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Topics - Rev. Elizabeth

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Library Announcements / Agenda for May 10 FCL Trustees' Meeting
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:14:11 AM »


Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
May 10, 2018
6:30 PM – Fairfax Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of March 22, 2018 meeting
Approval of minutes of April 5, 2018 meeting
•   Treasurer’s Report
•   Correspondence

•   Updates
o   Assistant Librarian
o   Facilities Committee 
o   Highlights of Library Trustee Conference (Ellen)
o   Other

•   New Business
o   April 12, 2017 Joint Meeting
Library and School Safety
o   Trustees Community Survey
o   Other

•   Adjourn

Library Announcements / Agenda for May 10 FCL Trustees' Meeting
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:13:20 AM »


Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
May 10, 2018
6:30 PM – Fairfax Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of March 22, 2018 meeting
Approval of minutes of April 5, 2018 meeting
•   Treasurer’s Report
•   Correspondence

•   Updates
o   Assistant Librarian
o   Facilities Committee 
o   Highlights of Library Trustee Conference (Ellen)
o   Other

•   New Business
o   April 12, 2017 Joint Meeting
Library and School Safety
o   Trustees Community Survey
o   Other

•   Adjourn

BFA Fairfax Conference Room
April 12, 2018
Joint Board Meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30, by principal John Tague, substituting for Pat Gallant, who was ill.  In attendance were: Sandy Alexander and Kathy Muehl (voting members), representing the School Board, Liz Griffin (voting member), Ellen Holmes-Henry and Eric Foreman, representing the library trustees, and Joy Mercer, school librarian, and Debbie Landauer, FCL library director. 

There was no public input, nor was there any correspondence.

The agenda was reviewed.

Officers for the coming year were elected.  Kathy Muehl nominated Pat Gallant as chair; the motion was seconded by Sandy and the motion was passed
Kathy nominated Liz Griffin to be secretary; the second was by Sandy and the motion was passed.

The minutes of the October 2017 Joint Board meeting were read and approved. 

Quarterly Report Highlights: Joy Mercer, School Librarian.

Diversity was the theme that ran through the past year, as it is important for our children to be aware  of other countries and other cultures. Joy recounted a story where a preschool teacher reached out for books for an African American youth who  felt he had no one like him to play with.  Joy found appropriate books, gave them to the teacher, and the child was reassured and found comfort in them.. 
As part of the diversity theme, the middle school youth participated in the Reading without Walls program.

Quarterly Report Highlights: Debbie Landauer, Public Library Director.

Debbie noted that diversity as a theme in books for children is growing,and while there is less increase in diversity in adult fiction, there is an increase in non-fiction books, such as the books about the WWII code breakers, and the women who worked for NASA. There is an increase in adult fiction about immigrants.

Thanks to donations from two community members the library has been able to create STEM kits that are available for patrons to take out and use at home. (They must sign an agreement about their  financial responsibility for any damage done to the contents of the kits.)

The STEM kits include: a telescope and support from the Vermont Astronomical Society; a jewelry making kit that contains tools, but not consumables; a microscope with a smart phone attachment; a bloxel kit to make video games;  and Mother Goose kits  from the Vermont Center for Books that are early literacy kits for youth from pre-K kindergarten.

The library partnered with the Town Recreation Department’s Easter Egg Hunt and hosted the Easter Bunny for children after the Egg Hunt.  The library also served hot chocolate and cookies.  This was well attended.

The Titans Chess Club ended their season with a live chess game. This was an exciting and well received event that will hopefully be held again next year. The chess club remains a highly popular after school activity.

Unfinished business

John stated that there were no policy updates for the meeting, but that there probably would be at the October meeting.

The new facilities committee has met twice with about 14 participants, including school staff and administrators, school board members and members of the public.  At the second meeting the group took a tour of the building ( which did not include the entire facility as the group ran out of time) and discussed facility needs.  There are local architects and contractors on the committee. The next meeting will be at the beginning of May, date to be announced.

Debbie brought up her concern that the annual cleaning of the library, which takes a week, has of late occured in a conflict with the annual Summer Reading program.  Previously, the  cleaning had taken place toward the end of the summer, often in August.  Debbie sent a communication to Tod Granger requesting the library be cleaned after Aug. 9th this year.
John will speak to Tod Granger to see if it can be so scheduled that there is no interference with the summer reading program.

