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: News from Montpelier 2020 COVID-19 recess week 3  ( 2006 )
Sr. Member
: 270

« : April 03, 2020, 01:16:06 PM »

House leadership and the Rules Committees continue to determine a path forward for the use of remote voting on legislation deemed necessary in this crisis. Daily updates from the Speaker keep members informed of that progress.

The Transportation Committee held several remote meetings this week. Through those sessions the Committee was able to have the Agency’s redrafted H.942 (the Transportation bill) and S.339 (the miscellaneous DMV bill) presented. The Administration’s expertise was offered through testimony from Agency personnel and fiscal analysts. Legislative staff also testified to and answered questions on the language and financial details of the remaining and retooled sections. The biggest challenge for everyone in this COVID-19 crisis is how to plan when many of the tools used in the planning process are non-functional. The problem is evolving into two areas for response. The first is to mitigate the effect of the crisis on FY20 which ends June 30, 2020. This is being done by relaxing renewal deadlines and offering online application for services as well as other actions by the Agency and making amendments to state statute as necessary to permit these. The second is to revisit the legislations that were drafted for FY21 (H.942 and S.339) and determine what must be included and how the funding sources will support what is deemed necessary. The impact of the crisis on the fiscal forecast is grim.

Information on what members of the public can do to stay well and contribute to the COVID-19 response is best accessed through the websites posted on the Legislative www.legislature.vermont.gov   and State www.vermont.gov homepages. The Legislative link provides information and links to the various committee meetings as well as documents referenced during the meetings. The State link provides access to the separate Agencies as well as current updates from the Administration. The Governor has asked for anyone willing to volunteer in this crisis, to register using the link on the State website www.vermont.gov/volunteer .

The Agency of Commerce and Community Development has resources available to provide financial assistance and guidance for businesses, individuals and communities on their website www.accd.vermont.gov . A recommendation of the Health department is to make sure to get outdoors for vitamin D and exercise as well as the mental balm it can provide. The Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources has requested physical distancing guidelines be used even when outdoors and to respect areas that are designated closed for maintenance or the annual mud season. Use during this time can cause serious harm to the trails. Information on park and trail status is available at www.fpr.vermont.gov. It is also requested that the advantage of living in a beautiful state be exercised and travel to any area be restricted to about a ten minute drive from home.

I offer my deep gratitude to each and every one of you who are being cautious in contact but taking care of and serving our community. I can be contacted at bmurphy@leg.state.vt.us or 802-849-6545
Jr. Member
: 65

« #1 : April 10, 2020, 09:58:36 AM »

Thanks Barb!
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