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Messages - Fireman David

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Reminder -

Please remember to license your dog(s) by April 1st, 2015

There will be a rabies Clinic on Tuesday March 31st, at the Town Highway Garage from 4:30-5:30pm

The Town Clerk's Office will be opened tonight (March 30th) from 6:00-8:00pm for the purpose of issuing dog licenses

The Town Clerk will also be present at the Rabies Clinic to issue Dog Licenses.

Visit www.fairfax-vt.gov for more information

Current News & Events / Child Safety Inspection, Saturday Jan 31st
« on: January 28, 2015, 06:19:40 PM »
Child Safety Seat Inspection

The Georgia Fire Department will be hosting a Vermont Department of Health “Be Seat Smart” mobile car seat inspection station.

When - Saturday January 31st 12-3 pm

Where - Georgia FD, 4134 Ethan Allen Highway (RT 7)

What is a Child Safety Seat Fitting Station?

A fitting station is a free and convenient way to have your child's car seat inspected by a NHTSA certified CPS technician. Parents and Caregivers receive personal instruction on the proper selection, installation, and use of their car seats.

Current News & Events / Halloween Parade & Havest Festival
« on: October 25, 2014, 02:43:54 PM »
Location: Fairfax Community Park
Date: Sunday Oct. 26, 2014
Times: 2-4pm
Parade starts: 2:15
•Costume contest!
•Hay rides!

The parade will start at the Cul-de-sac in the park, travel down the bike path, through the walking path, and finish at the new Pavilion.
A costume contest will follow the parade.
Awards for the best & most creative costumes.
All ages welcome.

There will be stories, treats and games in the Pavilion.

Come enjoy the hayride provided by Mark & Claude Rainville & Rainville's Collision.

Follow the link below to visit the Parks and Recreation Events page on the Towns Web Site.


Or jump right to the Halloween Parade & Harvest Festival Page;


Current News & Events / Re: 911 system issues...incase of emergency
« on: August 11, 2014, 03:46:31 PM »
Even though we have all been trained to call 911 in the event of an emergency, it is important that we keep the direct phone numbers handy, for an event such as the outage that occurred last week.

I remember growing up with a sticker on the receiver of the wall mounted rotary phone on my kitchen wall, that had the following phone numbers on it; Police, Fire, Ambulance, Hospital, and Poison Control.

It is not just the major system crashes that took out the entire States 911 system that we need to worry about. Several times in the last few years we have had issues that isolated small areas of the State from calling outside their Telephone Exchange. One such instance was a few years back when a car accident took out a utility pole, severing a fiber-optic line. This isolated several areas from making calls to outside their Exchange. Calls could still be made locally, just not out-of Town.

I suggest keeping the following numbers listed in your home, in the event that you need to report an emergency and 911 is not operational.

911 is the primary number to call in the event of an emergency.

The following numbers can be called, if you are not able to get through using 911;

Saint Albans Central Dispatch (this is the same office that answers 911 calls in Franklin County, 24/7)


Fairfax Fire Department


Fairfax Rescue


Vt State Police Dispatch


Franklin County Sheriff's Office


The Fire Department and Fairfax Rescue lines are not manned 24/7, however in the event that we are notified of a 911 system outage we will do our best to get someone to the Station as soon as possible.

Current News & Events / Re: 911 system issues...incase of emergency
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:53:52 PM »
The State 911 system is back on-line

Current News & Events / 911 system issues...incase of emergency
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:57:30 AM »
We have been notified that the State 911 system is experiencing difficulties.

If you have an emergency and are not able to get through to 911 please call Fairfax Fire or Fairfax Rescue directly.

Fairfax Fire - 849-6075

Fairfax Rescue - 849-2773

Thank you,

Fireman David

Current News & Events / Re: Fairfax Fire Responding To Crystal Road
« on: June 23, 2014, 11:18:24 AM »
This fire occurred when dry pine needles were ignited from the heat generated by a camp fire. The fire spread from the camp fire ring toward the stacked wood pile.