New Business.
School and Community Safety and the Library.

During the lockdown that occurred  on  February 20,  the fact that the public entrance to the library has always been and currently is  unlocked has become a cause of great concern. Various safety personnel, including the state police, the local sheriff, and safety experts from the state have all indicated that this creates an unsafe situation for the students in the school. It has been recommended that a buzzer system be installed that can be used by any of the library personnel, both librarians and their assistants, to buzz in members of the public. This will be done.

A question was posed: how can the buzzer system  make the environment safer when  a person being buzzed in could have  a weapon that would be unseen by whoever opened the door?  While this is perhaps true, the buzzer entrance makes accessibility more difficult.

There are video cameras at the entrance to the school, but because of privacy concerns 
( Vermont Patron Confidentiality Act ) there is no camera at the entrance to the library.

The thought is  that this buzzer might necessitate more public library staff  as the staff is already overworked. Eric suggested that before we take that step the library trustees need to determine how many public patrons use the library on a daily basis. Debbie believes 400-500 public patrons use the library per week.  She will take a count, and Ellen offered to help count community library  patron traffic. Joy Mercer requested that the School Board hire a third school library employee, as there used to be before one position was cut several years ago.  This person could be responsible for monitoring the door along with numerous other duties that Joy could use help with.

A   long term solution  suggested would be to build a separate community library building. 
Ellen mentioned that this was not a possible option at this point in time.

Another option, more constricting, would be to have the public library hours  limited to after school and Saturday. 

Debbie is concerned that the buzzer will be one more barrier to the public use of the library. Some potential patrons are already discouraged by the length of the walk to the library, and the lack of adequate parking. She feels the buzzer would add one more barrier.

Ellen said that we should all strive to figure out how to work together to  make this recommendation work as this is going to happen as soon as possible.  Presenting this change in the most positive light possible would facilitate the transition.  Ellen has provided some resources on how safety is handled at other libraries including other joint libraries.  These were not discussed.

Ellen brought up a concern about the windows.  They are large, extensive, and uncovered.  There are shades, but they are manually controlled.  Electronically controlled shades were suggested as was covering some of the windows at either end of the array of windows to reduce their number.

The small size of the safe room, the current Flexible Pathways room, was mentioned.  Debbie thinks that if there were classes and/or or a large number of public patrons in the library at the time of a lockdown the room could not accommodate them.  The Fairfax Room, while available, has windows and no second exit and therefore would not be a good option. 

Debbie observed that there seems to be a lack of training for school staff vis a vis student safety during a lockdown.  She wonders if  training  is available and could library staff, including library substitutes, be able to participate. Perhaps there could be a joint policy--library and school -- on managing a  safety crisis. FCL staff and substitutes need to be part of any safety training that might occur. 

John will find a way to sit down with the FCL staff so that everyone is aware of the protocols  for a crisis.He also mentioned that there will be an ALICE training this summer and library staff will be invited to participate.

Joy Mercer is making a box of items of items that could be used to keep small children amused if they had to go to the safe room during a lockdown.  The box would also include a flashlight, and a list of the library trustees and their contact information. It will be kept in a secure place.

It was also noted that there is no emergency light in the library.   

Next Joint Board Meetings

The October meeting will be held in the Fairfax Room at 6;30 on October 11, 2018.
The April meeting will be held in the Fairfax Room at 6:30 on April 11 2019.

Meeting Notices.

Sandy Alexander will give Liz Griffin a current list of individuals who need to be contacted about meeting dates.

Kathy made a motion to adjourn, and Sandy seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:51.

Respectfully submitted

Rev. Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.

Fairfax Community Library
Trustees’ Meeting
March 5 2018
Fairfax Room, 6 PM

The meeting was called to order at 5:55. Present were Ellen Holmes-Henry, Christina Fearon, Liz Griffin, Pat Gallant, chair, and  Eric Foreman.
Executive session commenced at 6: 05
 The trustees came out of executive session at 8:10 .

The trustees accepted the resignation of Library Assistant, Joy Choquette with appreciation for her work here.
The trustees will work on a library personnel document in regard to safety concerns and the library.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Griffin, secretary. 

