and as a Fairfax Library Trustee for the past 10 years, I would like to share some facts and information about this year's library budget amount.
First of all, the library budget has not doubled from 2004. The previous library budgets were as follows: 2003 ($31,000), 2004 ($35,990), 2005 ($45,786). This year's budget is $59,559.
In the past 3 years, the library has been fortunate to have received $130,000 in grant funding which has supported a program planner position as well as long overdue and much needed new books, materials and equipment.   These grants have enabled the library to increase services to the community. These grants have run out. In order to maintain the current level of service, the budget needed to be increased to cover these costs that up to now have been provided "free" to Fairfax.
The actual increase in the basic operating budget is $100 for  an increase in postage. The larger amount of the increase is the result of funding the program planner position and providing salary increases to the library staff. The program planner, works 12 hours a week developing, researching, and organizing all library programs for adults and children. In 2001-2002, the library was able to offer only 8 adult programs. In fiscal year 2004-2005, it provided 57.  The library survey done in 1999 showed the trustees that the community wanted more programs for adults and we have accomplished this and more.
This year, the trustees were informed that, according to the state law of the libraries, town selectboards have no authority over library personnel.  When the trustees reviewed previous library salaries, we felt that our library staff deserves to have their pay more closely  match their job descriptions.  Our librarian, has been with our library for 28 years, starting at a salary in 1978 of $5/hr.  In 2005, the salary was $15.38/hr.  The librarian supervises 2 employees and a summer student employee as well as performing many other functions.  In 2002, the State recommended salary for a librarian with 15 (!) years experience was $20.79 per hour.  We feel our librarian deserves at least that for her years of experience, helping the  library meet the community's needs.  If and when she retires, the town will have to replace her with someone with certification in this field.
The library and its staff hold an important place in our Fairfax community. The Library Trustees would hope that its citizens would agree and support this budget.
Thank you, Carol Stanley, secretary
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