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Messages - rdmapes

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Current News & Events / Which Senators Voted to Give Up US Sovereignty?
« on: February 02, 2014, 05:27:44 PM »
Good Day,
Why would Senators from a State that values Individual Freedom vote to give up sovereignty? I am sure there is an excuse that will run a crooked country mile.



Current News & Events / Sneaky Marxists - Your 2nd Amendment
« on: December 05, 2013, 04:59:22 PM »
Interesting story about VT in a firearms national publication.



Current News & Events / Read Bills - Vermont Legislature
« on: January 16, 2013, 06:04:27 PM »
To view the bills before the Vermont Legislature; http://www.leg.state.vt.us/database/rintro/results.cfm


Current News & Events / S-032 - Semi-Auto Ban Vermont Legislature
« on: January 16, 2013, 02:37:45 PM »
Here you go.


I suppose it is time to wake up and make some phone calls.


Good Morning,
Article can be read here: http://truenorthreports.com/vermont-mayors-join-in-national-rush-for-gun-control

Before long those in Montpelier will be changing the States Constitution? 


Current News & Events / PopVox - Read the Bills before Congress
« on: January 15, 2013, 06:07:13 PM »
If you would like to read the bills before Congress check out this site. A brief explanation of each bill on the main page. Select a bill and read its contents. A voter may support or oppose the bill which will send a note to your representative regarding your position on the subject. Much better than watching the boob-tube to see what the State controlled media is droning on about.

If you go so far as to read the Bill you will be further ahead than those who vote on them. Be sure to read them carefully as some of the titles can be misleading.



Current News & Events / How Safe Is Your 401K
« on: November 30, 2012, 05:21:33 PM »
Good Evening,
I have been seeing more of these little tid-bits on the news wire. Seems the topic is getting popular. Did anyone really think their hard earned money was theirs to use?



Good Morning Mirjo,
Not sure why people feel powerless. We can vote out those who have been sent to D.C. over and over again. We do have the power. People need to turn off the TV and break the trance. 5 corporations control all the major news outlets. The wonderful thing about the internet is that there are more local and individual reporting of news worthy events.

For example this individual has created an interesting story based on facts.


Get a news aggregator, build in RSS feeds for NASDAQ, MarketWatch, Intelhub, Foreign Policy, etc. You will soon see what is happening in the world and how we are surrendering our freedoms, wealth, childrens future.

Get informed

Good Evening,
I guess Monsanto is wasting no time in letting VT know what they will do.


Since there are numerous studies pointing to changes in DNA, killing of honey bees, and destruction of heirloom seeds it would be shameful for people to know what they are consuming.

Here is an interesting documentary, it might be worth your time.



General Discussion / RECOVERED - Brown & White Basset "Barney"
« on: July 04, 2011, 07:19:22 AM »
Good  Morning,
Barney returned home @ 0330 this morning. No worse for wear. If only he could talk we would have a great story to hear.


General Discussion / LOST - Brown & White Basset "Barney"
« on: July 03, 2011, 08:55:17 PM »
Our brown & white basset ran through his electric fence tonight. He is wearing a red collar with the wireless "reminder" attached. His name is Barney and 2 yrs. old. He does not like thunder or fireworks. So, tonight will scare the dickens out of him. Last known location was West St. North Fairfax. He is friendly, but scared of his own shadow.

Please send along a e-mail to rondmjr -AT- gmail -DOT- com.


Current News & Events / Vermont Thunder Motorcycle Ride
« on: May 29, 2011, 10:11:41 AM »
If anyone with a bike it looking for a ride today Vermont Thunder is happening. Pick up the group anywhere along the route.



General Discussion / Wondering About Radiation Levels?
« on: April 01, 2011, 06:46:19 PM »
Check out :


Pretty cool website. If you have the money to buy the software and Geiger counter you can also submit data collected from the Geiger counter. At the moment they are out of stock. But, since watching the site I have seen several more come on-line.  The units are costly.

The surplus meters from civil defense years have doubled in price if you can find them. I did find a place that sells kits, pretty cool little gadget.


Something to at least give me an idea about the levels. Assembly is easy and can be completed in an hour. Maybe a great project for a student. Calibration could be an issue and there is no way to calibrate this device. But, if the thing starts chattering I will check the news or listen to the radio(s) to see what is going on.

Just wanted to pass along the find.


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