The homeowner reacted promptly and called for the Fire Department, and then proceeded to attempt to extinguish the fire.

With the use of a garden hose, the fire was brought under control by the time that the FD arrived on scene.

Even though the homeowner was able to bring the fire under control, he made a good decision to call for the FD immediately.

Often times people attempt to extinguish the before calling for help. This delay in calling for the FD, gives the fire time to spread and grow in intensity.

The earlier that the FD is called, the less the fire has a chance to spread, increasing the chances that fire loss can be minimized.

As long as we are on the subject.....I will take this opportunity to suggest some fire safety tips.

If you are having a campfire, or burning piles of brush, please have a garden hose handy, in case the fire starts to spread. Use a rake to clear any dry leaf litter away from where you are burning, and if conditions are dry, wet down any surrounding brush that could be inadvertently ignited.

Also, be sure to thoroughly wet down any remaining hot coals from your fire, once you are done burning, before leaving it unattended. Even if you think your fire has burned itself out, it is possible for the wind to stir up the remaining hot coals, causing the fire to flare up and spread, several hours after you have finished burning.

Please visit the Fire Department section of the Fairfax VT web page for contact information, and for more information regarding open burning in the Town of Fairfax.



David Raymond
Battalion Chief, FXFD

Current News & Events / Bridge washing
« on: April 29, 2014, 02:27:49 PM »
*** NOTICE ***

The bridge connecting Main Street to River Road & Goose Pond Road will be temporarily closed to traffic today starting around 7pm.

The Fairfax Fire Department will be washing down the bridge to remove the remaining dirt that the Highway Department was not able to remove with their sweeper.

If you are traveling in this area between 7-9 pm please drive with caution.

While the bridge is closed to traffic, you can access River Road & Goose Pond Road via Fletcher Road.

Sorry in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you,

David Raymond, FXFD

Current News & Events / Re: The Lamoille River is rising
« on: April 15, 2014, 02:55:23 PM »
Goose Pond Road is under water between 663 and 694.

Current News & Events / High Water, Goose Pond Road
« on: April 15, 2014, 02:54:31 PM »
Due to high water, the section of Goose Pond Road between 663 and 694 is currently under water.

The water level has reached the edge of the road, West of the Maxfield Road intersection, and with continued rising water, could also flood over.

Please take caution when dealing with flooding conditions.

Below is a press release from the Vermont Department of Emergency Management;


Vermont Department of Public Safety
Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Press Release
April 15, 2014
11:00 a.m.

Mark Bosma, VT DEMHS: 802-839-6717 or 800-347-0488

Minor to Moderate Flooding Likely in Areas of Vermont

WATERBURY, VT - A number of Vermont rivers are near their banks and are likely to flood areas from Tuesday into Wednesday night or later.

The entire state of Vermont is under a Flood Watch and National Weather Service has issued a Flood Warning for a number of river basins.

A Flood Warning means flooding is already taking place or is imminent.

NWS says flooding will be "minor" to "moderate" meaning:

-Water will overflow riverbanks and cause extensive field flooding
-Basement and other flooding of homes/businesses in flood plains is possible
-Several/numerous roads in flood plains could be flooded.

The Vermont state Emergency Operations Center is open to a partial activation with VT DEMHS staff and will fully activate with other state personnel at 7:00 Tuesday night - or earlier if there is a need.

Communities that need assistance or resources should call VT DEMHS.

The public is encouraged to monitor rivers and streams and get to high ground if water approaches.

If you do evacuate your home, turn off the circuit breaker and have a professional inspect your electrical system before you return.

Plan an evacuation route and destination now that takes you over high ground.

If possible, move items that can be swept away or damaged by floodwaters like lawn furniture or mowers to higher ground.

Never walk through floodwaters and never drive across a flooded road as currents can be strong and roads could be washed out under the water.

The public can receive weather updates through VT Alert.

