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Messages - Rev. Elizabeth

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Library Announcements / Unapproved Minutes: Trustees' Meeting, October 26
« on: October 29, 2017, 09:10:57 AM »
Fairfax Community Library
Board of Trustees’ Meeting
October 26 2017
The meeting was called to order at 4:46 PM. In attendance were: Eric Foreman, Chris Fearon,
Pat Gallant, Janel Gamm, Liz Griffin.
The minutes of the October 17 meeting were read and discussed. A motion to approve was made by Chris and they were approved.
Debbie met with the Board for the first 10 minutes of the
meeting to discuss the rationale for her request for a salary increase and an increase in hours
One significant financial concern for Debbie is that the copays for her health insurance have
increased 50%
Along with a request for salary increase, Debbie also believes that there is a need for her ( and
her staff ) to have more hours.
The library, she said, is a very busy place with a busy patron stream all day, reducing the time
she has for administrative concerns. Further, there are some projects,such as updating the
library website, and applying for grants that require large chunks of focused time. Other
activities she would like to undertake, but lacks sufficient time for are: visits to local child care
providers, and visits with residents of our local senior housing. Book delivery to the home
bound is an activity she would like to revitalize.
After Debbie’s thorough presentation the Board entered Executive Session at 5:05. A lengthy
discussion ensued vis a vis salary and hour increases for library staff. The Trustees exited
Executive Session ast 6:15 PM.
We discussed several options in regard to hours and COLA for the library staff. The final total
for the 2018 Fairfax Community Library budget is $107815. This represents a 3.44% increase
over last year’s budget request. The budget includes a 2 hour increase for the program planner,
a 1 hour increase for the library director, a .75 hour increase for the library assistant, and a
COLA increase for all staff. The exception is the summer student who will earn the Vermont
minimum wage of $10.50. ( Incidentally the library substitute wage will be $12.50)
A motion was made by Chris to submit the budget of $107,815, with an increase of 3.44% to
the Select Board for their approval.
Liz Griffin made a motion to adjourn, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Griffin, secretary

Announcements / FFCC Annual Meeting Wednesday November 1
« on: October 21, 2017, 06:26:25 PM »
The annual meeting for Friends of the Fairfax Community Center will be held Wednesday, November 1, at 7 PM at the United Church, on the corner of River and Fletcher roads in Fairfax. If you are interested in the progress of the Fairfax Community Center you are welcome to join us. Guests are welcome to stay for the entire meeting.

A dessert reception at 7 will be followed by a review of what we have accomplished over the past year.
At 7:30 our final meeting for the fiscal year 2016-2017  will begin  begin.   We will say good-by and thank you to  departing Board members and nominate and vote in   new Board members.  
PLEASE RSVP to Susannah Chamberlin at spn1945@gmail.com
so we have some idea how many people to expect.

Fairfax Community Library
Trustees' Meeting
October 26 2017
5:45 PM

Call to order

Approval of the minutes of the October 17 2017 meeting
Executive Session
Budget discussion; staffing and salaries

Library Announcements / Minutes: Joint Board Meeting October 17 2017
« on: October 17, 2017, 06:49:38 AM »
Fairfax Community Library
Joint Board Meeting
October 12, 2017

The Joint Board met October 12 in the Conference Room.  Present were, librarians Debbie Landauer, and Joy Mercer, principal John Tague, school board member, Kathy Muehl, and trustees Pat Gallant and Liz Griffin.  The meeting was called to order at 6:32.

There was neither public input nor correspondence. 

With one correction to a date, mis-stated as BFA-Fairfax renovations last done 1948 instead of 1984, the minutes of the April Joint Board meeting were accepted after a motion to accept made by Kathy.

Joy Mercer, the school library director presented highlights from her quarterly reports.
Gigi Preibe, a new author, made an excellent presentation about her book,” Adventures of Henry Whiskers,” to the 2nd graders. 

Currently Joy has 35 scheduled classes.  A record number of students, primarily middle school and high school students, use the library during the day.  This increase may be attributed to the change in the school schedule.

There have been many compliments made about the new library furniture and display racks.

The after school sewing class, now held in the Fairfax Room, has taken advantage of the new, sectioned table of moveable parts, so that each student has his/her own table to work at and own sewing machine.

Joy discussed Challenged Books with 5th graders during Banned Book Week.

Debbie Landauer the publiclibrary director shared 2nd and 3rd quarter highlights.

The library hosted a post Egg Hunt event with hot chocolate and refreshments. 200+ people.

