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Messages - ohhman

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Current News & Events / Re: Will a bond proposal ever be accepted by all?
« on: October 09, 2017, 12:34:31 PM »
So I ask, will new additions that people are proud to work in bring a better educational value for our students? Many agree there are renovations needed, but to come before voters in such a quick way, not getting the word out until after their 2nd public meeting when the mailing reached most but not all Fairfax voters, and when the state has already said there is no funding there or at the federal level and the state has recently said there will be an 8% increase in education tax across the state, is it really needed for the whole plan to be set forth?  Guess there are many that disagree. Our town could potentially be faced with a 20% increase with the bond proposal, the state tax increase and the increase that will happen come March.

Current News & Events / Re: School taxes to increase ( Vt Digger)
« on: October 04, 2017, 12:45:22 PM »
Yikes!! I hope all Fairfax voters see these and really think about the impact this will have if the proposed bond vote goes through.  So, the lowest tax increase stated here along with the lowest bond vote increase still brings us up to a potential increase of 18% and that is still not including our March school increase.

Current News & Events / Re: Yup!! Henry Empey Is My Grandson
« on: October 02, 2017, 12:23:00 PM »
Congrats!! GODSPEED to him and all those who serve!

Current News & Events / Re: BFA Renovation Estimate Breakout
« on: September 29, 2017, 12:32:09 PM »
For all concerned, there was a warning on the vote in the Messenger; there are NO funds available for this other than what will come out of our pockets from taxes. Think hard & long. Estimates of what the tax increase means has been based on  150k homes with the lower end of the increase given.  Many homes are appraised at more than that.  Also, do not forget when town meeting roll around in March, we will surely see another increase from the school, as is expected and is usually voted for.  Along with an increase in town, we could be paying much higher taxes.  With all that is happening in other areas as far as teacher contracts, well, guess you never know when that issue occurs here what will happen.

I wonder if this question will ever be answered??  I have read a few posts on facebook from someone whom has requested this information from the Dept. of Ed. He has gotten some very enlightening information.  Mary Kay, do you have access to those letters?? maybe we can ask for that information to be shared here?

Current News & Events / Re: BFA Renovation Estimate Breakout
« on: September 22, 2017, 01:22:32 PM »
Thanks for the breakdown, but YIKES. Think they need to go back to the drawing board. Needs....Wants......  Hopefully voters take warning, see how much the state will actually be paying as we have been told they will be paying for this & maybe this should be scaled way back & not pushed through so quickly.  Because an answer given was "so they can break ground in March" rather than waiting is not a reasonable answer, ground can be broke when everyone has had a fair chance to be made aware of this plan.

Excellent letter!  Bump!!

Excellent letter.  Bump!!

Current News & Events / Re: Fairfax Examining Act 46 Options
« on: May 01, 2017, 12:20:09 PM »
I would like to know what types of experiences the committee has had with tech programs?  Have they or their children been a part of Essex or Burlington Tech? MKR this is the question you asked, & though I put it in my last post, I am on the committee & I just wanted to say all 3 of my sons went to CTE, all in different career choices & I am very proud to say all 3 of them still are in the profession they started with @ CTE! Well, 1 went to a specific area taught by building trades, but nonetheless, I have a chef, a plumber & a cosmetologist all thanks to the wonderful, skilled directions of their teachers @ CTE.  And going back much further, I went to Burlington tech and I am still in the Early Ed career! 
Watchman: I so agree that not all value tech students the same as others; but funny thing..... where do so many of those people go??? Well, out to eat, call on plumbers when they have no water or heat, get their hair done & well, even drop kids off to me to do so! 
Please people, be informed!! Next meeting is this Thursday, May 4 in the FACS room...follow signs!

Current News & Events / Re: Fairfax Examining Act 46 Options
« on: April 26, 2017, 12:26:08 PM »
Glad conversation is finally starting on this! I agree with MKR, our kids have excelled @ our current tech centers & I mentioned at our last meeting I took offense to the remark made once again, that we send lots of $$$ & our students & we never hear anything from CTE. I took offense as my 3 sons all went there & the communication with teachers & how they treated our students was excellent. They are not just money or a number when it comes to the teachers...they are individual important human beings that the teachers are doing their best to have them achieve their highest skills.  MKR you have brought up many questions that I have~teachers being hired back to what cost here, it has been stated bringing in more programs here, again, to what cost & possiblility of here being a "satellite" for Maple Run, again to what cost, yet no response, because surely it is not known but, surely it is an added cost so that will take away the "cost savings".  The other issue...the bus ride: we were told @ 1 meeting our kids were on the bus 3 hrs; that I question having attended Burlington tech, growing up there many years ago, so then the time went to 1.5-2 hrs one way, nope, still doubtful, & then this was settled as a student came to the meeting last time & yes, they are on the bus : 1 hour down when dropping kids off @ CTE & 45min back.  So there was a bit of an exaggeration there!  I still say & will stand strong to say, we can propose the "alternative structure" yet we do not need to add a change in tech centers as part of "the package".  And yes, it has been stated that kids can go to Enosburg.  So, please come & be a voice, be informed.  Meetings are the 1st Thursday of the month & the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Current News & Events / Re: Fairfax Examining Act 46 Options
« on: April 24, 2017, 12:16:42 PM »
I sure wish when the Messenger writes an article, they would keep their facts straight. 

There are a few things here they have reported wrong, such as # of Fairfax students~ we were told there was 725 plus Fletcher students that brings the # to 877;
the cost savings~ we were told a cost savings was over a 6 semester time frame;

Tthe 2 students currently enrolled @ NWTC we were told are both in a fire tech program;

We had not yet reached out to Essex as stated~that was just brought up this past meeting;

The committee meets the 1st Thursday of the month & the 3rd Wednesday of the month. 

