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Messages - nhibbard

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Current News & Events / Re: Will a bond proposal ever be accepted by all?
« on: October 09, 2017, 08:18:24 PM »
If people are complaining now about what they think are frills, know that many schools had these frills decades ago. Taxes always go up, they will always go up and you can never know what the state or federal changes will be. Voting to only do a small part makes the whole project cost more in the long run. Costs always go up, bond rates might changes, something else might break that needs to change funding. There is know way to know what might happen. If you're worried about how much this will cost, why not go back and look at what the upgrades to schools cost your parents relative to their means. I don't ever remember hearing so many people complain about funding for schools. Salaries I'm willing to debate but construction seems illogical.

It will only ever cost more to do this project no matter what you do. A portion of this seems to be code upgrades that would be mandated no matter what you do. If you only do part and then code changes before your next phase, guess what, more code upgrades. Do it all now to code and you're covered for what you know now.

This project does not make Fairfax cutting edge. It makes it relevant related to facilities. I can't say it enough, this only upgrades the school to what most decent schools had two decades ago. This provides opportunities to host events that cannot or would not come here otherwise. A gym instead of a multi-use rooms allows focus on athletics, while still being available for a large event. An auditorium gives more comfort for large events, proper presentation for plays, music and presentations. Upgrades to common areas gives pride in the environment you're working in.

FYI, you can't fit a backpack in most of the lockers I saw in the middle school.

So somehow teachers, students and parents knew about this as well as the principal but not the Board or the SU. Sounds like some poor supervision by the SU and the Board.

Political Issues/Comments / No Parking
« on: January 26, 2017, 08:30:50 PM »
Two "No Parking This Side of Street" signs have found there way up on School Street. I was just wondering if there was any evaluation of putting these signs up, or can the Town put them up on any Town road whenever they want. I benefit from the sign, but it seems odd that there was no notice for those in the community to discuss the issue. If it's a matter of plowing and safety, which I assume it is, it would be a quick notice and conversation. What's to stop people from parking now on the "sidewalk" on my side of the street right in front of my house? This could cause the same problems as well as blocking what I'm not even sure is a sidewalk.

I checked the Board minutes and saw nothing there.

General Discussion / Re: Dragging these new trash Bins to the main road?
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:50:01 PM »
I like the bins, but I agree that this is just another time when someone didn't ask enough questions when signing a contract and now we find out that minor details matter. I'm not against this but it's a little confusing since I thought recycling was unlimited and don't they just crush recycling, why do I have to break things down? What will happen at Christmas time?

I'd question if the vendor had permission to make this change and if they did, who approved it.

I don't believe we are paying "extra". They just pulled out the amount of taxes for this and made it an additional line item on the tax bill as far as I knew. If that's not true, who knows.

General Discussion / Re: Carbon Tax
« on: July 19, 2016, 09:19:23 PM »
Funny enough, one of these came by my house. I agree with part of their proposals in concept but told him I thought what was in place was fine and needed to be enforced. Apparently he didn't know that the US has different states with carbon markets for companies who want to create more carbon to buy from those who produce too little.

I'd have to agree that you might educate them more than they thought.

General Discussion / Re: Carbon Tax
« on: March 31, 2016, 06:27:01 PM »
But then you're not helping pay for the things they want but don't want to pay for. You need to pay for the solar panels I want and my hydroelectric dam too. You can't expect me to voluntarily pay for a whole solar array. :)

General Discussion / Re: Carbon Tax
« on: March 28, 2016, 05:17:27 PM »
Taxes like this make sense with many alternatives to vehicle use and fuel available. Like dense cities or well designed commuter areas. Vermont is neither. We can make some changes by giving away funds to help people lower fuel bills but no ones going to do that unless real funds are there and easy to get. There are plenty of good things to do, but lets work with alternatives for now like solar and other renewables that seem to be making some headway. Electric cars may come down in cost in the next couple years and there are better means of storing long term power. Lets see what really works before flooding Vermont with more legislation that no one really understands how to implement.

Current News & Events / Re: Article 3: Trash Talk
« on: March 12, 2016, 07:08:29 PM »
Remember that not all households are the same. It is by household not person. One person is not the same as a 4 or 8 person household.

Political Issues/Comments / Re: News from Montpelier Week 8
« on: March 01, 2016, 08:07:30 PM »
Any plans to get rid of the renter rebate and have a phased tax credit for housing?

General Discussion / Re: Triplex
« on: March 01, 2016, 08:05:59 PM »
I don't think it's the Selectboard or Zoning job to stop anything but to make sure things are done according to the rules. If you'd like changes, it might be constructive to go to the water department (selectboard oversees that) or the Planning Commission.

If you find out two years down the road that you need to spend money on a system, I'd question the review of the physical needs done prior to the purchase. I'd also question any plan that did not layout a 20+ year capital plan for all systems to be replaced or maintained. Some things do just happen, but often it's because someone didn't think of how much money you need to annually put aside to cover future capital expenses.

Political Issues/Comments / Baptist Building
« on: September 17, 2015, 08:17:19 PM »
I love the Title conversation. We paid for one thing, got something else, and didn't call to tell them they delivered the wrong thing. Usually you don't pay for something until you receive it. As to who changed to get the purchase and sale, you could just call and ask who ordered that. I'm a little worried about a group who doesn't want to commit funds because of worries about grants and costs, but will spend money and have no idea why they paid for what they received. Very odd.

I also love that more people show up for a meeting in favor of this project than most other issues that have come up all year and for some reason members imply that there should have been an uproar. Has anyone looked at voter turnout. Actual voters, not eligible voters, are far fewer than eligible. Only 42% turned out last time. That's just over 1,300 people out of 3,100. So to take the item to voters is to say that less than half the group speaks for the whole. Well if that's ok and you were elected to make decisions by the percentage that you seem to think matter, then why not just make a decision. That's what elected officials do.

Then there's grant talk about finding out what actual dollar amount are available. Well when it comes to water, all I've heard is there is money but there are never amounts until the process is started. Now for some reason this project requires amounts before hand. Seems like the Rec Department has to provide more details than the Water Dept.

Upcoming School Events / Re: BFA School Picture Days
« on: September 09, 2015, 08:58:03 PM »
Excellent choice. We were very happy with them at our previous preschool.

General Discussion / Re: Fairfax House Of Pizza "Pasta"
« on: August 25, 2015, 06:23:48 PM »
Linda's? I must have missed something exciting, where do I find this? I'm excited to try some pasta too.

Reviews / Xbox One
« on: August 16, 2015, 02:42:10 PM »
While there may not be a lot of games out yet for the One, the new feature that allows streaming of a game from your One to a Windows 10 PC is amazing. If the kids are watching a show and you want to play your shooter over on the side, throw on a headset and get a charging cable from your kindle and you're all set. Not everything streams but I'm sure most games will. I tried Assassin's Creed: Unity and it worked great even in Coop. The one thing I did see mentioned was that you should use a 5ghz wireless network setup which is not typical or capable in some older wifi equipment.

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