The library, through a $1500 grant through RiseVT will create a story work on the Recreation path from  May through October 2018. Each month a different book will be displayed along the walk.
A donation was made in memory of a local scientist, John Townsend. Debbie plans to purchase a microscope that will be available for patrons to sign out.
A donation of $1000 for programs given by Barbara Murphy will allow the library to purchase a telescope from the Vermont Astronomical Society for $350. Said telescope can be checked out by patrons.

The BackPack Theatre was featured at the opening event for the Summer Reading Program.
The Summer Reading Program had online registration which was well received, and thus will be continued.  This year students recorded minutes read rather than books read.  This too, was well received and will be continued.
Enrollment in the Summer Reading Program was 245 youth (a record number), and collectively they read for 113,880 minutes.

The library participated in Vermont Reads.  The book, “Brown Girls Dreaming” was discussed; the movie “Selma” was shown, and a speaker addressed Black Lives Matter, among other programing around the book.
Both the Art Bop program featuring local artists, and The Renaissance Faire featuring Renaissance related activities for all ages were popular programs.
The Eclipse Party, too, was very popular. 130 people attended.

After school programs have commenced.

The library staff was evaluated in September.

There is a new interlibrary loan process called Clover, and all the staff have been trained in its use.

As they have in the past, the library is collection donations of Halloween candy to be distributed to residents of Main Street and environs who are inundated with trick or treaters.

The library also gives out treats, but those are self-funded.

New Business

The facilities committee will address how to move forward after the defeat of the bond issue. In response to a query from Pat, John Tague said that the $200,000 sum targeting library renovations was an estimate derived from the architects work.

The next Joint Board meeting will be held in April 12, 2018.

Kathy made a motion to adjourn, and we adjourned at 7 PM.

Respectfully submitted

Rev. Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.



Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
October 17, 2017
5:00 PM – Fairfax Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of October 5, 2017 meeting

•   Treasurer’s Report

•   Correspondence
•   New Business

o   Policy for unpaid time off for part time library employees

o   Budget Preparation (due Nov. 2)

o   Other

•   Adjourn

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 by chair Pat Gallant. Present were: Debbie Landauer,  Liz Griffin, Janel Gamm, and Chris Fearon.
The minutes of the August 17 meeting were read and Chris made a motion to approve and they were accepted.
Eric, in absentia, delivered the financial data.  The balance in the checking account is $292.44 and in the savings account, $2334.52. Chris made a motion to approve, and the report was accepted.
Pat received a letter from Jeanette Blair, chair of the Vermont Library Committee thanking the trustees for allowing Debbie to help plan the Vermont Library Conference for 2018.
Debbie is Vice Chair of the Public Library section of the Vermont Library Association.


Chris attended the first information meeting about the upcoming bond issue that includes changes to the library as well as the rest of the school facility.

New Business

The Joint Board Meeting will be held Thursday, October 12.   Potential agenda items for this meeting were discussed.

A discussion ensued about whether or not to open the library on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend as it is closed the Thursday and Friday, of the Thanksgiving holiday, but in the past numerous years has open on Saturday but with low usage.  A concern was raised about creating precedents that would in the future preclude change.  It was mentioned that the library had very few patrons on the last 2 year’s Thanksgiving Saturdays.  A motion was made by Liz to close the library on 11/25, the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  It was approved.
The public will be given ample notice of this change

A logistical issue arose with the delivery of informational signs ordered for the library.  In order to pay for them from the capital improvement monies allocated to the library, the signs should have arrived in the library before June 30.  This did not happen.
Joy paid the approximately $1000 bill out of her funds, and the Community Library will pay  for what Debbie and Joy decided were signs targeted to the public aspect of the library.  The FCL  share of the  bill of $327.25 will be paid out of the Community Library roll-over fund. A motion was made to use the rollover funds for this purpose and it was approved.

Liz suggested that we find a way to partner with a public library in Puerto Rico that needs help restoring its collection.  She will investigate this.

On November 4 there is a  Vermont Library Association/VTLIB Trustees and Friends conference  and Chris will attend.

After considerable discussion two dates were picked for discussion of the 2018 library budget.
The dates are: 10/17 and 10/26.

To discuss a personnel issue, at 7:35 the trustees  went into executive session on a motion made by Chris.  The trustees came out of executive session at 7:48.
Chris made a motion that Debbie create a draft of a policy addressing unpaid leave for the FCL staff, and have it available for the next meeting.  The motion was approved.

At 7:55  trustees went back into executive session to discuss staff evaluations ( with the exception of Debbie’s evaluation)
They came out of executive session at 8:10.
Liz made a motion to accept the evaluations of Lara, Nicole, and Karin.  They were approved.
The trustees thanked Debbie for the time and effort she invested in getting them. Debbie’s evaluation by the trustees will be done after the budget work is complete.