Fairfax Community Library
BFA Fairfax School Board
Joint Board Meeting
Thursday, April 12, 2018
BFA Fairfax Conference Room
6:30 PM


Call to Order 

Public Input

Review Agenda

Election of Officers
•   Chair
•   Secretary


Approval of minutes of October 12, 2017 Joint Board meeting

Highlights of Quarterly Reports - Librarians

Unfinished Business
•   Recently updated policies?
•   Status of new Facilities Committe
•   Other

New Business
•   School and Community Safety and our Library
•   Set date for Joint Board Meetings (Oct. 2018 and April, 2019)
•   Update distribution list for meeting notices
•   Other




Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
April 5, 2018
6:00 PM – Fairfax Room

•   Call to Order

•   Executive Session
o   Personnel Issues

•   Adjourn

Fairfax Community Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Liz Griffin at 6:32 pm. Also present were Eric Foreman, El-len Holmes-Henry, Chris Fearon, and Debbie Landauer, library director.

Chris made a motion to approve the minutes, and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Eric gave the Treasurer’s Report. There are no outstanding checks. He reported that there is $578.18 in the checking account, and $1,835.61in savings. Debbie requested a check for $186.90 for the baby books; that amount is not reflected in the checking account balance.  Eric will find out the balance of the CD for the next meeting.


There was no correspondence.

Election of Trustee Officers

We proceeded to the election of officers. All voted in favor of current officeholders continuing in their posts.

Welcome New Trustee

Liz asked board members to share their thoughts on the role of a trustee for the benefit of El-len, who was attending her first meeting in that capacity. Eric spoke about working as an ad-vocate for the library, and particularly for young children, since he has two young children who are regular users. Chris also mentioned advocacy and attending Long Range Facility Planning Committee meetings. Other responsibilities mentioned were financial oversight and long range planning.

Debbie reported that Lara Keenan from the Vermont State Library is available for trustee train-ings—she can speak on topics of interest to trustees and respond to questions. The first of a series of regional meetings Lara is offering will be on Monday, April 30, at Ilsley Library in Mid-dlebury. Ellen is planning to go and offered to carpool if anyone is interested in going.


Debbie reported that there were approximately 80-90 people at the Saturday Town Meeting, many of those people were library patrons. And, many materials set out on a table outside of the gym on voting day, were picked up on that Tuesday.

Devin, the student assistant, will be returning to work again this summer.

Nicole reported on library highlights later in the meeting.  STEAM is a big focus. Debbie men-tioned that she and Nicole made 4 STEAM kits. There is also a really nice telescope. Joy is working with a 4th grade teacher to develop some STEAM kits. They had a STEAM night. Lab Girls is continuing. Next month is owl month and they will have someone speak about barred owl rescue. There will be a live chess game (people are the chess pieces with identifying hats!) next Thursday from 3-4:30; if anyone is available to participate, that would be great. There was a Winter Beach Party planned during the February school break, which was well attended with a wait list. “Libraries Rock” is the theme of the summer reading program and Nicole is working on concerts as part of the Summer Reading Program line-up. Chris said she had access to some African instruments that could be used for kids’ programs, and will be in touch with Ni-cole.

Debbie said they have started to do program evaluations and received good feedback.

New Business

The new town manager has been hired. His name is Brad Docheff and he and his family are library users.

Steve Cormier is the library liaison on the Select Board. He had helped facilitate things with the library budget. It was suggested that we could also invite him sometime to a meeting.

Chris said she would be willing to follow the School Board agendas and minutes in case any-thing germane to the library comes up.

Dates for the upcoming board meetings were set. They are May 10, June 21,
August 23, and October 4.

Discussion re: Community Survey to be undertaken by board. Chris said she could chair, and Eric agreed to co-chair. Chris said she’d have time in June and summer to delve into more, and then with Eric, could present info to the rest of the board for everyone’s input and review. Eric is interested in the online component. Chris and Eric will meet at some point to discuss further. Debbie mentioned that Brownell Library and Carpenter-Carse Library in Hinesburg also did a community survey. Debbie had sent the board information on community surveys to read and review. For more examples, Debbie suggested Googling Library Strategic Plans as well as Library surveys.

