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Topics - DrewCrash

Pages: [1]
Current News & Events / Night Hunting ?
« on: December 02, 2010, 09:09:18 PM »
Hello. Tonight around 7:30 p.m., we heard a gun shot near our home (possibly < 1/4 mile from our house). This is uncommon so the incredible sound was somewhat alarming. When I got up to look into the dark, I noticed two trucks, similar to flat bed / tow trucks. They both had search / flood lights on a local field and were driving down what I presume they thought was an old dirt road due to its street sign. In actuality, its a long driveway serving two homes far off of the road. When they were getting closer, I presume they noticed the houses and the lights from my house and they ended their search for whatever they were searching for. Both trucks then departed in opposite directions.

I am sure there is an explanation and I am wondering what others think. My only conclusion was that these people were night hunting from their trucks. Thoughts?

Reviews / Jiffy Lube
« on: March 02, 2010, 08:39:27 AM »
greetings from the warm city of Mexico City. (No, I haven't met anyone here who is from Fairfax).

So last Monday my wife and I went to Jiffy Lube for an oil change and my wife and we agreed to have the air filter changed. My wife leaves Tuesday night to head for MA for a few days. She is complaining that the car is shaking, stalling, and just not driving 'normal.' On Thursday we made an appointment with Rainville and dropped the car off yesterday. My wife tells me the following, per Rainville: The air filter was the wrong size, and was visible jammed in to work. As a result, the air filter was not working and air intake to the engine was not working properly and therefore caused the engine problems. To make a long story short: $530 spent at Rainville and now a fight to get Jiffy Lube to pay for this.

Here is my review on Jiffy Lube: Shame on me for not listening / believing the horror stories of Jiffy Lube. I have been in there for oil changes and part of their routine is to vacuum, fill air in the tires, and of course check windshield wiper fluid. I have air pressure monitors for my car and I know they failed to check the air, fialed to vacuum, and have failed to check the wiper fluid. My point is this, they seem more concerned with turn around time of the cars, then they do following their 30 check inspection routine. Nothing is more evident than by their failure to place in the right air filter into my wife's vehicle.

For those who want to know the specific Jiffy Lube, it was the one in Essex. Here is hoping they reimburse us the $530.

Reviews / Valentine's Day
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:52:01 PM »
It is a rare day when my wife and I can go to the movies. Today we had the opportunity to attend without our 21 month old daughter and we went to see Valentine's Day. It was a good story, well worth a matinee fee. Its a love story on multiple fronts, that eventually in some way can be linked to one another. Think 7 Degrees of Seperation, gone Valetine's Day with friends.

Either way, I thought it was a good movie and if you are lucky enough to go to the movies, I would recommend this.

General Discussion / It's a Small World
« on: February 19, 2010, 05:07:01 PM »
So I am in Manchester, NH last night for a concert and during the intermission I started to talk with the couple sitting behind me. They start off by telling me they are from Burlington, VT and I tell them I am from Fairfax. Well it turns out that they too were from Fairfax. We were quizzing each other about Fairfax, as we couldn't believe we would end up sitting next to each other at a random event 200 miles away from our homes.

It's a small world...

Political Issues/Comments / The Fairfax Problem
« on: December 21, 2009, 08:29:36 PM »
in a recent reading on Deb Markowitz and her run for governor, the following was mentioned: "That is also why Deb has spent much of her time working with town officials and citizens to help them resolve problems in their communities - whether it is about wind towers in Searsburg, crime in Rutland , or the inability of the clerk and selectboard to work together in Fairfax."

Who would like to be the one who educates me on this problem that either plagues or plagued Fairfax. The thoughts on the topic can be sent to me via email in the event you feel like you will be participating in hearsay. I am very interested in knowing more about this...

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