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Messages - Franklin West SU

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« on: February 23, 2018, 03:31:46 PM »
SCHOOL BUDGET NEWS: We recently received updated information that may lower the proposed tax rate for 2019. These slides show possible tax rates with and without approval of the special article.

Current News & Events / BFA Fairfax Middle/High School Bond Project
« on: July 19, 2017, 02:37:47 PM »
Have you heard about the proposed BFA Middle/High School Renovation/Expansion Project? A new info website has just been published and posters will be going up around town next week. Please learn more about this revitalization project.

- Fairfax Bond Vote on October 10, 2017
- First (of many) Informational Meeting on July 27 at 6pm

All of the details and information can be found at http://bfafuture.weebly.com/

The Fairfax School Board meeting for this month has been moved to Monday, November 7. The meeting will start at 6:30pm with a public hearing on the playground article. There will be no meeting on November 14.

Regular Meeting: November 7, 2016 at 6:30pm
Fairfax Community Library
1.   Call to Order
2.   Public Hearing on Playground Article
3.   Consent Agenda – Minutes (Carousel Board Meeting: 10/4/16)   
4.   Correspondence
5.   Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
6.   School Board Student-Representative Reports
7.   Board Business
a.   Review Status of Abbey Foodservice Goals – Update
b.   Farm to School – Update
c.   FWSU Act 46 Study – Update
d.   LRFPC – Update/Discussion
e.   Approve Bid for Tank Replacement Project – Action
f.   Draft FY18 Budget / Budget Communication Plan– Discussion
g.   Tech Center Region Change – Update
8.   Reports:
a.   Principals
b.   Board Committee Updates (LRFPC, Library, Policy, VSBA Board, Other)
9.   Other
10.   Plan Next Agenda
11.   Executive Session (if needed) 
12.   Adjourn    

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings
•   NO MEETING: November 17
•   FWSU BOARD MEETING: November 30 at 6:30pm, FWSU Office
•   REGULAR MEETING:  December 12 at 6:30pm, Fairfax Community Library

This past session, the Vermont Legislation passed Act 46 that redefines school districts. At the heart of Act 46 are two major goals: creating equal educational opportunities for students statewide, and a more efficient use of our tax dollars to help control the rising cost of education.

In order to achieve these ideals, the state is changing school district size requirements and requiring that school districts that do not meet a minimum size unify with other districts in order to do so.  Based on our student population, BFA Fairfax will be required to join with one or more districts in order to be in compliance with Act 46.

Since choosing the right school district to unify with is going to be extremely important, the state is providing grant money to support exploratory committees, and BFA Fairfax is taking advantage of this and forming a joint committee with Fletcher and Georgia. We are looking for two community members to join school board directors Rachelle LeVau and Scott Mitchell on this three-town committee that will explore courses of action that bring BFA Fairfax into compliance with Act 46.

If you are a resident of Fairfax and would like to be a member of this committee, please submit a brief written letter that gives a little background on yourself and your interest in helping shape this unification. Applicants are encouraged to then introduce themselves in person at the next school board meeting on Monday, November 9th, where the final two committee members will be chosen by the board. Applicants should expect to commit to an average of 1-2 evening meetings a month for at least the next year.

Letters can be emailed to fxboard@fwsu.org or mailed to:

Fairfax School Board
C/O Franklin West SU
4497 Highbridge Road
Fairfax, VT 05454

Thank you for your interest,

Fairfax Board of School Directors

Board Education Summit
July 8, 2015 from 12-5pm
Inn at Grace Farm Round Barn in Fairfax VT


1.   Call to Order     
2.   Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
3.   Board Business
a.   Approve New Hire: Karen Krupa, Language Arts Teacher (0.78 FTE) – Action
b.   Approve Change Order – Action 
c.   Act 148
d.   School Calendar
e.   Review Open Meeting Law Requirements
4.   Board Summit
a.   Act 46
b.   Policy 
c.   Building
d.   Library 
e.   Administrator Goals
5.   Executive Session (Personnel) 
6.   Adjourn    

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings
    REGULAR MEETING:  August 10 at 6:30pm, Fairfax Community Library
    FWSU BOARD MEETING:  September 16 at 6:30pm, FWSU Office

Current News & Events / Fairfax School Board - Meeting Agenda for 6/8
« on: June 05, 2015, 11:33:31 AM »
Monday, June 8, 2015
Regular Meeting at 6:30pm
Fairfax Community Library

1.   Call to Order     
2.   Consent Agenda – Minutes: Regular Meeting: 5/11/15, Special Meeting: 5/19/15
3.   Correspondence
4.   Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
5.   School Board Student-Representative Reports
6.   Board Business
a.   Approve New Hire: Ian Flint, Music Teacher (1.0 FTE)– Action 
b.   Approve Tax Anticipation Note – Action
c.   Policy Review – Discussion
d.   Old Garage – Discussion
e.   H. 361 – Discussion
f.   iPad Lease – Update
g.   School Calendar – Update
7.   Reports:
a.   Superintendent
b.   Principals
c.   Financial
d.   School Board Committee Updates – LRFPC, Library, Policy, VSBA Board, Other
8.   Other
9.   Executive Session (if needed) 
10.   Adjourn    

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings
 - ANNUAL BOARD SUMMIT:  July 8 from 12-5pm, Inn at Grace Farm Round Barn
 - REGULAR MEETING:  August 10 at 6:30pm, Fairfax Community Library
 - FWSU BOARD MEETING:  September 16 at 6:30pm, FWSU Office