Debbie had a meeting with John Tague and Geri-Lyn Witalec. An activity bus has been funded and Debbie inquired if the library could have access to the bus. It sounded like it would not work, though Chris and Eric suggested that there might be a possibility during school vaca-tions. Eric said the cost of driver/gas could be built into a library program budget.

Debbie also wanted to let the trustees know about a noise issue with the Flexible Pathways class meeting in the room adjacent to the circulation desk. Sometimes there is no teacher there, and the students get noisy and use inappropriate language. The library staff sometimes will knock on the door and ask the kids to quiet down; this happens several times a week. Joy has brought it up with John Tague several times.

Debbie asked if the trustees are willing to pay half of the cost for the T-shirts for the summer reading program. Also, she asked if people had suggestions for additional support. Previously, the After School enrichment fund had contributed, but Tom Walsh said he would prefer to have that money spent on the school this year. Discussion ensued about other possibilities. Mylan declined, and the few local businesses are regularly called on for their support and may be tapped out. Ellen suggested Runamok Maple, which is located in the old Scrabble plant, might be willing to donate as a newer local business. She will try to find out more.

The Joint Board Meeting for the school and library is April 12.  The agenda for the meeting was discussed. Debbie spoke with by John and Geri-Lyn about security after the lockdown. Luckily, the lockdown happened 10 minutes after story time, so there weren’t any families, classes, or public patrons in the library.  Not surprisingly, the police/sheriff noted the security issue with the library, which is not going to go away. This will be discussed at the Joint Board Meeting. In conversation with Debbie, John mentioned a couple of ways this could be addressed. Debbie expressed her concern that public patrons are swept up in the issue of school violence. Debbie said the writing is on the wall and that we need to do something; she brought up the idea of a separate town library. Someone asked if public patrons have to stay during a lockdown and they should.

Ellen asked about safety guidelines for the library, and Debbie responded that the school li-brarians have a checklist and the library follows school policy. Debbie also mentioned that Bill
McSalis will be speaking at an upcoming conference for librarians on school security. The school had previously spent money to upgrade security—the door for entering the library and the lock on door to Harold’s room. Someone asked about whether there is a ratio of kids to adults requirement in the library. Debbie said there used to be 3 library staff, but now there is two. Ellen commented on the strict security at the Baird School.

We went into go into Executive Session 8:04 pm, and came out at  8:30 pm, at which point the meeting ended.

Respectfully submitted,
Christina Fearon 
Fairfax Community Library Trustee

Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
March 22, 2018
6:30 PM - Fairfax Room

•   Call to Order
•   Approval of minutes of January 11, 2018 meeting
•   Treasurer’s Report
•   Correspondence

•   Election of Trustee officers for March 2018-March 2019

•   Welcome new trustee:  Ellen Henry Holmes

o   Discussion:  What does it mean to be a Trustee?
                        Materials for Trustee
                        Trustee Training available from Lara Keenan

•   Updates
o   Town Meeting Day
o   Summer student library assistant
o   Library Highlights
o   Other

•   New Business
o   Plan agenda for April Joint Board meeting
o   Schedule Trustee meetings for 2018-2019
o   Needed:  Trustee to follow School Board agendas and minutes
o   Needed:  Chair for Community Survey Project
o   Update on school safety incident (Deb)
o   Executive Session; personnel
o   Other

•   Adjourn

Fund Raisers / Annual PHPG Silent Auction and Brunch 2/18!
« on: February 03, 2018, 06:43:58 AM »
It’s  that time of year! With February comes the annual PHPG  Valentine’s Day Silent Auction and Brunch with music by The Smokey Newfield Project .

 The brunch is scrumptious; the music, engaging; the Silent Auction items phenomonal!

Sponsored by People Helping People Global,  ( begun by a BFA Alumna and her spouse) the monies raised support the zero interest microloans that PHPG provides for those who have received training and acquired the skills to use the funds to create or support small businesses.  And those small businesses change lives. They help children attend school; help moms provide more nourishing food; help families become stronger, more resilient. 
Join us! Enjoy the food, listen to the music, bid on the silent auction. And know, that your efforts are helping change lives.
At the Comfort Inn 1712 Shelburne Rd.Take Collins Blvd; bldg is back right.  February 18 from 12-2.
$25; $15 students; children 3-12 $12. under 3, free!
Visit our website phpgmicrolending.org to learn more about the work we do.