The meeting  was adjourned at 8:20.

Respectfully submitted

Rev Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.

Library Announcements / Agenda for Joint Board Meeting October 12 2017
« on: October 09, 2017, 12:03:05 PM »
Fairfax Community Library
BFA Fairfax School Board
Joint Board Meeting
October 12, 2017
BFA Fairfax Conference Room
6:30 PM


Call to Order 

Public Input

Review Agenda


Approval of minutes of April 12, 2017 Joint Board meeting

Quarterly Reports - Librarians

Unfinished Business
•   Recently updated policies
•   Update of Facilities Committe
o   Bond vote and next steps
•   Other

New Business
•    Confirm dates for Joint Board Meetings (Oct. 2017 and April, 2018)
•   Other


Library Announcements / Trustee's Meeting Agenda; October 5 2017
« on: October 02, 2017, 06:19:30 PM »

Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
October 5, 2017
6:30 PM – BFA Main Lobby Conference Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of August 17, 2017 meeting

•   Treasurer’s Report
•   Correspondence

•   Updates
o   Long Range Facilities Committee/Bond Vote Update
o   Other

•   New Business
o   Agenda for October 12 Joint Board meeting
o   Holiday (Thanksgiving) Schedules
o   Funds for new interior designs
o   Donation to library disaster funds in TX (or another hard hit area)
o   Registration for Annual Trustees and Friends Conference on Nov. 4      http://bit.ly/2hAKUDy
o   Budget Preparation (due October 25)
•   Review first draft
•   Plan future meetings to complete
o   Other

•   Executive Session
o   Personnel policy discussion
o   Staff evaluations
o   Library Director Evaluation

•   Adjourn

Upcoming School Events / BFA Farm to School Harvest Dinner...Reservations!
« on: September 27, 2017, 09:38:10 AM »
Reserve your seats for BFA’s Farm to School Harvest Dinner on Friday, October 13.  Call Amy to make reservations: 849 6711.

We are building a School Farm at BFA for grades PreK-12! Come and see what we are growing right here at the school. 

5:15 Walking Tour of the gardens; 6:00 Dinner. Baked organic chicken; roasted potatoes, onions carrots, winter squash, coleslaw, applesauce. everything (except the chicken and apples)  comes from our gardens, grown my our students. 

And, our student musicians will provide music for our listening pleasure. 
Children: $5.00
Adults: $10.00. 
Family of 4 or more: $25.00

Great Food, Music, Great Cause!
Support your Pre-K -grade 12 Farm to School Program

Announcements / FFCC Seeks Board Members
« on: September 11, 2017, 06:00:42 PM »
Friends of the Fairfax Community (FFCC) is growing and our board needs you! If you want to be involved in the life of our community; if you are genuinely interested in helping guide the future of the Community Center;  and if you can volunteer a few hours a month to work on projects and plan ways to support the development of this community resource,  please attend our informational meeting on Sept 18 at 7 at the Community Center and speak to one of the board members there. Or contact Susannah Chamberlin spn1945@gmail.com or 802 598 4161 And all of us thank you.

Library Announcements / Agenda: Trustees' Meeting August 17 2017
« on: August 15, 2017, 07:43:02 AM »

Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
August 17, 2017
6:30 PM – BFA Main Lobby Conference Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of May 25, 2017 meeting

•   Treasurer’s Report

•   Correspondence

•   Updates
o   Highlights Second Quarter Report
o   New materials
o   Long Range Facilities Committee Meeting Proposal (Chris)
o   Highlights of Summer at the library
o   Deb on Vermont Edition
o   Other

•   New Business
o   Plan for Evaluations
•   Staff evaluations by Library Director
•   Library director evaluation by Trustees
o   Supporting the LRFPC
o   Planning for Budget Preparation
o   Other

•   Adjourn

Fund Raisers / PHPG Annual Bluebird Barbecue Supper
« on: August 03, 2017, 07:17:00 AM »
On Wednesday 9/6/17 Bluebird Barbecue will be donating 10% of the entire evening’s sales to People Helping People Global
--->Join us in supporting this Fairfax based   organization by making a reservation at Bluebird Barbecue!
Book your table: bluebirdbbq.com or   ring 802-448-3070

People Helping People Global was founded March 25, 2009 in Fairfax, Vermont by Isabel Gamm Tuck, a BFA alumna, and her husband, Alex. .They  created this organization to provide individuals with the tools --primarily zero interest micro loand--necessary to eliminate the suffering that they and their families are experiencing due to extreme poverty. We implement many different strategies to assist building communities in the developing world.

Web: http://phpgmicrolending.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MicroLending/

Please click on  the link below  to see "Vermont Works"  the work-themed magazine written by the students of  our school's Vermont Literature class, Jazmyn Townsend editor.