They need to give fair reporting as not all are for this proposal~that of changing tech centers, for many solid reasons.

Also, they should check spelling & correct names. 
So I guess what I am saying, please do not rely on the news for information.

Please come to the meetings, see what is happening, ask questions, lend support, voice your opinions to be part of the solution for what is best for all.

Next meeting is THURSDAY  May 4 in the old FACS room.... follow the signs. Thanks!

Lost & Found Animals / Re: Found kitten - Nichols Rd
« on: February 07, 2017, 09:24:20 AM »
If no one claims it, can you post it here?  Maybe we can have it adopted out?

General Discussion / Re: Dragging these new trash Bins to the main road?
« on: February 07, 2017, 09:22:55 AM »
Granted we see the big bins everywhere, but is it better to see trash strewn across driveways & the roads after critters have ripped bags apart? There are a few apartments on Main hill that still either do not have or are not using the bins & every Tues pm/ Wed am, the trash is stacked/strewn across the front of the building in the road.  Just asking what looks better.  I am fine with shoveling my bins out & walking up the drive to put them for pickup, recycle only goes up when 3/4 full, & then walking them back down.  Look at it as our workout routine  :-)

Upcoming School Events / act 46 Merger Meeting TONIGHT!
« on: October 13, 2016, 07:36:00 AM »

BFA/GEMS/FES Act 46 Update

« on: October 03, 2016, 11:05:42 AM »
Reply with quote 

To our neighbors in Fairfax, Fletcher and Georgia,

We are reaching out as school board members and community volunteers who have been
working together in response to the passing of Act 46. We have been meeting twice a month
since January to explore the best options for our communities, and we have narrowed it down to
pursuing one of two final courses of action, which may require your vote this coming Town
Meeting Day.

The idea behind Act 46 is to merge smaller districts into larger districts which can contribute to
stable budgets and can help to equalize education for children throughout Vermont. The state
has given guidelines for preferred structures to become a supervisory district, including a
minimum requirement of 900 students, which none of our districts in the Franklin West
Supervisory Union currently meet. This committee has worked through nearly a dozen different
scenarios and has come to settle on these final two:

Alternate Structure: Fletcher and Fairfax merge into one PreK-12 school district;
Georgia stays as its own K-8 school district with high school choice
Fairfax and Fletcher would merge to become one school district. The key points of this
merger would be a) one school board with members from both towns b) one school
budget that both towns vote on c) the district will still have two elementary school
campuses d) and Fletcher students will attend Fairfax Middle School and Bellows Free
Academy Fairfax.

Although Georgia does not meet the suggested number of 900 students, they are
suggesting they are large enough (with over 860) to remain their own school district. If
Georgia’s proposal is accepted, it would be “taken under advisement”. This means
Georgia would still be susceptible to a merger with another district that does not meet the
state structural requirements if the state deems this necessary when statewide
restructuring is finalized in 2018. This merger could not take away Georgia’s high school
choice, but it could force Georgia to share a budget and board with another district that is
also PreK-8.

Georgia would submit this proposal alongside that of the Fletcher/Fairfax merger with the
hopes of remaining in the Franklin West Supervisory Union - meaning that Georgia would
continue to share in the cost for and services of the superintendent, curriculum
coordinator, special education services, financial services, etc.
It is important to note that in this scenario, Fletcher and Fairfax would only merge if both
towns voted in favor of this individually during a general election. Georgia would not need
to vote, but would simply fill out the lengthy application to be considered as an alternative

Unification: Fletcher, Fairfax and Georgia merge into one PreK-12 school district
The key points of this merger would be a) one school board with members from all three
towns b) one school budget that all three towns vote on c) the district will continue to use
the three elementary school campuses and two middle school campuses d) a new union
high school would be built that all three towns attend
The first step in this proposal was for the committee to look at the financial feasibility of
building a high school that could serve our towns if we merged into one school district.
When pooling the budget for BFA Fairfax with the tuition money that Fletcher and Georgia
send out each year, we would be able to cover the cost of an appropriate bond for the
construction of this school and the operating costs - we crunched some numbers, we sent
them to an engineering firm to check our work, and we felt confident enough to continue
moving forward and exploring the pros and cons of such a venture.
It is important to note that in this scenario, all three districts would need to vote in favor of
unification for it to move forward.

Both of these proposals carry their own unique risks and rewards, which are worthy of sharing
with you - the members of our community. The Act 46 Study Committee would like to welcome
all members of Fairfax, Fletcher and Georgia to attend our meeting on Thursday, October 13th
in the GEMS Library at 5:30. Our two subcommittees will be giving presentations on the details
involved in each proposal, and we will also take this opportunity to engage in public discussion
and answer questions.  It is also an opportunity to become informed voters when you face a decision (as necessary) in
the spring of 2017.

We hope you will plan to attend,
The Franklin Supervisory Union Act 46 Study Committee

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Re: BFA/GEMS/FES Act 46 Update

« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 09:12:22 AM »
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BUMP!!!!! This Thursday, 5:30 pm, (if you need to arrive late, that is OK!!), at the Georgia school.  Please come, listen, be informed & ask questions.


Current News & Events / Re: BFA/GEMS/FES Act 46 Update
« on: October 11, 2016, 08:12:22 AM »
BUMP!!!!! This Thursday, 5:30 pm, (if you need to arrive late, that is OK!!), at the Georgia school.  Please come, listen, be informed & ask questions.

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