Library Announcements / Unapproved Minutes FCL Trustees' meeting 1/11/18
« on: January 17, 2018, 10:43:06 AM »
Fairfax Community Library Trustees
January 11, 2018
Meeting Minutes (draft)
The FCL Trustees’ meeting was called to order at 6:30 by chair Pat Gallant. Board members
present were Debbie Landauer, Liz Griffin, Janel Gamm, Christine Fearon and Eric Foreman .
Also present was a member of the public and library patron Anne-Marie Shepard Parent.
The minutes of the 11/16/17 trustees meeting were reviewed and approved. The motion to
approve was made by Janel.
A note thanking the trustees for the holiday gift card was received from Joy Choquette, the new
Library Assistant. She also thanked the trustees for their warm welcome!
Debbie received a letter from Molly Foreman, coordinator of the Success by Six program in the
community, regarding the spring baby book dedication. Concerns were: how to honor all the
new 2017 babies in Fairfax; which babies/families to include.
After discussion the following motion was made by Chris to support the ideas Molly has
expressed in her letter: All current Fairfax residents with a baby born in 2017 have the
opportunity to dedicate a book to their baby regardless of where they were living when the baby
was born. Babies who were adopted and babies who were taken into foster care during 2017
are included in this program. The motion was approved and this policy vis a vis baby book
dedication was accepted.
The trustees welcomed Anne-Marie Shepard Parent, 35 year resident of Fairfax and a long
time library patron. She expressed concerns about the library’s space. She observed that the
library has changed and grown, with more activities, more patrons, and yet the space has
remained the same. It is time, she believes, for the community to be proactive in seeking to
somehow expand the space available to the library, as it serves both school and greater
community. She has expressed an interest in both being a library trustee and perhaps
participating on the facilities committee. The trustees expressed their wholehearted support for
her desire to participate in both/either of these activities as an avenue for her to act on her
Currently no individuals have submitted petitions at the Town Clerk’s office for the two library
trustee positions currently open and to be voted on in March.
The new assistant, Joy Choquette, is receiving ongoing training and is doing well. Patrons have
expressed appreciation for her.
Highlights of the Library Director’s quarterly report.
Many people both brought candy and received candy at the annual Halloween event at the
All staff evaluations were completed.
All after school programs are up and running. There are more home school students from
Fairfax and the surrounding area participating in these programs.
There is a new leader for the chess club.
Treasurer’s Report
Savings account: 2335.30
Checking account: 110.08
It was decided to add $500 to the balance in the checking account.
A discussion ensued about the need for fundraising to replenish the savings account, and this
will be discussed at a later meeting. Chris has access to some fundraising information garnered
at the Library Conference she attended in November. Debbie has ideas she can share from
working in other Franklin County Libraries and FLARE meetings.
Steve Cormier of the Selectboard has been in contact with Eric about the library budget, which
the selectboard initially rejected. After an exchange of questions and answers between the
Select Board and Eric, the concerns were resolved and the Selectboard has approved the
Library budget as it was submitted by the Trustees.
When the facilities committee will reconvene is uncertain, but Eric has expressed an interest in
being on that committee.
The Town Meeting Informational Meeting will be Saturday March 3 and Debbie will be there with
a table, as will Pat and Liz.
The library was asked to update their section of the Town Plan. Debbie has written the library
report, and Chris will edit it as needed. All agreed that a section on the challenges facing the
library be included.
After a discussion about whether the Library’s quarterly report will follow the fiscal year or the
calendar year, it was decided that Debbie and Joy Mercer should do whatever they felt was
most appropriate and convenient.
The next trustees’ meeting will be March 22nd, and will include an orientation for the new
trustees. At that time plans will be made for the creation and distribution of a community survey
about the library. Debbie will find some examples of other library surveys. The surveys will be
returned to the trustees.
The results of the survey will help to inform the next Strategic Plan. Looking toward the next 5
year strategic plan will also be included in the March 22nd meeting. Our current plan expires in
The Joint Board meeting will be April 12.
At 7:55 the trustees went into executive session to discuss personnel. They came out at 8:10.
Pat Gallant and the trustees and the Library Director thanked Janel Gamm for her five years of
excellent and appreciated service as a library trustee. Her term expires, and this is her last
A motion to adjourn was made by Chris and the meeting adjourned at 8:15.
Respectfully submitted
Rev. Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.