You can sign up for a free account at http://vtalert.gov and click on the link on the left

Thank you,

Fireman David

Current News & Events / Spring Clean-up / Open Burning
« on: April 11, 2014, 01:56:59 PM »
Now that the weather has finally started to act like spring, the residents of Fairfax are probably looking at their yards, thinking about cleaning up the mess winter left behind.

If you plan to burn the tree branches that the winter weather left behind, please make sure you follow the Towns rules for open burning, and proceed in a safe manner.

Before burning you need to acquire a burn permit. The only exception is if you are having a “camp fire”.

A “camp fire” would be a recreational fire that is less than 36” in diameter, an example of this would be a fire that people would sit around to roast marshmallows, or just for the enjoyment of sitting around the fire.

To acquire a burn permit, please call the Fire Station during normal office hours, or call either Duane Leach or Paul Langelier on weekends or evenings.

With the current weather and ground conditions, we have concerns that the Fire Department will have another busy grass fire season, as we did last year. At this time, due to the weather we have been experiencing, the top cover of dead grass is very dry, and will ignite very easily, due to any sparks or embers that may result from a “controlled fire”.

If you burn, please have a garden hose handy, and wet down any surrounding brush that could be inadvertently ignited.

Also, be sure to thoroughly wet down any remaining hot coals from your fire, once you are done burning, before leaving it unattended. Even if you think your fire has burned itself out, it is possible for the wind to stir up the remaining hot coals, causing the fire to flare up and spread, several hours after you have finished burning.

Please visit the Fire Department section of the Fairfax-vt.gov web page for contact information, and for more information regarding open burning in the Town of Fairfax.


David Raymond
Battalion Chief, FXFD

Current News & Events / Re: Ice Storm Clean-up
« on: February 05, 2014, 01:38:01 PM »
Sorry for the delay in posting a reply to the question regarding the burning of refuse.

I hope the information below answers your question.

I will be adding information regarding this topic onto the Towns Website, within the next few days.


The following is language from www.dontburnvt.org

Filing an Open Burning Complaint

Important: As always, if you have an emergency situation, dial 911 to access local emergency services. The resources listed below do not involve emergency responders.
If you know the person that is burning and feel comfortable talking with them, it is often best to make the first contact yourself, but if the person is antagonistic or violent then it’s better to report the situation to some other authority as explained below.
Municipal Enforcement: Many towns or cities have ordinances that prohibit the open burning of trash or in some cases even leaves and brush. Local Fire Wardens are there to prevent wild fires not to enforce environmental regulations. Although their authority in environmental situations is limited, many of them will seek voluntary compliance from people burning trash. Local Health Officers may also investigate complaints about illegal trash burning. Depending on the town, local fire departments may respond to complaints about illegal trash burning in addition to providing emergency fire suppression services.
Solid Waste Management Districts: Some solid waste management districts have ordinances prohibiting trash burning which they enforce using county sheriffs or their own enforcement officers.
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation:
Enforcement Division: You can file a formal complaint with the Enforcement Division at (802) 828-1254. The Enforcement Division has regional enforcement officers that investigate potential violations of environmental regulations including illegal burning. More information on filing complaints with the Enforcement Division can be accessed.
Air Pollution Control Division: You can also file a complaint with the Air Pollution Control Division toll free at (888) 828-1288.

If there is fire that is burning out of control, or it is obvious that illegal materials are being burned, do not hesitate to call 911 and request the Fire Department.

The Fire Department will respond and determine, based on what is found upon their arrival, the best course of action as far as extinguishment, or allowing fire to continue burning. (Not all fires that are reported as being illegal, are illegal)

If it is determined that illegal materials are being burned, the FD will document what is found, and report it to the Selectboard.

The Town of Fairfax has a Civil Ordinance  “Regulation of Open Fires and Incineration”, in which the Selectboard has designated; members of the Selectboard, the Town Health Officer, the Fire Warden, and the Constable as enforcement officers of the Ordinance.

It is the responsibility of the enforcement officers to enforce the ordinance.

