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Topics - greenek

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Minor roof repairs
« on: April 02, 2015, 08:42:29 PM »
A piece of trim blew off our roof recently. I have the piece of trim but I'm looking for someone to reattach it.

Any suggestions would be welcome.



BFA Sports Events / Little league flower sale?
« on: May 14, 2014, 06:09:36 AM »
We usually buy flowers through the little league but haven't seen any notices yet this year. One of our neighbors who had sons in little league moved out of town last year.

Is it too late to place an order?



General Discussion / Snack survey in Fairfax?
« on: June 25, 2011, 02:13:05 PM »
Someone just stopped by the house, carrying a basket of cookies, crackers and chips. 1 of them handed the basket to my wife and wanted to know if he could come in and take a survey. My wife advised them that she was busy. There were 2 men in total, 1 who stayed in a green mini-van with Vermont plates and 1 who came to the door. They left and kept going.

As they did not identify who they were representing, or display any identification, it seemed suspicious.

Curious if they stopped by anywhere else.


Announcements / Free lawnmower
« on: October 23, 2010, 12:20:38 PM »
The engine on my Crafstman push mower died. I'm not handy with engines, so I bought a new one to replace it. Anyone who is handy with engines, is welcome to it. The mower is about 10 years old. Located in the village area.

E-mail to greenek2004@yahoo.com if interested.


We have lived in Fairfax for about 18 months, and are curious if there is a general rule or process regarding a street being visible on search tools such as GPS or MapQuest. When people from out of town ask for directions, I advise them not to use their GPS, and I give them the directions via e-mail or verbally.

We own a place in the Fairfax Green deveiopment, on Old Academy Street. I understand that since the development is not complete with a final coat applied on the road, that it has not been turned over to the town yet. Would that be a reason?

I assume that even though our street doesn't exist on Mapquest that it is still a valid E911 location? I know that when we called to initiate phone service at our house, Verizon had to call the town hall, to verify that our number was a valid location. Verizon said that it pertained to E911.

Not a complaint, just curious. -;)



Current News & Events / Awareness of local fund raising activity
« on: December 21, 2008, 12:11:40 PM »
My wife & I are fairly new to town. This year we will be celebrating our 2nd Christmas here in Fairfax. Looking outside at the snow falling, with no projected warm weather over the next few days, it looks like we will definitely have a white Christmas!

When our son was growing up, we were always very supportive of local fund raising activities, whether it was a little league bottle drive, Girl Scout cookies or Boy Scouts selling popcorn. We were aware of those activities in our community as our son was a member of Cub Scouts and little league. It seemed like we were well connected with local groups, and their fund raising activities. It seemed like our son was always bringing things home from school, letting us know of different events going on in town.

Since our son is grown and off on his own, we don't have the same connection with school, therefore, we don't get the same visibility to fund raising activities.

I do try to read the Fairfax News, although sometime it is gone by the time I get to the store. I also keep current with the Forum here, which is a wealth of information.

I got to thinking about this as I was looking for snacks to have while watching football this afternoon. I found a near empty container of Trail's End popcorn, which we had purchased a couple of years ago from a former co-worker. Her son was in scouts, and was selling popcorn, and Trail's End was one of our favorites. Since it is just the 2 of us, it takes a while to go through popcorn. -;)

Earlier this year, my wife & I intended on buying plants at the little league plant sale. When we got there, we saw signs up along the outfield, identifying plant types reseved for pre-orders.  I know that there were some plants available for those who didn't pre-order, but it didn't have the right number and type of plants that we were interested in. We wound up getting our plants next door, at J&L, so we still bought local. We weren't aware that you were supposed to pre-order plants, as we don't have anyone in little league.

Sorry for rambling, but I am just looking at another way of supporting the local community. There are children in our neighborhood, but I assume that none of them are in scouts or little league.


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