Tuesday November 24, 2009
Picture of the DayJeff Cook is interviewed for Hot Wings TV at Mohawk raceway earlier this year.KIDNEY UPDATEI saw the kidney doctor today. The bloodwork shows that I am stable at this time. My kidneys are working at about 17%, which is about where they were three months ago.
I have decided that when I go on dialysis(which I am hoping isn't for some time), I will go with the hemodialysis, which means going to St. Albans three times a week. If that is the case, I need to have a fistula put in my arm to allow for better bloodflow. This is where they hook and artery and a vein together. I will be meeting with a surgeon next month to have one done.
One thing the doctor mentioned, that it might be Murphy's Law. I get a fistula, stay healthy enough to stay off dialysis, and then a kidney comes along. Fine by me.
One other thing I have going, is that I only have the Polysystic disease, not a combination of things that can deteriorate the kidney faster, like diabetes, or taking loads of medicine, etc. I will see him in four months.
I just need to hang in there.