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: What A Beautiful Day For Seniors At The Fair  ( 4046 )
Hero Member
: 15235

« : September 03, 2004, 07:24:39 AM »

Hi All,

Yesterday was truly the most beautiful day of the week as Seniors flocked to The Champlain Valley Fair.  Maryann and I celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary a day early by joining in the festivities.  I have to say, the weather was just perfect.  If you got a little warm, you moved to the shade, then when you got a little cool, you moved to the sun.  All in all, just a perfect, perfect day.

We arrived at the Fairgrounds around 10:30 a.m.  Since this was Seniors Day, we joined the many Scooters & Wheelchairs for the parade into the Fairgrounds and as we were about to enter the first building of exhibits:

Who ran out to help open the door, but our neighbor, Theresa Gross who was joined a short time later by her husband Ron:

Although I didn't ask them, I'll bet they had to show some ID before they were allowed in as Senior Citizens - A great couple who have been our neighbors for many, many years.  Since they had arrived early before the exhibits opened, Ron told me, strictly in order to pass the time, he had had breakfast at the fair and proceded to inform me of the best place to eat.

After visiting for a while - after all, we like everyone else were in no hurry, we went in and checked out the exhibits.  Maryann enjoys going around and checking things out thoroughly, thus, my feet said, "Sit down."  As I was looking for a place to sit, someone yelled my name and it was Theresa Gross's sister Jackie Perry who lives in Milton.  She was also taking advantage of the chairs and tables in the building to rest.  We were joined a little later by her husband George who had just spent some time at the IBM exhibit.  We both started work at IBM in its very early years.  Maryann joined us later and we were able to catch up on mutual friends and acquaintances in regards to their whereabouts, health and of course, like all senior citizens, who was still alive.

My next stop was the IBM exhibit, hoping I might see someone I knew. and of course, hoping if I did I could remember their name.  As luck would have it, one of the people recognized me immediately -- As for me -- A brain cramp -- but it was a very nice guy who had been at IBM for 31 years.  Again we reminisced for a while catching up on people we knew.  During the course of the day, I met many IBMers I had worked with, each time having to ask their name.  I do have to say that in each conversation, one name here in Fairfax always came up  --  "How's Lee Minor doing?"

By this time, I was getting just a little hungry, although I have to admit we had gone over to the Maple Sugar Shack and gotten a coffee and doughnut, but how long can that keep you going?

It was on to "Mr. Sausage" and Al's French Fries.  It isn't really a problem finding these places as there are several concessions around the Fairgrounds for each one, but we chose the usual one near one of the shows.

As we were finishing our meal, a couple of familiar faces sat at a table a short ways away:

Gilles & Claudette Rainville - Had a great visit with them, conversation turning to the recent heavy rains and a chance to get away and relax from the sound of sump pumps and water problems.

Maryann then went on to The Craft & Art Building checking out the finer things of life while I chose to sit that one out -- If it doesn't have a knife and fork beside it, I have trouble appreciating it.  While sitting it out, I also saw Ron & Sandy Cutting from town, but didn't make it to get a picture of them.

We went through the building where The New England Culinary Institute was giving a demonstration, but that was filled to capacity, so we didn't spend much time there.  Then it was on to the Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, etc building.  Both Maryann and I thought that perhaps the weather this summer did have an effect on what was submitted for vegetables.  Of particular interest were the tomatoes.  Although I am no expert judge, I certainly would not have put a Blue Ribbon on the tomatoes I saw.

While in the building, ran into someone from Fairfax who was working:

Carol Stanley, who was overseeing the Bonzai Tree Exhibit - Excuse my spelling, but I have no idea how to spell that and I don't have spell check on the forum.

It was getting to be late afternoon and there were still a couple of food booths to go through.  We did the Pig in the Blanket  --  They were excellent  --  except:

Once again, I chose to sit down and found a bench.  Maryann drove her wheelchair over and I decided to slide over to put the box holding the two Pig in the Blankets on the bench  --  Very bad choice  --  As I slid over, at least 40 or 50 slivers went through the seat of my pants.  Now, the majority of them went horizontally forming somewhat of a weaving pattern in the seat of my pants, however, some didn't.  Have you ever tried to remove slivers from an area you can't see and pretend whatever you are doing is natural????  I removed all those I thought that went in vertically, sat back down, but was immediately made aware I didn't. Now we certainly wanted to eat those Pig in the Blankets while they were hot, but I did enlist Maryann's help to get the two or three more painful slivers out.

By the way, the Pig in the Blankets were very good.  There was only Fried Dough and Maple Creemee left to get.  Not a problem, we knew our way around pretty well.  Got the Fried Dough and while eating our Maple Creemee watched the Aerialist perform.

All in all, we had a super great time.  Maryann also took advantage of the Motor Vehicle Department's booth to get her photo license, picked up a watch for $12.99, a few stocking stuffers for the grandchildren - and oh yes, we did buy the cleaner for the eyeglasses - it does do a good job and he was a really nice guy, although I think that probably the 1 year supply will probably last us ten.

Have a great day

Henry Raymond
Lynn E.

« #1 : September 03, 2004, 08:13:55 AM »

It would have been nice to see a side profile before and after photo of you at the fair.   :lol:

I didn't hear you talking about going on any rides

How funny that you ran into Mr & Mrs Gross.  We used to go to the fair with Mrs. Gross and the kids every year.  

Glad you had such a great time and saw so many friends!
Mike E

« #2 : September 03, 2004, 10:40:20 AM »

Nice to see that these embarassing situations don't just happen to your flatlander inlaws.  Alas I venture to guess that the great splinter episode was not caught on camera just like the great fall at my graduation ceremony.  Will we ever win that 100K from America's funniest videos or will the grandchildren have to  suffer through public institutions of higher learning like Dad?

Did you actually eat the Pigs in the Blanket while Maryann finished up the extraction of lumber or were they cooled off by the time you got to them.

Told Lynn I thought maybe the Hazmat Team ought to go standby at the fair all weekend as I would assume Toby Keith was a higher profile target for the terrorists than Phish was, she is not sure the VSP would buy it.

See you soon, and you might want to try an extra pillow in your Lazyboy if your derriere is still a might tender.

Your wise ass son-inlaw.
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