Current News & Events / Fairfax School Board Meeting 3/9 - Agenda
« on: March 09, 2015, 02:40:43 PM »
Monday, March 9, 2015
Regular Meeting at 6:30pm
Fairfax Community Library

1.   Call to Order    (Superintendent Ned Kirsch)
2.   Board Reorganization/Committee Assignments – Action
a.   Board Chair
b.   Board Clerk
c.   FWSU Board Representatives (3)
d.   FWSU Board Negotiations (2)
e.   Safety
f.   Library
g.   Enrichment
h.   Long-Range Facilities Planning (LRFPC)
3.   Consent Agenda
Minutes: Regular Meeting: 2/9/15 
4.   Correspondence
Resignation – Rachel Wisdom, FWSU Special Educator
Resignation – Chris Chouiniere, Music Teacher
5.   Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
6.   Educational Presentation:   Student Health Services 
7.   School Board Student-Representative Reports
8.   Board Business
a.   Town Meeting Day Recap + Suggestions for Next Year’s Budgeting Process – Discussion
b.   Adopt Board Code of Ethics – Action
c.   Annual Designation of Newspaper of Record and Agenda Posting Locations
d.   Approve Extended Contract for Elizabeth Daigle – Action
e.   Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements (PBGR) Policies – Continued Discussion 
f.   Building Use Policy – Discussion
g.   Community Library – Update
h.   Foodservice Contract – Discussion
i.   School Calendar 2015/2016 – Review
9.   Reports:
a.   Superintendent
b.   Principals
c.   Financial
d.   School Board
10.   Other
11.   Executive Session (Negotiations, Personnel) 
12.   Adjourn    
Schedule of Upcoming Meetings
    NEXT FWSU BOARD MEETING:  March 18th at 6:30pm, FWSU Office
    REGULAR MEETING:  April 13th at 6:30pm, Fairfax Community Library

Current News & Events / Early Voting/Absentee Ballots are Now Available!
« on: February 12, 2015, 01:39:09 PM »
Consider early voting with an absentee ballot!
Planning to be out of town on March 3rd? Want to avoid wait lines and parking challenges?
Make sure your vote is cast this Town Meeting Day with early voting options.

1. STOP BY the new Fairfax Town Office at your convenience (Monday-Friday 9am-4pm)
2. CALL the Town Office at 849-6111 for an absentee ballot to be mailed to you and/or someone in household

More details at: http://www.fairfax-vt.gov/vertical/sites/%7BA7F085CD-5C79-4CCF-8878-6AF1EF4F216C%7D/uploads/2015_Notice_to_Voters_For_Local_Elections.pdf
Don't miss your chance to vote on the BFA Fairfax school budget and other important matters on the ballot this year.
DEADLINE: Monday, March 2nd, 2015 - your ballot must be returned by this date.

Note that this meeting will be held in the Fairfax Community Library.

Just a reminder to come out to the Budget Presentation on Monday night at 6:30pm!

Please make plans to attend this important presentation of the School Budget, followed by the regular school board meeting.

Just a reminder that there's still time to run for a vacancy on the Fairfax School Board for Town Meeting Day. To get your name on the ballot, you will need to collect the required number of signatures on petitions by Monday, Jan 26th and deliver them to the Town Clerk by 4pm. The opening is for School Director for a 3 year term. Thanks for your consideration!


For more information, contact Natasha Wheel at FWSU at 370-3113 x 111 or nwheel@fwsu.org.
Visit the Fairfax School Board website at http://bit.ly/1n93z3X

Attention Fairfax Residents:

There is a vacancy on the Fairfax School Board for Town Meeting Day. If you are interested in serving on the School Board, now is the time to get your name on the ballot to run for School Director for a 3 year term. *Signed petitions are due on Jan 26th!* Please contact the Fairfax Town Clerk for forms and further information by calling 849-6111, emailing clerk@fairfax-vt.gov, or stopping by the Town Office (hours are M-F from 9am to 4pm).

For more information on the important work of local School Boards, visit the VT School Board Association website at www.vtvsba.org for helpful resources.

Current News & Events / Fairfax School Board Meeting 1/12 - Agenda
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:46:35 PM »
Monday, January 12, 2015
Regular Meeting at 6:30pm
Fairfax Community Library

1.   Call to Order
2.   Consent Agenda: Minutes: Regular Meeting: 12/8/14
3.   Correspondence
•   Leave Request  - Steve Trushaw, Paraprofessional
•   Leave Request  - Katie Gallichon Lang, Paraprofessional
4.   Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
5.   Education Presentations:  Early Education
6.   School Board Student-Representative Reports
7.   Board Business
a.   Set Tuition Rates for FY16 – Action
b.   Approve FY16 Budget – Action
c.   Approve/Sign Legal Warning – Action 
d.   Budget Communications / Presentation Plan – Discussion
e.   Planning for School Board Elections – Discussion
f.   Approve FY14 Audit – Action
g.   Finalize MOU with Fairfax Rec Dept – Action
h.   Library - continued discussion
i.   Transportation – Update
8.   Reports:
a.   Superintendent
b.   Principals
c.   Financial
d.   School Board
9.   Other
10.   Executive Session (Negotiations, Personnel) 
11.   Adjourn    

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings
    REGULAR MEETING/BUDGET PRESENTATION:  February 9th at 6:30pm, Fairfax Community Library
    NEXT FWSU BOARD MEETING:  March 18th at 6:30pm, FWSU Office

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