Fairfax Community Library Board of Trustees Meeting
January 11, 2018
6:30 PM – BFA Main Lobby Conference Room

•   Call to Order

•   Approval of minutes of November 16, 2018 meeting

•   Treasurer’s Report

•   Correspondence

•   Updates
o   New Assistant Librarian
o   Facilities Committee Membership
o   Trustee Vacancies for March Ballot
o   Personnel Policy Update from 11/16 meeting
o   Highlights from Quarterly Report
o   Other

•   New Business
o   Response to Select Board about Budget
o   Trustees and Town Meeting, 2018
o   Town Plan Library Summary
o   Timing of Quarterly Reports (align with fiscal or calendar year?)
o   Set date for next Trustee meeting
o   Other

•   Executive Session
o   Personnel
o   Other

•   Adjourn


Library Announcements / Would you like to be a Library Trustee?
« on: November 29, 2017, 07:35:59 PM »

Become a Library Trustee!

Do you love visiting the Fairfax Community Library? 
Do you care deeply about providing access to information, literature, and lifelong learning?
Do you have interest in and time for public service? 
If so, please consider becoming a Fairfax Community Library Trustee.

What does it mean to be a Fairfax Community Library trustee?

A Library Trustee’s main role involves serving on a five-member board to provide support for the library’s mission. Responsibilities include advocacy, directing the library’s funds and policies, hiring, evaluating and supporting the library director, participating at Board meetings, and sharing tasks between meetings.

How much time does it take to be a Trustee?

Trustee meetings are generally for 1.5-2 evening hours, once every other month. Because our community and school libraries share the same space and mutual interests, Trustees also attend two meetings yearly of a Joint Committee, consisting of school, public library, and town Select Board representatives.  We also do attend some events to learn more about libraries and to advocate for ours.

How do I become a Library Trustee?

By design, Library Trustees serve for three years, and up to two positions open annually.  If you wish to be on the ballot for one of two open positions on Town Meeting Day 2018, obtain a petition at the Fairfax Town Office as soon as possible. Submit it to the Town Clerk with approximately 35 Fairfax registered voters’ signatures no later than 5 pm on January 29th.   

Where can I get more information?
Contact  Rev. Liz Griffin, Secretary of Fairfax Library Trustees

Fairfax Community Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2017

The meeting was called to order by chair Pat Gallant.  Also present were Debbie Landauer, library director, Liz Griffin, Eric Foreman, Chris Fearon, and Janel Gamm.

The minutes from the October 26, 2017 Trustees meeting were read and approved.  Christine made the move to accept, and Janel seconded the move.

Eric reported that the checking account held $292.44 and the savings account has $2334.91.


Debbie gave out copies of the Unpaid Leave Policy which had been previously discussed, created, and voted upon, for Trustees to add to their binders.

Chris reported on the Vermont Trustees and Friends Conference which she attended in early November. She sent all the trustees a link that provides information about library trustee responsibilities.
She also passed out information about the Open Meeting Law, drawing attention specifically to concerns surrounding messages/decisions sent to an official group with ‘reply all.’ which apparently indicates a meeting.

She also brought information about VELISTEM for Nicole, the program director.

Eric stated that the final budget total submitted with the budget to the Town Clerk’s office is

Debbie and Liz interviewed Karin Hernandez for the Library Assistant job.  After much thought Karin decided to withdraw her application as she needs to be with her family in the evening, and the position requires two nights out. She will remain in her current position.

Debbie and Liz  will conduct two further interviews on November 21.

Lara Bessette’s last day as Library Assistant is December 8. The trustees will contribute $25 toward a gift for Lara.
Liz made a motion to do this, Janel seconded it and it passed unanimously.
There will be an exit interview with Lara shortly after her final day.

The Long Range Facilities Committee is regrouping and seeking new members.  They would like a year long commitment from anyone who joins.  Eric expressed an interest in participating. He will follow through by seeking more information.

Laura Keenan  is available to help libraries be sustainable and relevant to their communities. There is a listserv available, Library Trustees and Friends, that provides resources for those interested in this area.

On page 31 of the Library Trustees’ manual can be found information regarding how trustees can advocate for their library.

