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: Sexting Case Rocks Milton High School Community  ( 2947 )
Hero Member
: 15235

« : March 04, 2011, 07:28:49 AM »

This is mighty close to The Fairfax Community and I would hope that our local teenagers take this as a warning.  Channel 5 has a video on this at:

There is also a write-up there that you can read if you wish besides the video.

Henry Raymond
Sr. Member
: 280

« #1 : March 05, 2011, 08:54:12 AM »

Not happening here in Fairfax! 

You would be surprised at how many Parents do NOT perform a "cell phone" audit which consist of putting you hand out and saying "cell phone audi!"at anytime.    As a Parent you should review what was sent, what was received and what Photo's are being taken.   if you don't know how to use the cell phone .... ask you child to demonstrate to you the last 5-10 calls that they made SLOWLY and the last 5-10 calls that they had received and photo's taken!    It is very easy to gather the information to see if the cell phone is being used appropriately.  That is the ONLY way a child should be allow to have a cell phone.

 It must be policed by the Parents before it is used in a Court Hearing!
Jr. Member
: 55

« #2 : March 05, 2011, 09:42:17 AM »

"As a Parent you should review what was sent, what was received and what Photo's are being taken.   if you don't know how to use the cell phone .... ask you child to demonstrate to you the last 5-10 calls that they made SLOWLY and the last 5-10 calls that they had received and photo's taken!    It is very easy to gather the information to see if the cell phone is being used appropriately."

I love this!  In my line of work, cel phones are often a large part of the "problems" because they are seen as "private" by the child. Taking control from the very start, as is suggested above, sends a very clear and caring message to kids.  I have many young clients who repeatedly tell me that they need/ want direction.  They may not always like it, but they appreciate it and are comforted knowing that the adults in their life care about them. They do not see it as an invasion of privacy when it is done correctly and consistently. Great suggestion Mummy.

To the above, I would only add, check the text messages too, not just the calls placed.
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