If needed the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Compliance & Enforcement Division is another tool at the Towns disposal.


As always, if you have any questions regarding the Fire Department, you can reach out to me at the Fire Station 849-6075, or via email fairfaxfire7@yahoo.com


David Raymond, FXFD

Current News & Events / Ice Storm Clean-up
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:23:54 PM »
Fire Warden Duane Leach and I would like to send out this message, to encourage people to start thinking of spring yard work early this year.

With the large amount of trees that were damaged due to the ice storm this winter, we are expecting that a large number of homeowners will have piles of branches to burn this spring.

We are asking that people consider starting their spring clean up while the snow is still on the ground.

If you are planning a large fire you should call prior to burning even when there is snow.

Large controlled burns often result in numerous calls to 911, calling ahead lets us know when and where controlled burns are taking place ahead of time.

Last spring we had a very busy brush/wild-land fire season.

Due to the weather conditions being so dry we had a large number of brush fires, caused by controlled burning, that got out of control.

Although it is to early to predict what weather conditions will be in April and May, we are already anticipating another busy brush/wild-land fire season.

If you plan to burn brush, please read the information below regarding open burning in the Town of Fairfax.

In the Town of Fairfax it is permitted to have a “camp fire” which is 36” or less in diameter, and fueled by “natural wood” (fire wood), without obtaining a burn permit.

A “Burn Permit” is required for any fire larger than 36” in diameter (natural wood only). A permit is not required when the ground is completely covered in a blanket of snow (which will reduce the likely-hood of embers spreading the fire).

Only natural, untreated wood. Examples: logs, branches, limbs, cuttings, stumps, brush, leaves, slab wood, pallets, can be burned.

Wood that has been painted or treated with preservatives, should not be burned.

In VT it is Illegal to burn the following: Paper & Cardboard; Tires & other Rubber products; Treated, Painted, or Finished Wood; Tar-paper or asphalt Shingles; Plastics; Garbage.

Please visit the Fairfax Fire Department web page for more information regarding “Open Burning” and “Burn Permits”.


Please burn responsibly,

LT David Raymond
Fairfax FD

General Discussion / Re: Open Burn permitted in Winter?
« on: February 02, 2014, 09:37:40 PM »
I hope that I can provide you with some information to answer your question.

In the Town of Fairfax it is permitted to have a “camp fire” which is 36” or less in diameter, and fueled by “natural wood” (fire wood), without obtaining a burn permit.

A “Burn Permit” is required for any fire larger than 36” in diameter (natural wood only). A permit is not required when the ground is completely covered in a blanket of snow (which will reduce the likely-hood of embers spreading the fire).

Only natural, untreated wood - Examples: logs, branches, limbs, cuttings, stumps, brush, leaves, slab wood, pallets, can be burned.

Wood that has been painted or treated with preservatives, should not be burned.

In VT it is Illegal to burn the following: Paper & Cardboard; Tires & other Rubber products; Treated, Painted, or Finished Wood; Tar-paper or asphalt Shingles; Plastics; Garbage.

Please visit the Fairfax Fire Department web page for more information regarding “Open Burning” and “Burn Permits”.


LT David Raymond
Fairfax Fire Department

Current News & Events / *** Press Release ***
« on: December 22, 2013, 11:18:43 AM »
***  PRESS RELEASE   ***

The Town Road Commissioner has requested that anyone that does not need to be out traveling please stay off the roads.

There are multiple power-lines and trees down throughout the Town, and with the impending weather we expect more to come.

The Town Highway department is hard at work, but there are a lot of miles or road in Fairfax, and they are doing their best to keep the roads passable.

The Fire Department is currently staffing the station, in order to respond quickly to any calls for service we receive.

As of 11:00 we have already responded to over a dozen incidents.

If you have an emergency do not hesitate to call 911.

You can contact us directly at the Fire Station 849-6075 if you have any questions, or concerns.

Please call 911 if you have any issues such as alarm activations or power lines down.

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