New Business

Pat will check to see which Trustees’ terms are expiring, and she will update the informational poster she has about being a library trustee. Pat will also find out when new candidates’ petitions would be due in the Town Clerk’s office and send information to the trustees via e-mail.  (Email discussions around this topic would be considered administrative work, and does not constitute a meeting.)

Debbie reported that she is working on the 2016 State Report that is due in February.  This is both a state and federal report.  She has almost completed the report and Pat will electronically sign the completed report.

Debbie indicated that the benefit days for floater days and sick days  in the Personnel Policy are different. The state requires that a year round employee has to work 18 hours to receive sick days, and the library policy states that for a year round employee to receive floater days they have to work 20 hours.  Debbie thinks this should be changed so that both benefits require 18 hour work weeks. Chris made a motion to align the benefit days to 18 hours of work a week, and it was passed.

Liz heard from the ALA in regard to the adopt a library program in Puerto Rico and as soon as more information is forthcoming she will share it with the trustees. 

Our next meeting date will be Thursday, January 11 at 6:30.

Executive Session
The trustees went into Executive Session at 7:35 to discuss Library Director evaluation.

Trustees came out of Executive Session at 8:35.   Pat will use the discussion notes from our discussion to write a written evaluation of the library director.  When this is complete, she and Liz will contact Deb for a meeting before mid-December to discuss her evaluation and set goals for the coming year. 

Respectfully submitted,
Liz Griffith

Announcements / Operation Happiness INFORMATION!!!!! Read and Share!
« on: November 09, 2017, 01:59:46 PM »
If you, or someone you know who lives  in Fairfax or Fletcher could use help this holiday season   Operation Happiness can  help!  We can help provide food baskets and toys for children.

Please contact Rev. Liz Griffin
From : December 4-8 or December 11-13 between 8:30-1:00
Leave a detailed message. Your call will be returned.

Food Basket pick up will be on December 16 between 8:30-11:00 
at the Fairfax Community Center (formerly the Baptist Church Building) on Main Street Fairfax. Please be prompt. if you cannot come, please arrange for someone to pick up your box for you.

If registering for the Christmas toys, pick up will be at St. Mary's Parish Hall on Saturday, December 16.

Library Announcements / Unapproved Minutes: Trustees' Meeting, October 26
« on: October 29, 2017, 09:10:57 AM »
Fairfax Community Library
Board of Trustees’ Meeting
October 26 2017
The meeting was called to order at 4:46 PM. In attendance were: Eric Foreman, Chris Fearon,
Pat Gallant, Janel Gamm, Liz Griffin.
The minutes of the October 17 meeting were read and discussed. A motion to approve was made by Chris and they were approved.
Debbie met with the Board for the first 10 minutes of the
meeting to discuss the rationale for her request for a salary increase and an increase in hours
One significant financial concern for Debbie is that the copays for her health insurance have
increased 50%
Along with a request for salary increase, Debbie also believes that there is a need for her ( and
her staff ) to have more hours.
The library, she said, is a very busy place with a busy patron stream all day, reducing the time
she has for administrative concerns. Further, there are some projects,such as updating the
library website, and applying for grants that require large chunks of focused time. Other
activities she would like to undertake, but lacks sufficient time for are: visits to local child care
providers, and visits with residents of our local senior housing. Book delivery to the home
bound is an activity she would like to revitalize.
After Debbie’s thorough presentation the Board entered Executive Session at 5:05. A lengthy
discussion ensued vis a vis salary and hour increases for library staff. The Trustees exited
Executive Session ast 6:15 PM.
We discussed several options in regard to hours and COLA for the library staff. The final total
for the 2018 Fairfax Community Library budget is $107815. This represents a 3.44% increase
over last year’s budget request. The budget includes a 2 hour increase for the program planner,
a 1 hour increase for the library director, a .75 hour increase for the library assistant, and a
COLA increase for all staff. The exception is the summer student who will earn the Vermont
minimum wage of $10.50. ( Incidentally the library substitute wage will be $12.50)
A motion was made by Chris to submit the budget of $107,815, with an increase of 3.44% to
the Select Board for their approval.
Liz Griffin made a motion to adjourn, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30.
Respectfully submitted
Elizabeth Griffin, secretary

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