ToJa B17 has shared the following PDF:

Vermont Works Magazine #2.pdf

Announcements / Seeking Volunteers for Brain Freezer 5K!
« on: June 09, 2017, 10:44:34 AM »
The 6th Annual Brain Freezer 5K will be happening on July 8, 2017, and PHPG needs about 100 volunteers to help make it a success! We expect over 300 racers again this year, so each volunteer is going to be essential to our success.

Runners have to run 1.5 miles, stop to eat a pint of ice cream, then finish the final 1.5 with bellies full of delicious ice cream!

If this sounds like a race you'd like to be a part of, here's a list of some of the activities that you can expect to do on race day:

> Handing out ice cream at the half-way point
> Taking photos and cheering on racers
> Keeping the runners safe by directing traffic at road crossings
> Timing and helping at the finish line
> Setting up and breaking down tents, tables, etc.
> Handing out packets/t-shirts and registering race day runners
> Most volunteers should plan on being there on race day at 8:30am (some activities require you get there a bit earlier).

We also have a walk & chalk of the course the night before at 6:30pm which is followed by a volunteer dinner/meet-and-greet. All volunteers are encouraged to come out to the Friday night event, though it's not mandatory.

If you are interested, please use this link to sign up to volunteer: http://brainfreezer5k.com/home/volunteer/.

Thanks for checking out this opportunity, and we hope you will help us make this great event a success.

Katherine Gravelin

The  May 25 meeting was called to order by Pat Gallant, chair. Present were Debbie Landauer, Liz Griffin, Chris Fearon, Janel Gamm, Eric Foreman.
There was neither correspondence nor public input.
The minutes of the May 3 2017 were read. Janel made the motion to approve, and it passed with no discussion. 
The treasurer reported that he had transferred $389.12 from the savings account to the checking account to pay our share of the cost of the Summer Reading program tee shirts.
There is currently $817.24 in the checking account, and $2333.71 in the savings account. The CD balance is $6110.20. It matures 11/2/2018.
New Business
The library will participate in the July 4 parade, as it has in the past.  Ralph Lemnah, a volunteer STEM teacher is building a whirlygig for children to pull in the parade.  Debbie, Nicole, and STEM participants will decorate it with paint and bunting, and have a banner announcing the theme of the Summer Reading Program, “Build a Better World.” All those pulling the whirlygig will have hard hats! 
This year the library will be giving away bookmarks and pencils instead of candy.
Fairfax Rescue is having a First Annual Open House on July 15, and asked the library to help spread the word on social media, and so we decided to do that plus participate by having a table at the open house event. The library will have a table and the cost of the books--approximately $3-$6 apiece-- will come  from the trustees fund. About 25 books about rescue related vehicles will be available for visitors to the open house . 
The Renaissance Faire will be held on July 29.
The summer student employee, Devan Borthwick will begin work on June 21.
Summer hours will begin on June 21.
The library will be closed June 26-July 1 for the annual cleaning.  The kick off event for the Summer Reading Program featuring the BackPack Theatre will be held June 29 in the Multi-Purpose Room. 
At the last school board meeting Joy Mercer presented a list of items the library would like to purchase with the surplus School Board funds.  The School Board approved the purchase of over $45,000 of furniture for the library. 
Facilities Committee Meeting report
Chris Fearon attended the facilities meeting on May 22. 
If the library interior was to be reconfigured, the funding source would, according to the members of the facilities committee, need to be the town, rather than the school, since the library is used by both town and school.
The library trustees believe that it is important that a member of the Select Board be on or attend meetings of the facilities committee since the Community Library receives its funding from the town. Pat will contact Steve Cormier.
These are questions the Library Trustees are hoping the Facilities Committee will address:
Can any money for school renovation be applied to Library renovation? ( the library is a shared space)
Can the library renovation occur simultaneously with the school renovation?
Would the town need to have a special bond issue to renovate the library or could some funding come from the school?
What is the status of the architectural plans for the library that were created earlier (2016) in the renovation discussion? Could we get a sketch and cost analysis from the architect?
Chris Fearon will attend the June meeting of the facilities committee, and it is hoped that Steve Cormier, who represents the Select Board at  Joint Board meetings, will also attend. 
Other Business
Debbie is now Vice-Chair of the Public Library Section of the Vt Library Association.
Debbie is applying for a grant from RiseVT that will support the creation of monthly story walks along the recreation path. We would receive three years worth of books and be able to change stories along the walk once a month. Partnering with the Rec. Dept.
The next Library Trustees meeting will be held August 17.
The meeting adjourned at 8 PM
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Griffin

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